Rìoghachd nan Eilean Flashcards
giùlan leis an t-sruth
carried by the current
luach sònraichte
special value
cnò (f)
tùs (m)
taobh thall a’ chuain
across the ocean
thig ceanglaichean ris an t-saoghal a-muigh a-steach air a’ mhuir-làn
connections to the outside world come in at high tide
feumaidh gun robh fios aig na Gàidheil bho riamh
the Gaels must have always known
taobh thall
on the other side
mu eileanan taobh siar na Gàidhealtachd
about the islands of the West Highlands
sgìre fhad-às
a remote area
air fior iomail an t-saoghail shìobhalta
on the very edge of the civilized world
fad às
far off/distant
a thaobh a’ chultair
in terms of culture
canaidh e gur i daingneachd dheireannach na Gàidhlig a th’ anns na h-Eileanan ud, na h-àiteachan mu dheireadh far am faic thu na h-èibhleagan fann mu dheireadh de chànan, de dhualchas, de shìobhaltachd a tha a-nis an impis dol às
he will say that those Islands are the ultimate stronghold of the Gaelic language, the last places where you will see the last faint embers of language, of culture, of civilization that are now imminent go out
’s iad uile air am mùchadh fo bhuaidh saoghal nuadh-amsireach an latha an-diugh
and they are all suffocated under the influence of the modern world