Review Sheet - Exam 2 Flashcards
Agents of socialization:
- Family: The family is usually the first setting of socialization and in the big whole, the biggest impact of socialization. Greatest impact on attitudes and behavior. A family’s social position, including race and social class, shapes a child’s personality. Ideas about gender are learned first in the family. The family is usually the first setting of socialization. Primary socialization.
- School: School teaches knowledge and skills needed for later life. It exposes children to greater social diversity and reinforces ideas about gender. Schools teach knowledge and skills needed for later life.
- The Peer Group: The peer group helps shape attitude and behavior. Takes on great importance during adolescence and the peer group frees young people from adult supervision. Anticipatory socialization is very common in high schools etc.
- The Mass Media: the average U.S. child spends as much time watching television and videos as attending school and interacting with parents. The mass media reinforces stereotypes about gender and race also exposes people to violence.
Why emotions biological and sociological?
Happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise are biological. But culture defines what triggers an emotion. For example, because it’s not ‘’okay’’ for a man to cry, men might hide that emotion. We expect children to show emotions to children while parents should hide them. Presentation of self also plays a factor. In some service jobs, some people might show the emotion happiness (smiling) because that’s something you do when you perform that job.
Primary socialization:
0-6 years old. Girls wear blue, girls wear pink. In hospitals, when you dress your children etc.
Takes place at a total institution, a setting in which people are isolated from the rest of society and manipulated by an administrative staff to change one’s behavior/faults - make people don’t want to commit a crime again etc.
Anticipatory socialization:
Fit in with the art-clique: dress the same as them, do the same things as them. Fit in with the popular group: smoke marijuana, drink alcohol.
Lifelong social experience
People develop
Human potential
Learn culture.
What is humor?
Playing with reality. Conventional (understanding the background) + unconventional. You need the conventional to understand the unconventional. Set difference = you get the joke. South Park talks about the entertainment, political. High school student may like a gay joke while a more educated person may understand the satire, the HBTQ-discussion. Function of humor: relieve tension in uncomfortable situations, express opinions, indication of real conflict. Sexist, homophobic, class, racial. The big comedians usually comes from marginalized backgrounds.
Why emotions is biological and sociological?
Happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise are biological. But culture defines what triggers an emotion. For example, because it’s not ‘’okay’’ for a man to cry, men might hide that emotion. We expect children to show emotions to children while parents should hide them. Presentation of self also plays a factor. In some service jobs, some people might show the emotion happiness (smiling) because that’s something you do when you perform that job.
The study of the way people make sense of their everyday surroundings.
Dramaturgical analysis?
Grew out of ethnomethology. The study of social interaction as theatrical performance. Example (Debate in Le Moyne College): Props (notes, text, guidelines/organizing), setting (college classroom), demeanor (academic, formal and serious) and costumes (jeans and sweatshirt). Example (SU-game): Props (beer, foam fingers), setting (Carrier Dome), demeanor (competitive, vulgar, maybe drunk) and costumes (SU or Duke-apparel).
What is ID?
The id (Latin for “it”) represents the human being’s basic drives, which are unconscious and demand immediate satisfaction. Rooted in biology, the id is present at birth, making a newborn a bundle of demands for attention, touching, and food. But society opposes the selfcentered id, which is why one of the first words a child typically learns is “no.”
What is behaviorism?
Behavior is not instinctive, it’s learned. But it doesn’t mean biology plays no part in human behavior. Human behavior also depends on the functioning of the body.
What is personality?
A person’s fairly consistent patterns of acting, thinking and feeling. Personality is built by taking in our surroundings - social experience.
Role conflict?
I miss class because of basketball.
What is a cohort?
Acohort is a category of people with something in common, usually their age.
Role strain?
Role strain results from tension among roles linked to a single status (for example, the college
professor who enjoys personal interaction with students but at the same time knows that social distance is necessary in order to evaluate students fairly.