Rhythms and Sleep Flashcards
What is a circadian rhythm?
Pattern that lasts approx. 24 hrs (ex. sleep)
- Correlated with activity in posterior part of cortex
- Persists without light
Define Zeitgeber
- Stimulus that resets the circadian rhythm
- ex. light, exercise, arousal, meals, environment, temperature
- Social stimuli are ineffective
How does jet lag effect the circadian rhythm?
- Disruption in circadian rhythm due to crossing time zones
- Sleepiness during the day, sleeplessness at night
- Results in phase delay or phase advance
What is the difference between phase delay and phase advance
Phase Delay:
- Going west - Stay awake later and wake up later - Easier to go west than east
Phase Advance:
- Going east - Go to sleep and wake up earlier
What are the genes involved in sleeping patterns
Period (PER) gene produces PER protein
Timeless (TIM) gene produce TIM protein
TIM and PER protein promotes sleep and inactivity, oscillating in concentration
- PER and TIM start low at the beginning of the day and increase at night
Based on 24 hr feedback system
- light activates a chemical that breaks down the TIM protein, increasing wakefulness and synchronizing the internal clock to the external world
What did De Mairan study?
- Heliotropic plants in 1729
- Put plants inside cellar without light but leaves still open during the day time
- Shows that they have a circadian clock
Describe the circadian rhythm studies on crickets
- Crickets sleep during the day, active at night, males call at dusk
Used LD and LL to measure calling patterns
Further Experiments:
- Separate the retina from the optic lobe
- LD shows free running
- Separate optic lobe from the rest of the brain
- Arhythmic calling
Conclusions of cricket studies
- Have entrained cycle that is exactly 24 hrs in LD
- Exhibit free running cycle of 26 hrs in LL
- Further experiments shows that their internal clock is somewhere in the optic lobes
What is an entrained cycle?
Uses zeitgebers to make cycle more exact
Describe the circadian rhythm studies on hamsters
- An electrolytic lesion to SCN eliminates the circadian rhythms and makes harder to entrain
- Can also take SCN out of brain (in vitro)
- Given the right nutrients, the SCN will continue to show rhythmic patterns
- Transplant SCN to animal with a SCN lesion to restore rhythms
Conclusions of hamster studies
- SCN acts as a clock and produces its own patterns even without any external stimuli
Pineal gland function
- Secretes melatonin into the blood during darkness which increases sleepiness
- Tumours in gland lead to disrupted sleep
Describe the circadian rhythm studies in drosophila
- Benzer used random mutagenesis to measure circadian rhythms
- Eclosion assay: come out of pupa (eclose) in light conditions early in day
- Mapped 3 mutations on PER gene caused by single base pair mutations
- Eclosion assay: come out of pupa (eclose) in light conditions early in day
PER protein in drosophilia
- High levels of staining in photoreceptors in eyes and optic lobes
- Concentration of PER protein decreased during the day and increased at night
- Concentration of PER mRNA increased during the day and decreased at night
- Show negative feedback system by PER protein
Compare comas, vegetative states, brain death, and sleep
Coma: extended period of unconsciousness caused by head trauma, stroke, or disease
Vegetative state: alternate between sleep and moderate arousal but has no awareness
Brain death: no sign of brain activity or response to stimulus
Sleep: actively produced by a network of brain regions