Review of Autonomic NS-T1 Flashcards
describe the web of peripheral nervous system
Nervous System
a. CNS
b. Peripheral nervous system
1. somatic nervous system
2. autonomic nervous system
- -> sympathetic NS
- -> Parasympathetic NS
3 general descriptions of ANS
- involuntary
- not necessary for immediate maintenance of life
- function to maintain homeostasis.
Describe the anatomy of the ANS
- parasympathetic neurons originate in the midbrain, medulla oblongata, and sacral spinal cord
- sympathetic neurons originate from the thoracic and lumbar portions of the spinal cord.
the PNS is responsible for
discreet changes in organ function
PNS is associated with
rest and digest
PNS preganglionic fibers originate
in the tactile portion of the brainstem and sacral spinal cord.
What cranial nerves are associated with PNS
sacral nerves of the PNS supply
the descending colon, rectum, bladder, and erectile tissue.
preganglionic fibers release____ and activate ___ receptors on ______
release Ach to activate nicotinic cholinergic receptors on postganglionic nerve dendrites.
- nicotinic neuronal tissue receptors
- nicotinic muscarinic receptors
PNS goes through ganglionic ____.
Then draw the basic flow. 1–>2–>, etc.
goes through ganglionic interaction before the nerve innervates the tissues.
preganglionic–> ganglion–> postganglionic–> tissue innervation.
nicotine activates ____
ganglionic nicotinic receptor to enhance neurotransmission.
postgang cholinergic nerves release__ and activate___
then draw basic flow: 1–>2–> etc
release Ach and activate muscarinic cholinergic receptors.
pre-ganglionic nerve release Ach–> Nn in ganglia–> post ganglionic–> Ach–> M
Give location and the result of ligand binding for: Muscarinic M1
- location: CNS neurons, sympathetic postganglionic neurons, some presynaptic sites
- result of binding: formation of IP3 and DAG, and increased intracellular calcium
Give location and the result of ligand binding for: Muscarinic M2
- location: myocardium, smooth muscle, some presynaptic sites
- result of binding: opening of potassium channels, and inhibition of adenylyl cyclase
Give location and the result of ligand binding for: Muscarinic M3
- location: endocrine glands, vessels (endothelium and smooth muscle); CNS neurons
- result of binding: like M1
Give location and the result of ligand binding for: muscarinic M4
- location: CNS neorons; possibly vagal nerve endings
- result of binding: Like M2
Give location and the result of ligand binding for: Muscarinic M5
- location: vascular endothelium, especially cerebral vessels
- result of binding: like M1
Give location and the result of ligand binding for: nicotinic Nn
- location: postganglionic neurons, some presynaptic cholinergic terminals
- result of binding: opening of Na/K channels, depolarization
Give location and the result of ligand binding for: nicotinic Nm
- location: skeletal muscle neuromuscular end plates
- result of binding: opening of Na/K channels, depolarization.
Which M receptors do majority of work regarding the PNS
the ion channels of nicotinic receptors are
ligand gated
both muscarinic and nicotinic receptors bind and are activated by___
For the organ or process, describe its parasympathetic activity: Action and its receptor: Iris circular muscle
- action: contracts
- receptor: M3
For the organ or process, describe its parasympathetic activity: Action and its receptor:Ciliary muscle
- action: contracts
- receptor: M3
For the organ or process, describe its parasympathetic activity: Action and its receptor: Heart- SA node
- action: decelerates
- receptor- M2
For the organ or process, describe its parasympathetic activity: Action and its receptor: Heart- contractility
- action: decreases (atria)
- receptor: M2
For the organ or process, describe its parasympathetic activity: Action and its receptor: blood vessels- endothelium (drug effect)
- action: releases EDRF
- receptor: M3, M5
For the organ or process, describe its parasympathetic activity: Action and its receptor: bronchiolar smooth muscle
- action- contracts
- receptor: M3
For the organ or process, describe its parasympathetic activity: Action and its receptor: GI- smooth muscle walls
action: contracts
receptor: M3
For the organ or process, describe its parasympathetic activity: Action and its receptor:GI- smooth muscle sphincters
action: relaxes
receptor: M3
For the organ or process, describe its parasympathetic activity: Action and its receptor: GI- secretion
action: increases
receptor: M3
For the organ or process, describe its parasympathetic activity: Action and its receptor:Urinary smooth muscle bladder
action- contracts
receptor- M3
describe the control of pupil diameter by the PNS and what happens if you block M3 receptors
- cholinergic neurons innervate the circular muscles of the iris to cause constriction
- blocking M3 receptors can’t get the same amount of constriction.
What regulates the thickness of lens
ciliary muscles
cholinergic neurons in eye cause
contraction of smooth muscles of the ciliary body to cause fattening of the lens and accommodate near sight.
when ciliary muscles constrict, tension on the lens__
depolarization of cholinergic nerve endings =
induced neurotransmitter release
- Ca mediated
- docking of vesicular and membrane proteins
- VAMPS bind to SNAPs on membrane
- Ca binding jams vesicles into membrane
Ach in synaptic space binds receptors and is then degraded __
by acetylcholinesterase to choline and acetate and then can be recycled and resynthesized.
