% of whites, blacks and Asians that are RH negative
Whites - 15%
Blacks - approx, 6%
Asians - <1%
% prevalence of Rh D negativity in pregnancy in Nigeria
4.5 - 5.5%
How many ml of Rh D positive blood can cause sensitization
< 1ml
T/F: With sensitization, all Rh D negative women become isoimmunized
30% of rhesus D-ve will not be isoimmunized despite sensitization
% of Rh D negative women that will not be isoimmunized despite sensitization
After sensitization how long does it take for antibodies in maternal blood to reach equilibrium in fetal circulation
1 month
How many antigens are in the rhesus system
The 5 major types of antigens in the rhesus system that can cause significant transfusion reactions are
C, c, D, E, e and anti-kell
List the 5 antigens of the rhesus system in the order of decreasing immunogenicity
T/F: Anti-D antibody is the most common cause of haemolytic dx
T in most countries
4 in-utero effects of Rh isoimmunization on the fetus
Fetal anaemia
Hydrops fetalis
Intrauterine fetal death
4 short term effects of Rh isoimmunization in neonatal life
Neonatal jaundice
Neonatal anaemia
Early neonatal death
Hyporegenerative anaemia
(Hyporegenerative anaemia due to transient suppression of erythropoiesis, common with multiple in-utero transfusions)
2 long term effects of Rh isoimmunization on the baby
Brain damage
Sensorinueral deafness
9 potential sensitizing events for Rh disease
- Miscarriage
- Termination of pregnancy
- Antepartum haemorrhage
- Invasive prenatal testing e.g.
CVS, amniocentesis,
cordocentesis - Fetal medicine procedures e.g.
shunt insertions - Delivery
- External cephalic version
- Abdominal trauma
3 factors determining risk of sensitization
- Volume of fetomaternal blood
exchanged - Maternal immune response
- Concurrent ABO incompatibility