Civil Rights Test Flashcards
The court case that allowed seperate but equal facilities for African Americans
Plessy v. Ferguson
Laws that segregated African Americans from the rest of society in the south
Jim Crow Laws
A group that would support court cases intended to overturn segregation
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People( NAACP)
A form of protest where people would sit somewhere and refuse to leave. The purpose was to shame restaurant managers into integrating their restaurants
Sit ins
The chief counsel and director of its legal defense and education fund of the NAACP
Thurgood Marshall
The court case that said segregation in public schools was unconstitutional
Brown V. Board of Education
When a group of 101 senators signed an act denouncing the supreme court’s ruling. Calling it an abuse of judicial power. Not happy about Brown V. Board of Education
Southern Manifesto
A man who believed in using nonviolence and to disobey unjust laws to end segregation and racism
Martin Luther King’s beliefs about how to end segregation and racism
A conference where the purpose was to eliminate segregation from American Society and to encourage African Americans to register to vote.
Purpose of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
When a govenor reacted to integration of schools by ordering troops to prevent black children into a white school.
Little Rock Crisis
Eisenhower sent U.S army troops and federalized the Army National guard
How Eisenhower dealt with the Little Rock Crisis
When teams of African Americans and whites traveled into the south to draw attention to the south’s refusal to integrate bus terminals
The Freedom riders and their goal
A group that played a key role in desegregating public facilities. Also helped African Americans register to vote
Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee(SNCC) and their purpose
Began demonstrations because he believed it was the only way to get President Kennedy to support him
Why King decided to begin demonstratoins in Birmingham
The letter he wrote in Jail after protests. Explained that the protests brought to the surface the hidden tension between whites and blacks
Letter from a Birmingham Jail written by MLK
The response was to use violence ordering police to use clubs, dogs, and high pressure hoses on demonstrators.
How Birmingham’s public safety commissioner Bull Connor responded to the protests.
When 200,000 people protested in DC and many people gave important speeches. MLK’s speech I have a dream was spoken and it built momentum for civil rights bills to be passed
March on Washington and why I have a dream speech was so important
An act that did the following
1. made segregation illegal
2. equal access to public facilities
3. private employers to end discrimination in the work place
What the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did
An act that did the following
1. authorized attorney generals to send federal examiners to register qualified voters by passing local officials who often refused to register
2. Removed literacy tests and poll taxes
What the Voting Rights Act of 1965 did
A commision that blamed white society and white racism for all the issues. It recommended the creation of 2 million new jobs and 6 million new houses
Kerner Commission and what it’s findings were
- People thought that nonviolence was not working
- wanted more aggressive forms of protest
- African Americans should control the social, political economic direction of their struggle
- Emphasized racial distinctiveness rather than cultural assimilation
Reasons for the appeal of black power
The leader of SNCC
Stokely Carmichel
Symbol of the black power movement and influenced African americans to take pride in their own culture
Malcom X
Groups of people who would arm themselves and confront whites until they got equal rights. Had a 10 point plan with very radical ideas such as releasing every black person from prison.
The black panthers
A process of transporting children outside their public schools to new schools for more racial balance
longer bus rides and white parents didn’t want there children going to the same school as a black child
why there was resistance to busing in Boston
Putting a red spot on the map where it’s predominattley African American and saying its risky to shop there or start a buisness or have a home
Redlining made properties loose value and social services declined
How housing access inequality contributed to racial wealth gap