East Devon Flashcards
What are the causes of East Devon’s ageing population?
1) Better health care - longer life expectancy
2) Internal migration - older people retire to East Devon
3) Life expectancy - Males - 78
- Females - 83
4) Young people move away from East Devon
What are the impacts of East Devon’s ageing population?
1) Elderly dependency ratio - 27.6%
2) Average age of people buying house is 34
3) 1 bus per week in some parts of East Devon - number 31 to Weymouth
4) £215 billion pounds spent by older people
5) Voluntary work
How has East Devon managed its ageing population?
1) McCarthy and Stone building retirement homes - Minster court retirement apartments.
2) Build houses to suit older people e.g. hip height plugs, CCTV, care-line
3) Swimming pools subsidised by government to keep older people fit so they wont need as much health care
4) Facilities e.g. age UK community centre help keep people socially and mentally healthy
5) Buttercup bus ring and ride (NGO)