Revolutions of 1830 and 1848 Flashcards
Charles X
Overthrown in 1830 in favor of a constitutional monarchy during the second French Revolution.
French Revolution 1830
Liberals overthrow King Charles X to favor a constitutional monarchy led by Louis Philippe.
Was the new king after the second French revolution
Ruled through a constitutional monarchy
Belgium - 1830
In 1830, Belgium revolted against the Netherlands in favor of independence.
Universal Male Suffrage - 1848
When the French overthrew Louis Philippe and the monarchy in 1848, they created a constitution which included a president. This president would be voted through universal male suffrage (all adult men could vote) and would serve for 6 years. Louis-Napoleon was the first president.
Louis-Napoleon (Napolen III)
Napoleon’s nephew and the first French president in the 2nd republic.
2nd Empire
The 2nd Empire of France began in 1849, after Louis Napoleon was elected and the constitution was arranged.
Fredrick William of Prussia
The Frankfurt Assembly failed because they couldn’t reach the support necessary to achieve their goal. They offered the throne to Fredrick William of Prussia, but he refused. The Assembly failed.
Greece 1830
Independence from the Ottoman Empire
Polish 1830
Polish in the Russian Empire began to revolt
Italians in Austria 1830
Italians began to revolt against the Austrians.
Austria 1848
Nicholas I (Russia) helped put down an Italian revolution in Austria (Hungarians + Czechs = Italians crushed)
Alliance between Austria and Russia thrived
Dismissed amid the revolutions in 1848
Frankfurt Assembly
The German Confederation (recognized as 38 independent German states in the Congress of Vienna) began to become extremely unhappy in 1848. German rulers began to promise things like constitutions, an all-German parliament, and jury trials. An all German-Parliament, named the Frankfurt Assembly, was created in 1848 and they made a constitution that created a limited monarchy. It failed due to a lack of support and no ruler (Fredrick IV refused).
Alexander II
After seeing that Russia was quickly falling behind other European powers, Czar Alexander II began to make reforms. He freed the serfs, and created a system where the government provided lands for the peasants through buying it from landlords. This system failed since the landlords kept the best lands for themselves, upsetting the peasants. The ex-serfs were unhappy and Alexander’s son undid his reforms.
Emancipation of the Serfs
After seeing that Russia was falling behind, Czar Alexander II freed the serfs in 1861 and created a land system where the peasants got land through the government, who bought it from landowners. This ended up making the peasants even more unhappy, since the landowners kept the best lands for themselves and the peasants began to start farming again.
Austria removed themselves from the Concert of Europe and the German Confederation to join monarchies with Hungary and ruled a joint state, named Ausgleich, in 1867.