Review from Book Flashcards
What are the four main paths of yoga? Briefly describe each.
Raja- royal/8 limbed/ashtanga, Based on yoga sutras, our perception of the divine is obscured by disturbances of the mind
Bhakti yoga- path of devotion, belief in the power of love, practiced through prayer, ritual singing and chanting
Karma Yoga- the path of action, selfless devotion, right attitude, right motive, serve, discipline
Jnana Yoga-the path of knowledge/wisdom, dissolve illusion of separation, find divine within
Raja Yoga
royal/8 limbed/ashtanga, Based on yoga sutras, our perception of the divine is obscured by disturbances of the mind
Bhakti Yoga
path of devotion, belief in the power of love, practiced through prayer, ritual singing and chanting
Karma Yoga
the path of action, selfless devotion, right attitude, right motive, serve, discipline
Jnana Yoga
the path of knowledge/wisdom, dissolve illusion of separation, find divine within
What are the 8 limbs of yoga
Yamas Niyamas Asana Pranayama Pratyahara Dharana Dhyana Samadhi
Helps us know our true nature. Purifies and contributes to the health and happiness of society. (Don’t do’s)
practices of personal observance
the way we relate to ourselves- internal realm (Do’s)
practice of physical postures to establish sthira (stability) and sukha (comfort)
control of energy/life force through the breath
generate heat and promote tapas
withdrawal or retreat
drawing the senses back from the external world
the immovable concentration of the mind
worship, meditation on god, unification of the mind on an object
transcendental state
What are the 5 yamas
Ahimsa Satya Asteya Bramacharya Aparigraha
non-violence, compassion for all living things
non-lying, speak the truth
What are the 5 niyamas
Saucha Santosha Tapas Svadhyaya Isvara Pranidhana
inner and outer cleanliness, purity
disciplined use of energy
isvara prandidhana
dedication to the divine
Describe the evolution of yoga
As one progresses through the 8 limbs with the use of yamas and niyamas, one gets closer to samadhi, the true goal of yoga
Briefly describe the history of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga
Krishnamacharya studies then goes back to Mysore. Pattabhi Jois and BKS study with him.
PJ is photographed by a Belgian who spreads the knowledge
PJ teachers in the US in 1975
Now one of the most widely practiced styles of yoga
What is the purpose and value of having a fixed sequence
Allows you to explore the pose, what’s there, confront resistance and stubbornness. You get to master each pose and build on your own practice. Becomes a meditative flow
What aspects of the practice should emphasis be placed on?
Breath, bandhas and vinyasa
How many series in Ashtanga and what is the focus of each series?
1. Restore health, build strength, purify body and mind
2. purification for pranic energy to flow more freely
3-6 strengthening inner spirit, humility, focus, steadiness of body and mind
Explain the importance of breath in yoga
fuels our movement. creates heat, energy and stability
What is the breathing technique used in Ashtanga Vinyasa
What are the 3 bandhas?
Mula banda
Uddiyana bandha
Jalandara Bandha
Mula bandha
root lock- kegel
triumph over desires
uddiyana banda
upward lock, tighten muscles and diaphragm
liberation from physical, mental, emotional attachments
jalandara bandha
chin lock, hold breath and tuck chin
dissolution of ego
What is a dristi
our gaze
keeps eyes and mind steady and soft
Gazing points
nasagrai- tip of nose nabi chakra- naval hastagrai- hand padayaragrai- feet urdhva/antra- sky
Identify the different parts that form the structure of a creative vinyasa flow class
Manta intention ujjayi breath bandhas sunsalutations standing postures seated postures backbends pacifying svasana
Describe a beginner variation for vasisthasana
one knee on the floor, bring the sole of the upper foot flat to press into the floor
Describe alignment for Tadasana.
