Review lessons 90-93 Flashcards
Engine Failure on Takeoff - Below Vr
- Throttles - Idle
- Brakes - As Required
- Engines - Shutdown if Necessary
Engine Failure on Takeoff - Above Vr CONTINUED
1. Directional Control - Maintain FLY THE AIRPLANE FLY THE AIRPLANE FLY THE AIRPLANE 2. Mixtures - Full Forward 3. Propellers - Full Forward 4. Throttles - Full Forward 5. Fuel Selector - ON 6. Flaps - Retracted 7. Landing Gear - UP 8. Fuel Pumps - ON 9. Inoperative Engine - Identify and Verify 10. Throttle Inop. Engine - Close 11. Prop Inop. Engine - Feather 12. Mixture Inop. Engine - Cutoff 13. Establish Bank - 2-3 degrees 14. Airspeed - 88 KIAS *use FD...FLC 88 kias*
Engine Failure during Flight - Above Vmc
- Inoperative Engine - Identify and Verify
FLY THE AIRPLANE - Operative Engine - Adjust Power as Required
- Airspeed - Maintain at Least 88 KIAS
Emergency Descent
- Carb HT - ON
- Throttles - Idle
- Props - High RPM
- Mixtures - Rich
- Landing Gear - Down
- Bank - 45 Degrees
- Fuel Pumps - ON
- Airspeed - DNE 140
- Rollout - Pilot Option
CLEAN UP THE A/C (gear/carb ht)
One Engine Inoperative Landing (non-memory)
- Traffic Pattern
- Single Engine Approach
- Inoperative Engine - Engine Secured
- Seat Belts/Harnesses - Secure
- Fuel Selector (Op. Engine) - ON
- Mixture (Op. Engine) - Rich
- Prop (Op. Engine) - Full Forward
- Fuel Pump (Op. Engine) - ON
- Cowl Flap (Op. Engine) - As Required
- Altitude and Airspeed - Make Normal Approach
- Final Descent to Land - Landing Gear Down and Locked
- Landing Gear is Down/3 Green
- Props High RPM
- Flaps set __ degrees
- Approach Stabilized
Vmc Demo:
MRA 4000/Clearing Turns
On, Monitor, On, UP, Smooth, HIGH
- Flaps 0
- Decelerate to 98 knots
- Throttles - 1 Idle, 1 Full Open
- 0 Side Slip/maintain heading
- Pitch up to lose 1 knot per second
- Recover at first sign of stall
be able to explain why/how Vmc changes, and its relation to stall speed
Power-Off Stall:
MRA 3000/Clearing Turns
On, Monitor, On, DOWN, Smooth, HIGH
- Throttles - Idle
- Maintain Altitude
- Decelerate to 88 knots
- Nose down for approach attitude
- Flaps FULL - adjust pitch to maintain 88
- Establish and maintain a coordinated landing pitch attitude
Power-On Stall (TAKEOFF config.):
MRA 3000/Clearing Turns
On, Monitor, On, DOWN, Smooth, HIGH
- Flaps 0
- Maintain Altitude/Decelerate to 75 knots
- Apply 18” MP/Enter a gradual climb (17.5 pitch up to stall)
Recovery: Reduce AOA, Positive Rate - Gear up
Power-On Stall (DEPARTURE config.):
MRA 3000/Clearing Turns
On, Monitor, On, UP, Smooth, 2500 RPM
- Flaps 0
- Maintain Altitude/Decelerate to 75 knots
- Apply 18” MP/ Enter a gradual climb (17.5 pitch up to stall)
Recovery: Reduce AOA, Throttles/Props Full Forward!
Accelerated Stall:
MRA 3000/Clearing Turns
On, Monitor, On, DOWN, Smooth, HIGH
remember gear down bc this a TRAFFIC PATTERN maneuver, hence 82 knots
- Flaps 0
- Establish and maintain 82 knots
- Bank 45 degrees
- Neutralize rudder/ailerons
- Quickly pull yoke to chest
Recovery: Reduce back pressure, Throttles/Props Full Forward, roll wings level, positive rate - gear up
Steep Turns:
MRA 3000/Clearing Turns
OFF, Monitor, On, UP, Smooth, 2400 RPM
remember gear up bc this is a CRUISING maneuver, hence 125 knots
- Establish 125 knots
- Bank 50 degrees, 2 full turns of nose up trim
- Maintain altitude and airspeed within standards!!
