Revolutionary socialism Flashcards
Why was revolution in the 19th century popular?
2 reasons
- Early industrialisation and capitalism brought poverty, exploitation and unemployment which was expected to radicalise the working classses.
- Workers were largely excluded from political participation and so had little ability to influence policies in govs that were usually dominated by the aristocracy or bourgeoisie
What are the justifications for revolution?
- Bourgeois state is instrument of class oppression, which upholds capitalist interests and is reinforced by the state apparatus
- Gradual change won’t lead to a socialist society as ruling class and bourgeoios values are too entrenched in the capitalist state and society
- A total transformation of society is needed as the ruling class won’t give up their power without a fight
- Attempts to reform a capitalist society would undermine the principles and objectives of socialism (capitalism is based on inequality and exploitation)