Rhythm Basics Flashcards
What are the ventricular rhythms ?
Premature ventricular complex (PVC), Idioventricular rhythms, ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation
What happens in the heart when a pacemaker accurately captures ?
a chamber depolarizes and leads to contractions
What is irregularity based on ?
R to R
Where does an upright pwave come from ?
SA node
What happens in the heart in the ST segment ?
Ventricular repolarization
What happens in the heart in the p-wave ?
atrial depolarization
What happens in the heart in the qrs complex ?
ventricular deploarization
What is a normal QT interval ?
0.36 to 0.44
What is a normal QRS ?
less than 0.12
What is a normal PRI ?
0.12 to 0.20
If the BPM is lower than 40, what may the rhythm be ?
idioventricular, junctional escape, or brady
What is a pulseless rhythm with an ekg called ?
pulseless electrical activity
What are the lethal rhythms ?
vtach, vfib, asystole, and torsades
Name 4 types of artifacts
multichannel, tremor, ac interference, and wandering baseline