RITE Images 2005 Flashcards

Adamantinous craniopharyngioma; “wet” keratin

Healed toxoplasmosis – multiple calcified lesions in brain B cerebral hemispheres & cerebellum @ G/W junction; AIDS pt

X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy

Lesion involving the vascular territory of the anterior (superior) branches of the MCA
Cytotoxic edema -> vasogenic edema

Ulegyria / cortical necrosis w/ gliosis @ depth of the sulci
Seen in perinatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy –
Pt w/ clumsy hands that worsened w/ age

MLD metachromatic leukodystrophy – white matter demyelination that spares subcortical U-fibers

Tabes dorsalis

Lafora body – myoclonic epilepsy

Graves ophthalmopathy – MRI shows enlarged EOM

Colloid cyst of 3rd ventricle

Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma – can be seen in Tuberous Sclerosis

SDH -> no need for further testing à craniotomy

Cyclopia – alobar holoprosencephaly
Cyclopia occurs w/ midline cleavage defects & clefting of the lip or the palate is usually also present

Hypertensive hemorrhage

Benign rolandic epilepsy

Germinoma – most common pineal region tumor

Colloid cyst

Mammilary bodies congested & discolored -> thiamine deficiency
Wernicke’s encephalopathy

Loculated encapsulated epidural abscess
Sagittal T1 show loculated fluic collection in posterior epidural space extending several levels in mid thoracic spine; SAS compressed à epidural space

Locus ceruleus -> NE

NCS - Temporal dispersion, Conduction block & slow conduction -> CIDP

Epidural hematoma

Heterotopic gray matter


ALS - corticospinal tracts &

Initial positivity is the onset latency for terminal conduction velocity measures

DNET – dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor -> do surgery

B necrosis of GP -> Carbon Monoxide Intoxication

Hemorrhage in brain stem, temporal lobes & cerebellar vermis

Intracranial hypotension 2ndary to persistent cerbrospinal fluid leak - meningeal enhancement

Germinal matrix Hemorrhage – complication of premature birth
I – localized to germinal matrix only
II – ruptured into ventricle
III – “ + ventircular dilatation
IV – “ ruptured into ventricular system & cerebral parenchyma

GBM – CLOSED RING of enhancement

Negri bodies – intracytoplasmic inclusions
Seen in Rabies

Child w/ CHF -> venous great vein of galen aneurysm

Herniated disc

Tumors that can affect pituitary- glioma

Porencephalic cyst

Complicated atherosclerosis b/c of plaque ulcerations

Neuritic plaques – histologic criteria for making dx of AD

Meningioma – intradural extramedullary mass
Ependymoma, astrocytoma & hemangioblastoma are INTRAmedullary lesions

Toxoplasmosis – lots of edema out of proportion to lesion size
w/ contrast -> see ring enhancement
What clinical finding would you expect?

Lesion in CN4 -> superior oblique weakness -> diplopia

Dandy Walker Malformation –
Enlarged posterior fossa
Missing vermis, 4th ventricle connecting w/ cisterna magna

Anterior chiasm lesion - Optic nerve lesion extending posteriorly to involve the anterior chiasm - temporal field defect in contralateral eye

Clivus chordoma – mixed signal destructive mass invovling the clivus & nasopharynx
3rd & 4th decades
Males > Females
>1/2 arise in or adjacent to body of sphenoid bone

Anoxic injury of GP (see repeat image on R w/ bright GP)
Cerebral atrophy & enlarged CSF spaces
“CHAMWA”– carbon monoxide poisoning, hypoglycemia, AIDS, Meningitis, Wilson’s

Thrombosis of superior sagittal sinus & deep cerebral veins
B nearly symmetric, parasagittal, cortical & BG venous infarctions

Balo’s concentric sclerosis – OPEN ring -> demyelinating d/o
demyelinated tissues form concentric layers

Mural nodule - cystic astrocytoma
**If in cord or posterior fossa -> hemangioblastoma

30’s – 40’s – seizures
If smoker w/ lung mass -> metastatic lung CA
Male w/ posterior fossa -> medulloblastoma

