Rich and Poor Flashcards
black market (scharreleconomie)
informal sector, not paying taxes, no security
core countries (centrumlanden)
most developed (rich/wealthy) countries
developing countries (ontwikkelingslanden)
not part a wealthy or industrialized country
distribution country
A country that plays a major role in the distribution
of goods to the hinterland (inland).
final products (eindproducten)
Products that are ready and can be sold.
formal sector
The official part of the economy. The activities in the
formal sector can be found in the government’s statistics. Taxes are paid and workers have securities such as healthcare.
Process in which regions in the world are connected to each other more and more.
gross domestic product per capita (GDP/capita) (bruto binnenlands product per hoofd)
Everything that is earned in a country in a year divided by the population.
hinterland/inland (achterland)
The region that depends on a port for the import and export of
informal sector (informele sector)
The unofficial part of the economy, also called the
black market. The activities of this sector usually do not end up in the government’s statistics. No taxes are paid.
All facilities required to transport people, goods or
information (roads, rail roads, ports, fibreglass, etc.).
labour force
All people who do paid work plus the
labour intensive
A lot of people work on one product, few machines
are used. Heavy physical work.
life expectancy
Indicates at birth how old people are expected to
become on average.
literacy rate (alfabetiseringsgraad)
Indicates how much percent of the population of 15
years and older can read and write.