Review/Need to study!! Flashcards
State v Reid
adding a case number to all subpoenas before issuing
State v Jolicoeur
Can not refuse a public defender or right to trial if PD fee remains unpaid
State v Pricket
Affirms Independence of the judiciary
the preparation of subpoenas
State v Chun
Alco test
State v Buczkowski
Complaint must be served within 30 days
State v Johnson
Right to Bail
R 7:4-1
State v DeBonis
indigent defendant is eligible to pay on a TPAY
State v Ruotolo
Judicial probable cause needed on warrants
Rodrigues v Rosenblatt
Public Defender is available if indigent defendant is facing consequences of magnitude
State v Dangerfield
use SC instead of summons or warrant
Calligy v City of Hoboken
the municipal court is “separate and Independent”
State v Paserchia
State law supersedes local ordinances
State V Perkins
Court Admin. can NOT serve a subpoena
Deming Cycle
Plan- establish goals
DO - assign work
Check - on performance
Act - reinforce success
Differentiated Case Management
The court supervision of case progress that explicitly recognizes that cases vary in requirements to achieve timely and just dispositions
(Different cases have different circumstances)
* identify and schedule by degree of difficulty
Directive 11-07
Bail on illegal immigrants
contact prosecutor - they contact ICE
bail criteria is a matter of opinion - back up your opinion
family ties and length in community are NOT factors of FTA
Case Flow
The movement of a case from initiation to disposition
Case Management
Coordination and creation of court events so that the case move to disposition in a timely process
Case Flow Mgmt
The entire set of actions that a court takes to monitor and control the progress of cases, from initiation through disposition and post-disposition work, to ensure that justice is done promptly
Pygmalion effect
Pygmalion expectation cycle
- form expectations - communicate expectations - expectations are matched - expectations come true
Team building by Geese
- sense of community
- lifting powers of others
- sharing tasks
- encouragement
- standing by each other in difficult times
Assignment Judge
approve consolidate cases approve budget approve POAA and DWI monies appeals ADA compliance assist in hiring, discipline of directors, CA, and Deputy CA
Presiding Judge
Judicial arm of the executive branch
participate in-session visits
oversees MC judge
Municipal court under 2B 2B:12-1 2B:12-10 2B:12-11 2B:12-21a 2B:12-21c
2B:12-1 established MC 2B:12-10 must have Admin 2B:12-11 Established certification for CA 2B:12-21a CA can administer oath 2B:12-21c Conditions of bail
When does the clock NEVER stop
TRAN - other than 0089
When does clock stop
TRAN to 0089
Definition of case law
Law that is created by the court not legislation
Definition of Directive
A requirement (procedural direction) promulgated by Admin Director of the courts
7 required posting in the MC
State wide violation bureau schedule local violation bureau schedule court seal welcome to NJ courts MC of NJ - your day in court Notice to deaf and hard of hearing EEO/AA
Sequence of court cases
1 adjournments 2 guilty pleas - first appearance 3 pre-trial conferences 4 uncontested motions 5 contested matters with attny 6 non compliant - tpay 7 contested matters W/O attny 8 matters for the record
Specific Measurable Agreed upon Realistic Time-framed
Team development model
5 C’s of team
Collaborating Coordination Collegiality Coaching Communication
ABCDE’s of Self Talk
Adversity Belief Consequences Disputation Energize
PLUS filter to ?
Ethical decision Making
Pareto Principle
80% / 20%
What ACTION taken
5 levels of listening
Ignore Pretending Selective Attentive Empathic
I SPEAK minus K (when I speak you listen how?)
4 communication styles
Management Skills
Control - Organize - Plan - Direct
get work done, develop staff, improve self, success
Diversity Wheel
(COPES with diversity)
Core - Organize - Personal - Experiential - Situational
Maslow Theory
Maslow (Myself)
Physical - Safety - love/belonging - esteem -
Goleman’s Model
Self awareness Self mgmt. social awareness empathy relationship mgmt
Sharpening the SAW
Mental - physical - spiritual - social
Action - Impact - Do
Gallop poll
Supervisor is key to retention
Gap Analysis
A gap analysis is a planning technique used to establish a strategy in order to close the gap to future plans
Situational Leadership Model
leader proves
- direction about goals
- show and tells how
- tracks performance
- frequent feedback on results
focus: orienting, prioritizing, teaching and monitoring
Situational Leadership Model
Leader: - explains why -solicits suggestions -praises good behavior -continues to direct to accomplishment Focus: explaining and clarifying, redirecting, praising, encouraging
Situational Leadership Model
Leader and follower make decisions together
control shifts to follower
leader will facilitate and listen
Focus : asking, listening, collaborating, appreciating, reassuring
Situational Leadership Model
Time is precious - cant do all yourself
pitfall is try to do yourself
bosses fail to delegate - takes upfront effort
empowers individuals to act independently w/resources
focus : allowing, trusting, acknowledging, challenging
Blue leaders
People Oriented
lead democratically, invite contributions, build consensus, encourage personal growth, allow personalization, accommodate individuality, encourage cooperation, promote creativity
Orange Leaders
Action Oriented
focus on results, decide quickly, bend rules, thrive on stress, detest long meetings, energize followers, negotiate skillfully, delegate paperwork, reward liberally
Gold Leaders
Process oriented
lead with authority, meet deadlines, remain steadfast, expect follow through, solicit progress reports, discourage free thinking, promote company values, reward commitment, work the plan
Green Leaders
Product Oriented
focus on future, expect self-motivation, loathe incompetence, appear distant or aloof, identify problems, explore possibilities, stay calm in crisis, multitask effectively, reward expertise
Oranges Need
- demonstrate learning through actions
- teachers who are interesting, active, and playful
- maneuvering out of learning tasks that are uninteresting
- avoid long class sessions or sedentary form of learning
- avoid reading assignments, especially if not practical or relevant
Green needs
- focus on high-quality complex results
- learning that is conceptual or managed efficiently
- over-viewing systems and process before learn details
- logical explanations and interpretations of info
- using analysis and critical thinking
- being competitive learners
Blue needs
- teachers who take time to understand students unique needs, interests and goals
- being mentored by someone who takes a personal interest in them
- linking concepts to ideas for developing potential in people
- metaphors, analogies, and other abstract ways of linking ideas
- Sensitive and individualized feedback
Gold needs
- being structures, routine, and predictable learning environment
- following conventions, rules, and establish procedures
- targeting learning on practical, immediate applications, needs, and situations
- information presented in a step-by-step, sequential format
- formalized acknowledgment when standards are achieved and learning is completed
Expectations of the court