Pituitary adenoma

Leigh’s disease – bright symmetric BG & brain stem

String of beads – Fibromuscular Dysplasia (FMD)
1/3 assoc w/ aneurysms

Hamartoma in tuber cinereum
Pt w/ precocious puberty

Neurofibrillary tangles – intraneuronal intracytoplasmic inclusion composed of paired helical filaments
Can be seen in Pick, PSP, Down’s, Parkinson dementia complex of Guam, post-encephalitic Parkinsonism

Subacute AIDS – diffuse high signal intensity throughout all of the white matter

Perivascular pseudorosettes - ependymoma

Thrombosed superior sagittal sinus – flow void
Signal intensity of the thrombus over time has the same evolution pattern as intracerebral hematomas

Aspergillosis - -> can lead to hemorrhagic infarctions

Axonal spheroids – “shear injury” – pts are rendered immediately unconscious w/ trauma ->chronic “closed head injury”

Chari I malformation

No MCA trunk


Toxoplasmosis – tachyzoites & cysts containing bradyzoites

Agenesis of corpus callosum

Severe multicystic encephalomalacia due to intrauterine hypoxia/ischemia – formation of cysts reflects cavitation which is the end stage of maturation of infarcts

HSV – encephalomalacia in B temporal lobes
L has cystic change & tissue loss

wedge shaped area of dorsolateral portion of medulla -> PICA infarct; occlusion of vertebral artery


Wilson’s disease – putamen & thalami

Sleep spindles – thought to be generated by the reticular thalamic nucleus

Centronuclear myopathy

Pompe’s disease – acid maltase deficiency
Severe vacuolar myopathy due to extensive glycogen storage

B medial temporal cortical dysplasia

Schizencephaly w/ septo optic dysplasia
Not porencephalic cyst b/c this would be lined by white matter NOT gray matter as shown here

B frontal contusions w/ slight orange tinge 2ndary to presence of residual hemosiderin-laden macrophages
Olfactory nerves jacked -> anosmia


Anterior cavum septum pellucidum

Periventricular areas of demyelination -> MS

Flaky keratin -> epidermoid cysts

GBM – closed ring w/ enhancement

Abnormal hyperintensity filling the vein of Galen & straight sinus (instead of normal flow void expected) ->
thrombus in vein of Galen & straight sinus ->
hemorrhagic venous infarction in thalami

Canavan’s disease
- MLD – spares U-fibers*
- Adrenoleukodystroph – occipital & parietal regions*

Ragged Red Fibers
Kearns-Sayre myopathy
Which CN would be affected?

CN 7 would be affected b/c of erosion to stylomastoid foramen

Gliomatous infiltration of leptomeninges; leptomeningeal carcinomatosis?

Cystic hemangioblastoma
Cystic cerebellar hemispheric mass w/ enhancing mural nodule

Myokymic discharges
Can be associated w/ potassium channel antibodies

Methemoglobin – containing subacute clot in subdural space

C4-C5 most narrow portion of the cervical canal in this image

Cavernous angioma

CJD – spongiform changes
Mild to no atrophy of hippocampus

- *Friedreich’s ataxia** –
- *posterior columns & spinocerebellar tracts**
Cardiomyopathy + adult onset of DM
Dentatorubral – palliduloysian atrophy – thickening of skull
Gynecomastia & testicular atrophy – spinal & bulbar muscular atrophy

“tufted astrocytes” -> seen in PSP
(also see globoid neurofibrillary tangle)

Globoid neurofibrillary tangle – seen in SN, brainstem tegmentum, putamen, & select cortical areas
-> seen in PSP
(also see tufted astrocytes)

Kernicterus – infants who die w/ severe neonatal jaundice; see unconjugated bilirubin

Wilson’s disease
Kayser – Fleischer rings
Alzheimer type II metabolic astrocytes

Associated migraine HA
Anterior temporal damage
Family history - NOTCH 3 Gene, Chr 19

TPA & heparin must not be started simultaneously due to high risk of severe brain hemorrhage
DWI hyperintensity may persist for 2 months after stroke
Cytotoxic edema accounts for DWI not vasogenic edema
DWI can differentiate cytotoxic vs. vasogenic edema
