Right realists theory of crime Flashcards
What do RRs think are the 3 main causes of crime?
- BIOLOGY - Wilson&Herrnstein - some people have a biological predisposition
- SOCIALISATION - but good socialisation can train them away from it e.g single parent children more likely to commit crime as they have ‘incomplete socialisation’
- RATIONAL CHOICE - people have free will and think rationally and reason out the risks
Why does Wilson argue that people commit crime and what needs to change?
the benefits outweigh the risks, so punishment needs to be harsher for smaller crimes
What is the Zero Tolerance policy?
In US and Middlesbrough - having strict, set punishments
What is the ‘broken window’ theory?
Wilson and Kelling - damage to a neighbourhood has to be fixed quickly other wise crime quickly gets out of control, sends a message that you can get away with crime
Why does Wilson argue that police and resources should be taken from broken down areas?
he thinks once social order has gone, it can never be rebuilt, it is better to focus efforts on places that aren’t too far gone
How can the RR theory of crime be criticised?
- Zero tolerance has led to high prison population
- broken windows provide no evidence for crime (matthews)
- Jones - societies are never too far gone