RIT Flashcards
The IRIT of no less than __ person crew should be established as soon as possible at all working fires or incidents requiring entry into immediately dangerous for life or health environments
The RIT team Will automatically dispatched when ___
On all code ones or whenever requested by the incident commander
What unit will be dispatched as a rapid intervention team
The closest four person fire suppression unit available
If you are the incident commander on a fire scene and there is no four person unit available for the rapid intervention team, what should be dispatched?
A rescue unit will be dispatched to augment the three person initial rapid intervention team
If there is no initial rapid intervention team assigned on the scene and no four person suppression unit available then_____
Two rescues will be dispatched to form the rapid intervention team. Page 26
When should the RIT kit SCBA bottle and mask regulator be checked
Daily during the apparatus daily check out then recorded in the station journal as part of the SCBA check out
When should the RIT kit inventory be verified and inspected
Weekly as part of the weekly apparatus equipment inventory inspection, then recorded in the station journal as part of the weekly apparatus inventory checkout
Who and when will inspect all breathing equipment checking air bottle, hoses, regulator, and mask assigned to the individual RIT bags
Air truck, annually
As a minimum what should the RIT team carry?
- Two radios turned to the incident tactical channel and to the mayday channel
- Thermal imaging unit
- RIT kit
the RIT shall be positioned at the command post unless the incident commander reassigned to another area, during high rise operations where could the team be positioned? Page 28
At a forward group/division
two floors below the fire
The RIT shall remain focused on the placement of crews through the monitoring of radio traffic and information found on the_________or___________
Incident command status board
Tactical worksheet
The RIT shall direct all communications through? Page 29
Incident commander
How shall the RIT be identified ? P29
RIT -1