2014 Management Flashcards
What is the job of every leader?
Add value through people
What are the four basic management skills to build the foundation of the Management Skills Pyramid?
Get the work done, develop staff, improve self, and success are what?
Management Skills Pyramid
To communicate thought and idea clearly without confusion or to inform or persuade are the goals of what
The goal of a presentation
What is the #1 fear in America
Speaking in public
What are the seven steps to a presentation?
1 know purpose 2 know your audience 3 gather and organize 4prepare for questions/answers 5 prepare props 6 rehearse 7 Deliver with style
What is the standard format of a presentation
Name the three steps used to move in the Nexus
Identify your spectrum
Identify their spectrum
Shift your style and change your behavior so that you interact in ways that are meaningful to the other person
What are two barriers to effective communication?
External barriers (noise, disruptions, phone calls, emails0 Environmental Barriers (Distractions, Disturbances, Diversions, Discomfort)
According to THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE by Dr. Steven R Covey, What are the five levels of listening?
1 ignoring 2 Pretending 3 Selective Listening 4 Attentive Listening 5 Empathic Listening
Name the four Communication styles
The process of sharing meaning and understanding by means of exchanging information between people is __________
By what means can you communicate?
Speaking, writing, or using a common system of signs and behavior
Message sent, message received is what?
good communications
Be sincere, focus on people, express feelings are a few things you should do when talking to a _______?
Freedom and options, competent but organized are needs for an ______
Factual and Logical, unemotional, needs to see complete picture, need time to think, what am I?
Concise and laid out plans, appreciate their time, follow & enforce rules are traits on green - True/False
When referring to dealing with a difficult conversation, what does STAR stand for in the STAR model?
What is the SITUATION or TASK? What is the ACTION taken? What is the RESULT?
The thinking process that we go through, usually without realizing it, to get from a fact to a decision or action is know as_________
Ladder of Inference
Effective communication occurs when both sender and receiver interpret a message in the same way True/False
Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid was based on two dimensions that they renamed
Concern for ___________ and
Concern for ___________
Concern for production
Concern for People
What are the FIVE parts of Maslow Hierarchy of Needs?
1 Physiological 2 Safety 3 Love/Belonging or Social 4 Esteem 5 Self-actualization
Describe Compass vs Clock
Compass - where you are headed
Clock When you are headed
What are the FIVE steps to delegate?
- Clearly articulate the desired outcome
- Identify any constraints or boundaries
- ask them to repeat the instruction
- Provide support and answer questions
- Monitor progress, give feedback and coaching
What are the four areas to “Sharpen the Saw”?
As a __________ you are accountable for setting Vision & Goals, Planning & Professionalism
Multi-tasking should be done as much as possible True/False
False - not when accuracy is important
How do you establish accountability
Institute roles and responsibilities
set standard and expectations
Educate and motivate
Planning comes first. How do you plan?
- establish goals
- focus on top priorities
- eliminate the unimportant
- Plan, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly
Clarity, Challenge, Commitment, Feedback, and Task Complexity are five principles in goal setting T/F
80% effort will only get you 20% results refers to
Pareto Principle
When Organizing paperwork, What is the RAFT model?
R Respond to it
A Assign it
F File it
T Trash it
The Bin System is used to gain control of all backlogged work and to bring the court up to date. It is a great management tool and allows for cross training for personnel in the Municipal Court. T/F
What six things do you need to clarify to an employee in order to delegate effectively.
Who What When Where Why and How
What are two principles in making ethical and effective decisions?
Power - We have the power to decide what we want to do
Responsible - We are responsible for the consequences of our choices
Policies, Legal, Universal, Self (PLUS) is a filter used in what?
Ethical Decision Making
Five approaches to ethics are virtue, utilitarian, rights, fairness or justice, and common good. T/F
What are three quick tests for ethical and effective decision making?
The Butterfly Test - the self test often manifests itself with physical sense of discomfort
The Authority Test - how would you feel if a person in authority knew about it/
The Public Scrutiny Test - What if it was made public?
The word Ethics comes from the Greek word Ethos meaning customer/character, T/F
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the ability, skill or a self-perceived ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others and of groups T/F
What are the five skills of Emotional Intelligence: otherwise known as Goleman’s Model
- Self - awareness
- Self Management
- Social Awareness
- Empathy
- Relationship Management
What are the ABCDE’s of Self-Talk?
Adversity Belief Consequences Disputation Energized
What are the two most important elements to social awareness?
Listening and observing
Empathy means recognizing and responding appropriately to, the emotions of others. T/F
Blues are _________ oriented
Oranges are ______ orientated
Greens are _______ oriented
Golds are _____ oriented
What are ANTS
Automatic Negative Thoughts
The cycle of forming expectations, communicating expectations, expectations are matched and expectations come true is known as the __________
Pygmalion Expectations cycle
What is MBWA stand for?
Manage By walking Around
What does PDCA stand for, when referring the Deming Cycle?
PLAN establish goals
DO assign work
CHECK Follow-up on performance
ACT reinforce success or need for improvement
_______ensures that all of your team members learn how to perform the daily processes from the start of each process to its completion.
