Revision Cards 2 Physical Landforms In The UK Flashcards
What are three features of truncated spurs
Flat ended/hard rock/inter locking spurs with truncated ends
What are three features of a drumlin
Whale shaped feature/steep stoss end/tapered Lee slope
Name three features of deposition
Terminal,lateral,medial,recessional Moraine/drumlin
What is medial moraine
Mound of glacial till which is found in the centre of the valley
What is moraine
Mounds of deposited glacial till as the glacier retreats
What is lateral moraine
A mound of glacial till found along the valley is deposited when the glacier retreats as there
What is terminal moraine
A mound of glacial till which is found at the furthest point the glacier has advanced is lower down the valley
What is an erratic,give an example
Deposited rock which is a different rock type to the bedrock.norber erratic
What is glacial till
Unsorted material deposited by a glacier
Why are rocks often broke near the summit of a pyramidal peak
Freeze thaw weathering
What is the cause of lateral moraine
Freeze thaw on the valley sides which drops material onto the top of the glacier as supra glacial material.this is deposited as the glacier retreats