RI TEST Flashcards
You should make small corrections to the glidepath on final approach of a PAR by?
Adjusting power
Aircraft configuration on the downwind leg of a PAR is?
Clean, 200 KIAS
During the HI-VOR approach inbound to the final approach fix, your airspeed will be ____ until slowing for gear/flap extension?
250 KIAS
Correct sequence of steps that are normally used for a missed approach?
MRT, boards in, rotate 10 degrees/17 units, gear up with two positive rates of climb, flaps up (140 KIAS min), missed approach call
The following sequence of steps indicates what TACAN navigation procedure
- Tune and identify the station
- Turn in the shortest direction to place the bearing pointer used under the HSI heading index
- Enter the course under the TACAN pointer to center the CDI
- Note Course and maintain a WCH to track course inbound
Direct Routing
If approach control fails to provide current approach information and you do not receive the information in the ATIS broadcast, you should request ______, altimeter, and duty runway.
Current weather
Which of the following ILS marker beacons is located in the vicinity of the DH for a Category I approach?
Middle marker
What conditions are required for a contact approach to be flown?
Request by pilot, clear of clouds with a min of 1 mil vis, must be an authorized instrument procedure to the destination airport
If visual reference is lost while circling to land from a published instrument procedure, the pilot should ___?
Make an initial climbing turn toward the landing runway and continue to turn to the missed approach course.
If you experience a communications failure while on an IFR flight, you should squawk ____ for the remainder of the flight?
TACAN station passage is primarily indicated when the ____.
DME stops decreasing
To be cleared for a visual approach to the airfield, you must report to approach control that you have the ____ and/or _____ in sight.
Field or preceding aircraft
And 1000 ft ceiling + 3 sm viz
The minimums for a circling approach are always?
Those published for the runway to which the approach is flown.
“The applicable minimums are those published for the approach flown, and not necessarily the landing runway.” (FTI)
In a VOR penetration, you would begin level off ____ feet above the published altitude. (If VSI is pegged at 6000/fpm)
1000 (no minute to live under 1000)
For flying a TACAN/VOR DME arc more than 12 DME from the station, which method is most commonly used?
Chord Method
All flight plans shall be based on what weather criteria?
Actual weather at departure, existing and forecast weather along route of flight, destination and alternate forecast +/- 1 hour.