Cross training
What re the five C’s of a team?
Collaboration Coordination Collegiality Coaching Communication among each other
What are the four staged of Team Development, also known as the team development model?
What does TEAM stand for
________ is the interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effect
Sense of community, lifting powers of others, sharing tasks, encouragement and standing by each other in difficult times are team building lessons we learn from GEESE, T/F
Justice should be
Fair - Efficient - Prompt
Over crowded court sessions, large number of cases in backlog and multiple adjournments are symptoms of _______, which results in problems for defendants the public, and the court.
lack of control
Increased adjournments may result in delay in individual cases, greater clerical staffing adjournments and lawyers becoming reluctant to prepare for trial/hearings T/F
DCM - Differentiated Case Management is defined as the court supervision of case progress that explicitly recognizes that cases vary in resource requirements (judicial, staff and attorney) to achieve timely and just dispositions. In short Identifying and scheduling cases by degree of difficulty. T/F
Define factors that differentiate cases, grouping cases in terms of these factors, procedures for screening cases according to factors and criteria and tracks for each category/group are for components of
Differentiated Case Management
What are some strategies used to gain control to manage caseflow and control back log?
- Stagger court sessions
- New Technology - Video Conferencing, Telephonic Interpretation
- Individual and Master Calendars
How do we set smart goals, using SMART?
Specific Measurable Agreed upon Realistic and Time framed
What are three monthly reports that should be reviewed regarding case management?
Monthly Management Report
Tickets Assign, Not Issued
Case Status Report
This report gives you a picture of the over all health of the court….
Monthly Management Report
When creating an action plan, you should….
Identify issues
Set goals and objectives for the future
Select the necessary activities
Establish accountability
How do you calculate backlog?
Current backlog divided by the preceding 12 months average monthly filings then multiple by 100
What are our Judicial Goals? (4)
1 Equal treatment of all defendants by the court
2 Timely dispositions consistent with the circumstance of individual cases
3 Enhancement of the quality of the judicial process
4 Public confidence in the court as an institution
What are some symptoms of lack of control?
- large number of cases in backlog
- false court dates
- overcrowded court sessions
- unclear assignment of duties
- lengthy or non-existent follow up on reports
- Numerous adjournments
A _________ is a planning technique used too establish a strategy in order to close the gap to future plans.
Gap Analysis
What are the five segments of the Diversity Wheel?
1 Core 2 Personal 3 Experience 4 Situational 5 Organizational
This policy, that became effective January 31, 2011, recognizes the growing utilization of social media tools and cautions employees of violating the code of conduct even through inappropriate use of social media tools
Policy for use of social media by judiciary employees
R.1:41-3 is the rule that states all current non-certified court directors, court admin, and deputy CA shall obtain conditional accreditation by _______ Which is 6 month from the effective date of this rule.
March 13, 2012
All non-certified MC directors, CA, and deputy CA shall obtain full accreditation by ________, three years from effective date R.1:41-3.
September 13, 2104
Creates a new order, defines risk, is opportunity focused, takes comfort in ambiguity, is opportunity centric, is big picture oriented and is innovative are all traits that describe a _________
Maintains existing order, de-risks, is resource focused, takes comfort in clarity, is constraint centric, is detail oriented and is adaptive are all traits that describe a _______
Leaders are __________oriented
managers are ______ oriented
What are the three parts of assertive communication/
1 statement the problem
2 statement of what you want
3 Why it is important
_______ is doing everything you can do to prepare and deliver a message that clearly describes your position and minimizes defensiveness in the other person
Initiating skills help you to
- express your ideas clearly and directly
- discloses you feelings honestly without causing defensiveness
- Describes the other person’s behavior without attacking character
- influence the other person to change without causing resentment
- Specify exactly what you want in clear objective terms
AID can be used for both developmental and motivational issues. What does AID stand for?
A Action (what the person did) I Impact ( the impact of the action) D Do (what you would like that person to do now)
What are the four quadrants of the Time Management Matrix
Important and Urgent - Do it now
Urgent but not important - Do it now
Important but not Urgent - Plan time carefully
Not important and not urgent - Do when time allows
Organize the work! What is the order of our six daily priorities.
1 immediately docket new cases
2 process and deposit monies
3 perform post-court duties
4 forward indictable complaints to prosecutor
5 establish court calendar
6 carry out routine procedures (FTA, bench warrants)
When referring to the Situational Leadership Model, what is the focus on when a leader is “directing’?
Orienting, prioritizing, teaching, and monitoring
When referring to the Situational Leadership Model, what is the focus on when a leader is “coaching”?
explaining/clarifying, redirecting, praising, and encouraging
When referring to the Situational Leadership Model, what is the focus on when a leader is “supporting”?
asking, listening, collaborating, appreciating, reassuring
When referring to the Situational Leadership Model, what is the focus on when a leader is “delegating”?
Allowing, trusting, acknowledging, challenging
How do you communicate effectively, using the Chinese symbol for listen?
Listen with your ears, heart, and undivided attention