Rise of Dictatorship and Beginning of WW2 quiz Flashcards
Germany had Wardebt, war guilt, weak democratic position and economic problems
Post World War Problems Germany faced and how they contributed to rise of hitler
Born in Austria, Was in the German Army during WW1, wanted revenge from the treaty of Versaille and was a good public speaker
Background and characteristics of Adolf Hitler
radio, literature, painting, and film
Ways in which the Nazi party used propaganda to maintain total control over Germany
When Germany and Austria joined
A conference when France,Italy,Britain, and Germany met to discuss czechoslovakia. Germany would occupy the sudetenland and czechoslovakia would obtain parts of Poland and Hungary
Munich Conference
TO pacify someone or satisfy. People________ hitler to avoid war
When soviet union and Germany would not attack each other for 10 years. Also set up a secret agreement of how to take over and split up poland
nazi soviet nonaggression pact
Germany invaded this country and was the start of WW2
German invasion of Poland
Using massed tanks to break through. Germany used this on Poland and other countries too
Germany invaded netherlands,belgium, and luxemburg to get around the Marginot line(line that bordered france) Germany then went through mountains to get into france and invade
German invasion of france
Hitler controlled all but one port. HItler delayed an attack which gave Britain time to strengthen and for people to escape at Dunkirk
Evacuatoin at Dunkirk
Leader in Britain. Brought the U.S in to war and he didn’t surrender against Germany
Winston Churchill
War that lasted 3 months of constant bombing of Britain. Hitler wanted to weaken them
HItler’s goal for bombing Britain and Battle of Britain
the night of broken glass where lots of Jewish businesses were destroyed
Homes where Nazi’s would put Jews
Camps where jews would either be put to work or sentenced to death
concentration camps and extermination camps
disabled.jews,gypsies,homosexuals, and slavic people
People that hitler and the nazi’s went against
United States helped Britain and went through loopholes to do so. Gave britain supplies and some wanted america to stay neutral
President roosevelts response to Holocause
Believed they are the 2 order and the old order should follow the new order. Want to rule other people and take more land
Japan’s beliefs and goals in 1930
FDR primary goal was to help britain defeat Germany. After france fell many americans supported offering limited aid to help. Neutrality act.
U.S foreign policy
A committee that opposed any intervention or aid to allies
American First Commitee
U.S could lend or release arms to any country that was considered vital to the defense of the U.S
Lend Lease act
Roosevelt’s and Churchill’s aggrement to post war world of democracy with nonaggression, free trade, and economic developement.
Atlantic Charter
Japan bombed pearl harbor because of embargoes put on them, the U.S froze their assets, began introducing policies to discourage Japan from attacking british empire. Export control act prevented airplane and airplane fuel into Japan
Reasons Japan attacked Pearl harbor