First step in NT release is___ which opens
depolarization, which opens Na channels and Na moves in. depolarization is detected by voltage-dependent ion channels. Ca channels respond and open, let Ca into nerve ending. Ca facilitates docking of vesicle with membrane.
choline is taken into the nerve terminal and__
conjugated to acetate by choline acetyltransferase to produce Ach.
what inhibits choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)
synthesized Ach is transported into synaptic vesicles
and released upon depolarization of the nerve terminal.
vesamicol inhibits
VAT, blocks Ach from entering vesicle
botulinum toxin blocks
calcium from binding to VAMPs– so you don’t get Ach release into synaptic cleft.
the sympathetic chain ganglion allows
simultaneous activation of multiple organ systems.
pre ganglionic nerves of sympathetic that synapse in the chain ganglia are __ and release__
generally short and release Ach as the primary NT.
sympathetic post-ganglionic nerves leave ___, are generally ____ and release
leave the chain ganglia to innervate specific effector organs. are generally longer than pre-ganglionic nerves. and release (-) norepi as the primary NT.
sweat glands don’t follow standard sympathetic 2 neuron relay system:
they have a pre and post ganglionic cholinergic nerve, they are releasing Ach so they are activating muscarinic receptors that are on sweat glands, this is muscarinic receptors that are part of the sympathetic NS. The adrenal medulla- there is no post ganglionic nerve, this only gets pre ganglionic input, which means that Ach is activating this, it is a nicotinic receptor, this is a modified post ganglionic neuron, the adrenal medulla cells act as though they are a postganglionic neuron so when they are stimulated with Ach and the nicotinic receptors are activated then it releases epi.
precursor AA tyrosine is converted to
dopamine which is taken into vesicles and converted to NE. NE is stored in the vesicles with ATP and neuropeptide Y and released during nerve terminal depolarization.
synthesis of NE from tyrosine flow chart
tyrosine–> dopa–> dopamine–> NE
Adrenals have ___ which converts
PNMT which converts norepi to epi.
4 steps of released norepi
- interacts with specific adrenergic receptors to produce tissue/organ response.
- taken back into the nerve terminal by NET. blocked by cocaine, amitriptyline and nortriptyline. after uptake NE can be incorporated into vesicles or metabolized by MAO
- taken into post-synaptic tissue by EMT
- metabolized by MAO or catechol-O-methyltransferase to inactivate intermediates and finally to HVA and VMA
regulation of adrenergic NT release
presynaptic receptors on sympathetic nerve terminals influence the release of norepi.
- alpha2–> adrenergic and muscarinic, M2 receptors decrease NE release
- beta2–> adrenergic, At1- angiotensin and nicotinic, N receptors increase NE release
For the organ or structure listed, give its SYMPATHETIC action and receptor: eye- iris radial muscle
action: contracts
receptor- alpha1
For the organ or structure listed, give its SYMPATHETIC action and receptor: eye- ciliary muscle
action- relaxes
receptor- beta
For the organ or structure listed, give its SYMPATHETIC action and receptor: heart- SA node
action- accelerated
receptor- beta 1 and 2
For the organ or structure listed, give its SYMPATHETIC action and receptor: heart- ectopic pacemakers
action- accelerates
receptor- beta 1 and 2
For the organ or structure listed, give its SYMPATHETIC action and receptor: heart- contractility
action- increases
receptor- beta 1 and 2
For the organ or structure listed, give its SYMPATHETIC action and receptor: blood vessels- skin
action- contracts
receptor- alpha
For the organ or structure listed, give its SYMPATHETIC action and receptor: blood vessels- skeletal muscle vessels
action- relaxes
receptor- beta2
action- contracts
receptor- alpha
action- relaxes
receptor- M
For the organ or structure listed, give its SYMPATHETIC action and receptor: bronchiolar smooth muscle
action- relaxes
receptor- beta2
For the organ or structure listed, give its SYMPATHETIC action and receptor: GI- smooth muscle walls
action- relaxes
receptor- alpha2, beta2
For the organ or structure listed, give its SYMPATHETIC action and receptor: GI- smooth muscle sphincters
action- contracts
receptor- alpha1
For the organ or structure listed, give its SYMPATHETIC action and receptor: urinary bladder wall
action- relaxes
receptor- beta2
For the organ or structure listed, give its SYMPATHETIC action and receptor: urinary sphincter
action- contracts
receptor- alpha1
For the organ or structure listed, give its SYMPATHETIC action and receptor: skin- pilomotor smooth muscle
action- cotracts
receptor- alpha
For the organ or structure listed, give its SYMPATHETIC action and receptor: skin- sweat glands eccrine
action- increases
receptor- M
For the organ or structure listed, give its SYMPATHETIC action and receptor: skin- sweat glands apocrine (stress)
action- increases
receptor- alpha
Adrenoreceptor- location and function: alpha1
postsynaptic effector cells. formation of IP3 and DAG, increased intracellular calcium
Adrenoreceptor- location and function: alpha2
presynaptic adrenergic nerve terminals, platelets, lipocytes, smooth muscle. inhibition of adenylyl cyclase, decreased cAMP
Adrenoreceptor- location and function: beta1
postsynaptic effector cells, especially heart. presynaptic adrenergic and cholinergic nerve terminals, juxtaglomerular apparatus of renal tubules, ciliary body epithelium. stimulation of adenylyl cyclase, increased cAMP
Adrenoreceptor- location and function: beta2
postsynaptic effector cells, especially smooth muscle and cardiac muscle. stimulation of adenylyl cyclase and increased cAMP. Activates cardiac Gi under some condition
Adrenoreceptor- location and function: beta3
postsynaptic effector cells, especially lipocytes. heart. stimulation of adenylyl cyclase and increased cAMP.