Why is it important to teach this at the beginning of class
Big toes touch, heels slightly apart tuck tailbone, draw the navel in shoulders back chin tucked This establishes grounding, balance and stillness which can be carried through the rest of the poses
What guidance would you offer a student with injured knees
protect the knee by grounding through the feet avoid hyperextending use props under bum or knee in seated knee aligned with middle toe knee above ankle
What guidance would you offer a student with lower back issues
gently stretching hamstrings
warm up spine gently
sit on a prop in seated
keep knees bent, use straps
How would you modify Sun salute for shoulder injuries
keep palms to heart when inhaling
knees, chest and chin instead of chataranga or check alignment in chataranga
baby cobra
child’s pose instead of downward dog
What poses should you avoid with neck injuries
shoulder stand, plow, headstand
keep chin tucked and neck neutral in other poses
avoid turning head in postures you would look up for
Seven things to consider when preparing your teaching sequence
mats temperature cleanliness teacher hygiene aroma lighting music
4 things to consider when demonstrating poses
perfect alignment
demonstrate within the flow
don’t demonstrate to the point you stop observing your class
8 limbs of successful yoga teaching
conduct consistency authenticity knowledge professionalism inspire truthfulness market yourself authentically
When observing students, what should you look for
guided by care and respect
positives first, adjustments and enhancements second
adjust your teaching to respond to observations
move around
look for: quality of breath, eyes and expression
foundation and alignment
symmetry and balance
Three benefits to practicing pranayama
elimination of toxins supports digestive process strengthens concentration serenity relaxation and spiritual development
Four stages of breathing in pranayama
retention of breath
retention out
What preparations can be done to enhance meditation practice
comfortable position
finding an objec to meditate on
preparing the space
music, smells, etc.
3 possible objects of meditation
mantra, certain image, thoughts, breath
What are the 7 chakras
Muladhara (base of spine) Svadhistana (genital region) Manipura (navel) anahata (heart region) Vishuddha (throat) Ajaa (forehead/ third eye) Sahasrara (crown of head)
Name the 3 major nadis and their locations
sushumna (central channel) left channel (ida) right channel (pingala) ascend along the axis of the spine
What is prana
the chief wind, the force of the out breath, macro-cosmic energy
Name the 5 koshas in English and sanskrit
annamayakosha (food) (outermost sheath) pranamayakosha (breath) Manomayakosha (mind) vijnanamayakosha (consciousness) anadamayakosha (bliss)
What is a nadi
subtle channels that carry the 5 winds
What is a kosha
the five forms of the self
What is the literal meaning of the word chakra
1st chakra, color, sound, location, poses, relationships and elements?
muladhara- root place red lam sense, base of spine, smell standing survival, work, family earth
2nd chakra, color, sound, location, poses, relationships and elements?
svadhisthana- her favorite standing place orange vam groin area, taste hip openers past relationships water
3rd chakra, color, sound, location, poses, relationships and elements?
Manipura- jewel in the city yellow ram solar plexus, sight twisting others we have hurt fire
4th chakra, color, sound, location, poses, relationships and elements?
Anahata-unstruck green yam heart, touch backbends others who have hurt us air
5th chakra, color, sound, location, poses, relationships and elements?
Vishuddha- poison-free place blue ham throat, hearing shoulderstand, halasana how you see yourself ether
6th chakra, color, sound, location, poses, relationships and elements?
ajna- command place purple om third-eye, intuition child's pose relationship with those who teach us space
7th chakra, color, sound, location, poses, relationships and elements?
sahasrara- 1000 petalled lotus dazzling om (silent) crown, universal consciousness, headstand, relationship to divine akasha (space)
Chakra sounds 1-7
lam vam ram yam ham om silent om
chakra elements 1-7
earth water fire air ether space space
chakra poses 1-7
standing hip openers twists backbends shoulderstand child's pose headstand
chakra locations 1-7
base of spine groin solar plexus heart throat third eye crown
What does the word mantra mean
a word or phrase endowed with transcendental power and the ability to rise above the mind and shift perception (mind/cross over)
What is the meaning of the gayatri mantra? What is its effect?
The mother of the vedas
“May the almighty god illuminate our intellect to lead us along the righteous path”
Raises prana, renews metabolism, brightens aura, destroys past karma
Why do we chant shanti 3 times
due to the 3 disturbances of peace
Three attributes of Om
purifies and awakens the forces of all our types of bodies
origin of all yantras, mantras and mandalas
in the beginning there was the word, the word was god. Om is the word
Explain how you would bring mantras into your teaching?
Which first?
When would you chant it?
How would you explain it?
Be sensitive
Encourage them to go only as far as feels comfortable
I guess this is a personal preference question
5 winds
naga- bleching, vomiting and hiccups kurma- blinking krkara- hunger and thirst devadatta- yawning dhanamjaya- remains in the body after death