Slow Flight:
MRA 3000/Clearing Turns
On, Monitor, On, As Specified, HIGH
- Reduce throttles/Maintain altitude
- Below 111 - Flaps Full
- Establish Airspeed at which imminent stalling conditions exist
pitch for airspeed, power for altitude
Short Field Takeoff: Set-up and Execution
- Use ALL available runway
- Hold brakes
- Advance throttles to 20” MP
- Check engine instruments
- Release brakes
- Rotate at 70 or POH computed airspeed
- Climb at 82 knots until 50’ AGL
- Transition to 88 knots
- 500’ AGL SET AUTOPILOT 105 KNOTS and set 25”/2500 rpm
- 1000’ climb checklist
VFR Traffic Pattern and Landing
- Around 18” MP in pattern
- Crosswind: 100 knots
- Prior to Midfield-Downwind: 100 knots, Before landing xlist complete (fuel pumps on, landing gear down and locked, props 2500, mixtures set)
- Abeam aiming point: Reduce Power and LEAVE ALONE, Flaps 10
- Base: Flaps 25, 90 knots
- Final: Flaps 40 (full), 88 +5/-0 knots
One Engine Inop. Non-Precision Approach Profile
- *Cleared**
- 1 nm from FAF: One Engine Inop Landing Checklist Complete
- 0.5 nm from FAF: 100 knots (do not adjust flaps/gear)
- FAF: Descend, Reset Altitude Bugs
- 1000’ to mins: Instrument cross-checked
- 500’ to mins: Cleared ___
- 100’ to mins: Check
- MDA: Minimums
- VDP: VDP or No Contact
- *Final Descent to Land: Final Check**
- MAP: Go-Around, flaps up
OEI Approach and Landing - VFR Traffic Pattern
- Entering TPA - gear already extended for Final Descent to Land*
- Prior to Midfield-Downwind: 100 knots, OEI Landing checklist complete
- Abeam Aiming Point: Reduce power, Flaps 10
- Base: 90 knots, Flaps 25
- Final: Final check complete, 90 +5/-0, Flaps 25
Engine Failure on Takeoff - Above Vr ABORTED
- Pitch Attitude - Lower
- Directional Control - Maintain
- Throttles - As Required
- Airspeed - 88 KIAS
- Landing Gear Down - Land Straight Ahead
- Engines - Shutdown if Necessary
Engine Failure in Flight - Below Vmc, and WHY we do each step!
- Rudder - Apply Against Yaw (to maintain directional control)
- Throttles - Retard (reducing power on operative engine will reduce yaw and make directional control easier to maintain)
- Pitch Attitude - Lower Nose to Accelerate above Vmc (accelerating will increase rudder effectiveness and allow directional control to be maintained)
Propeller Overspeed
- Throttle (Affected Engine) - Retard
- Propeller (Affected Engine) - Decrease
- Oil Pressure (Affected Engine) - Check
- Airspeed - Reduce
- Throttle (Affected Engine) - As Required to Remain Below 2700 RPM
Emergency Exit
(left window)
- Thermoplastic Cover - Remove
- Emergency Exit Handle - Pull Forward
- Window - Push Out
Autopilot Malfunction
- Control Wheel - Grasp Firmly
- Attitude Indicators - Crosscheck
- AP DISC Switch - Depress and Hold
- Pitch Trim - Retrim as Necessary
- Autopilot Circuit Breaker - Pull
- Autopilot - Do Not Re-engage
One Engine Inoperative Go-Around
- Mixture (Op.) - Rich
- Propeller (Op.) - Full Increase
- Throttles - Smoothly Advance to t/o Power
FLY THE AIRPLANE - Flaps - Retract Incrementally
- Landing Gear - Up
- Airspeed - 88 KIAS
Engine Fire in Flight
- Fuel selector (Affected Engine) - OFF
- Throttle (Affected Engine) - Close
- Propeller (Affected Engine) - Feather
- Mixture (Affected Engine) - Cutoff
- Cowl Flap (Affected Engine) - Open
* Affected Engine…Complete Engine Securing Procedure
If fire persists increase airspeed. Land as soon as possible!
One Engine Inop. PRECISION approach profile
- Cleared for the Approach*
- 1 Dot to GS: ONE ENGINE INOP xlist complete
- 0.5 Dot to GS: EXTEND LANDING GEAR, SLOW TO 100 knots
- GS: Intercept, reset Altitude Bug
- 1000’ to Mins, Instruments x-checked….CHECK
- 500’ to Mins, Cleared ___ ….CHECK
- 100’ to Mins….CHECK
- DA: Minimums….Continuing/Landing
- Final xlist complete, landing
- DA: Minimums No Contact….Go Around, GEAR UP