Riyaz - psych - Flashcards
Are STM and LTM the same memory systems when primacy and recency effects portray different results?
Short term memory and long term memory are seperate memory systems when there is a difference between the primacy effect and recency effect
What is Proactive interference?
Proactive interference - interference of previously stored memory (LTM) with the ability to learn new information
What is Social Stratification?
What is Social Reproduction?
What is Institutional Discrimination?
What is Cultural Relativism?
Social Stratification - objective heirarchy in a society more specifically the class based heirarchy.
Social Reproduction - perpetuation of inequality through social institutions
Institutional Discrimination - Discrimination stemming from institutional culture or policies (rather than individual action)
Cultural Relativism - is the evaluation of another culture based on that cultures standards.
What is Confirmation bias?
Confirmation Bias - tendency to favor information that confirms existing belief.
What is an organization?
Organization - group with an identifiable membership that engages in concerted action to achieve common purpose.
Passing of laws is political mobilization or legal change.
What is the Conflict Theory?
Conflict theory - emphasizes social relations of capital, power, and status as driving forces in society.
What is Anomie?
Anomie - refers to a lack of social norms, which leads to a breakdown in the connection between an individual and their community
Gardners Intelligence - People have 8 different intelligence
Spearmans Intelligence - One intelligence affects others
Gardners Intelligence - People have 8 different intelligence
Spearmans Intelligence - One intelligence affects others
What is the James-Lange Theory of emotion?
Canon-Bard Theory of Emotion?
Two Factor Theory?
James-Lange Theory of Emotion- physiological arousal precedes the experiencing of emotions.
Canon-Bard Theory - Physiological arousal and emotions are experienced simultaneously
Two Factor Theory - brings in cognitive upraisal
Define Socialization? Assimilation? Discrimination? Stratification?
Socialization- is the process of internalizing the norms and ideologies of society.
Assimilation- is the process by which immigrants or minority groups take up aspects of mainstream culture
Discrimination- Is a behavior based upon prejudice
Stratification- objective position within a social heirarchy
Look out for NOT and EXCEPT questions
Look out for NOT and EXCEPT questions
Read the experiment thoroughly.
Read the experiment thoroughly.
Read the experiment thoroughly.
Read the experiment thoroughly.
Correlation does not equal causation
Correlation does not equal causation
What are the types of memory?
Implicit Memory - Aquired unconscious memory and broken into two categories, priming or procedural memory
Explicit Memory - Acquired conscious memory, broken into two categories 1) episodic - specific personal events and their contents 2)Semantic Memory - General knowledge about the world
Working memory - part of short-term memory that is concerned with immediate conscious perceptual and linguistic processing.
Use process of illimination reasoning out the wrong choices and most likely immigrants will have difficulty with social integreation.
Use process of illimination reasoning out the wrong choices and most likely immigrants will have difficulty with social integreation.
Cones- More involved in color vision
and the fovea is where most of the cones are concentrated in the eye
Cones- More involved in color vision
and the fovea is where most of the cones are concentrated in the eye
Dont rush through the choices and double check answer choices if extra time
Dont rush through the choices and double check answer choices if extra time
Read question stem carefully and eliminate answer choices which make no sense
Read question stem carefully and eliminate answer choices which make no sense
Difference between projection and reaction formation?
Projection- projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings
reaction formation - tendency of a repressed wish or feeling to be expressed at a conscious level in a contrasting form.
Social constructionism - group effort to create something.
Social constructionism - group effort to create something.
Difference between serial position effect and spreading activation?
“Read Questions carefully and look for the answer that relates to where the question is asking in the paragraph
Spreading Activation - When a concept is activated, the activation spreads to related concepts.
Depth of Processing - type of attention applied to words during encoding
Serial Position effect - improved memory for words at the beginning and at the end of a list
Visuospatial sketchpad - subcomponent of working memory”
What is spatial memory? How does categorical bias affect it?
“Spatial memory: is that part of the memory responsible for the recording of information about one’s environment and spatial orientation.
Categorical Bias - Worldly knowledge on categories affects people judgements on distance, it also affects spacial memory. The older you get the knowledge of categories increases”
Piagets theory of cognitive development?
“Piagets Theory of Cognitive development:
1) Sensorymotor stage: Birth-2yrs infants and toddlers acquire knowledge through sensory experiences and manipulating objects
2) Preoperational stage: 2-7, it is the emergence of language that is one of the major hallmarks of the preoperational stage of development. Children become much more skilled at pretend play during this stage of development. They struggle with logic and taking the point of view of other people.
3) Concrete Operational Stage: 7-11, become much more adept at using logic.They begin to understand the concept of conservation; that the amount of liquid in a short, wide cup is equal to that in a tall, skinny glass,
4) Formal Operational Stage - 12 and up, the ability to use deductive reasoning, and an understanding of abstract ideas. At this point, people become capable of seeing multiple potential solutions to problems and think more scientifically about the world around themthink more about moral, philosophical, ethical, social, and political issues that require theoretical and abstract reasoning.”
Difference between behavioral theory, Psychodynamic theory, Trait theory and humanisitc theory?
“Behavioral theory - theory of learning based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. Behaviorists believe that our responses to environmental stimuli shape our actions.
Psychodynamic Theory - psychological forces that underlie human behavior, feelings, and emotions and how they might relate to early experience. It is especially interested in the dynamic relations between conscious motivation and unconscious motivation.
Trait Theory - is an approach to the study of human personality. Trait theorists are primarily interested in the measurement of traits, which can be defined as habitual patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion
Humanistic Theory - That all people have a potential of free will to develop highest potential to do things through self actualization”
Difference between conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus?
“Conditioned stimulus - a previously neutral stimulus without a ucs gives a CR or a UCR.
Unconditioned stimulus- Normal stimulus that causes a change in physiological change in the body which called a unconditioned response. “
Difference between negative punishment and postive punishment and discriminatory stimuli?
“Discriminatory stimuli - Where behavior is reinforced in the presence of a particular stimuli.
Positive punisher - is when you add a something unpleasant to stop a behavior
negative punisher - when you take away something pleasant to stop a behavior”
Difference between affective processes and cognitive processes?
“Affective processes - an be defined as the general psychological state of an individual, including but not limited to emotions and mood, within a given situation.
Cognitive processes - acquiring knowledge through our thoughts, experiences, and senses. interpretation of our bodily responses”
what is in direct contact with eye?
Cornea is in direct contact with eyelid
what kind of receptors are hair cells of the cochlea?
Hair cells of the cochlea are mechanoreceptors
What is the actor-observor bias?
Actor -Observor Bias - actors attribute their own behavior to situational factors, where as the observors attribute the actors behavior to dispositional factors.