Risk Management Flashcards
Risk Identification
Involves specification of all risks that may be encountered in areas of instruction, supervision, facilities, equipment contracts and business structure
Risk Evaluation
The PT must review each risk, with consideration given to the probability that the risk could occur and, if so, what would be the conceivable severity
Remove the possibility of danger and injury
Move the risk to others through waivers, insurance policies
Modify risks by removing or alternating part of the activity
There are risks that need to be retained, especially if the removal of the risk would eliminate a potential benefit (no risks will occur if exercise is eliminated but then no health benefits can occur)
Institute the plan
Continually assess the outcome of risk management endeavors
High or Vital
High or often :avoid
Medium or infrequent: avoid or transfer
Low or seldom: transfer
Medium or Significant
High or often: Avoid or transfer
Medium or infrequent: transfer, reduce or retain
Low or seldom: transfer, reduce or retain
Low or Insignificant