Rivers Flashcards
What is a drainage basin?
The area surrounding the river where the rain falling on the land flows into that river
What is the watershed?
The boundary of a drainage basin - any precipitation falling beyond the watershed enters a different drainage basin
What are the inputs of a drainage basin?
What are the stores of a drainage basin?
1) Interception - When some precipitation lands on vegetation or other structures before it reaches the soil. Interception is only temporary as the collected water evaporates quickly
2) Vegetation storage - water taken up by plants
3) Surface storage - water in puddles, ponds, lakes etc.
4) Groundwater storage - water stored in the ground, either in the soil or in rocks.
5) Channel storage - water held in a river or stream channel
What are the flows and processes of a drainage basin?
1) Surface run-off - Water flowing over the land. It can flow over the whole surface or in little channels.
2) Throughfall - water dripping from one plant part to another
3) Stemflow - water running down a plant stem or tree trunk
4) Throughflow - Water moving slowly downhill through the soil
5) Infiltration - water soaking into the soil
6) Percolation - water seeping down through the soil into the water table
7) Groundwater flow - Water flowing slowly below the water table through permeable rock
8) Baseflow - Groundwater flow that feeds into rivers
9) Interflow - water flowing downhill through permeable rock above the water table
10) Channel flow - the water flowing in the river or stream itself.
What are the outputs of a drainage basin?
1) Evaporation - Water turning into water vapour
2) Transpiration - Evaporation from plant leaves
3) Evapotranspiration - Evaporation and transpiration together
4) River flow
What is river discharge?
The volume of water flowing in a river per second
What is river discharge affected by?
1) Precipitation - The more precipitation, the higher the discharge
2) Hot weather - The higher the temperature, the lower the discharge because there is more evaporation
3) Removal of water lowers the discharge
What is peak discharge?
Highest point on the graph, when the river discharge is at its highest
What is lag time?
The delay between peak rainfall and peak discharge. This delay happens because it takes time for the rainwater to flow into the river
What is the rising limb?
The part of the graph up to peak discharge. The river discharge increases as rainwater flows into the river
What is the falling limb?
The part of the graph after peak discharge. Discharge is decreasing as less water is flowing into the river.
What does a shallow falling limb show?
Water is flowing from stores long after it has stopped raining
What physical features affect lag time and peak discharge?
1) Larger drainage basins collect more water so have a higher peak discharge, but it takes longer for the precipitation to reach the river so they have longer lag times
2) Steep sided drainage basins have shorter lag times
3) Circular basins - All points on the watershed are roughly the same distance to the point of discharge measurement. This means lots of water will reach the river at the same time, increasing peak discharge
4) Basins with lots of streams have shorter lag times
5) If the ground is waterlogged infiltration is reduced and surface run-off increases, this reduces lag time
6) Rock type - impermeable rocks dont allow infiltration so lag time is reduced
7) Soil type - Sandy soils - lots of infiltration - longer lag time
- Clay soils - low infiltration - shorter lag time
8) Vegetation - more vegetation increases lag time and reduces peak discharge
9) Precipitation - Intense rain will increase peak discharge. Snow can melt in summer giving it a huge lag time
10) Temperature - hot, dry conditions or cold, freezing conditions create hard ground, reduces lag time increases peak discharge
High temperatures can increase evapotranspiration, reducing peak discharge
What is the amount of water already present in a drainage basin called?
Antecedent moisture
What human activities affect hydro-graphs?
Urban areas often covered with impermeable materials such as concrete. Increasing peak discharge and reducing lag time
Drains increasing peak discharge and reduces lag time as water flows into river before it can evaporate of infiltrate.
What is headward erosion?
Makes the river longer, happens near the source when water enters the river channel it erodes the river ‘backwards’
What is vertical erosion?
Deepens the river channel. Happens at the upper stages of the river
What is lateral erosion?
Makes the river wider. Happens in middle and upper stages.
What are the 5 main ways erosion happens?
Hydraulic action - The pressure of the water breaks rock particles away from the bed and banks. Its strongest in rapids and waterfalls, and during floods.
Abrasion - Eroded pieces of rock in the water scrape against the bed and banks, removing material. Most erosion of river beds and bank happen this way
Attrition - Eroded rocks smash into each other and break into smaller fragments. Attrition doesn’t erode the bed and banks - it just makes the particles in the river smaller and more rounded
Cavitation - Air bubbles in turbulent stretches of water implode creating shock waves they break rock off the banks and bed
Corrosion - Dissolving of rick by chemical processes. CO2 dissolves in water to form a weak acid, which reacts with some rocks to break them down.
What are the 4 main ways transportation happens?
1) Solution - Substances that can dissolve are carried along in the water
2) Suspension - Very fine material carried in water (suspended) this is how most material is transported
3) Saltation - larger particles are too heavy to be carried in suspension so they bounce along the river bed
4) Traction - very large particles are pushed along the river bed
What is material transported by traction or saltation called?
The rivers bedload
Why does a river deposit its load?
1) Reduced rainfall causes lower discharge which means that the river slows down
2) Increased evaporation or abstraction (taking water out of a river for human use) reduces discharge
3) Friction e.g. in shallow areas, causes the river to slow down, losing energy
4) When the river is forced to slow down e.g. before a narrow section, the river slows down and loses energy
5) A lot of energy is lost when the river meets the sea
What is the capacity of a river?
The total load that a river can carry at a given point
What is meant by a rivers competence?
The maximum particle size that a river can transport at a given point
What does a long profile show you?
How the gradient of a river changes from source to mouth by showing the height of the river bed above the base level for the whole length of the river.
What is the base level?
The lowest point that a river can erode to (usually sea level)