Review For Final Flashcards
What is the definition of speech
- the exchange of information through speaking or talking
- the neuromuscular act of producing sound that are used in language
What is the definition of Language
- the systematic and conventional use of sounds (or signs or written symbols) for the purpose of communication or self-expression
What are the four components of language
- system
- symbols
- purpose
- generativity
What is the definition of communication
- broad term including linguistic and non linguistic communication
- requires sender and receiver
- shared intent to communicate
- shared means of communication
Children who have difficulty following directions and understanding stories may need to be assessed for what
- receptive language skills
Children who have difficulty saying words in the correct order and is not producing grammar appropriate for his age, may need to be assessed for what
- expressive language skills
- production of language
children who use Incorrect phonemes and whose speech is difficult for others to understand, may need to be assessed for
- articulation skills (speech)
children who are Not turn-taking in conversation and has difficulty staying on topic, may need to be assessed for
- social language or pragmatic skills
What makes language unique to humans
- generativity
- grammar (system)
- human vocal tract (speech)
- lower larynx positioning (speech)
Human brain capacity for language
- left hemisphere specialization for language
- brocas areas: language production (stroke impact)
- wernicke’s area: language comprehension ( stroke impact)
- executive function, memory, attention, neuroplasticity
Language and nature
- innate capacity
- human brain is unique
- grammar
language and nurture
- social interaction
- serve and return
Critical period
- child must be exposed to language before 13
- wild children
- severe isolation
- genie
Language creation
- humans have a language making capacity
- nicaraguan sign language
what is a pidgin
- simple communication system created when no language is common
what is a creole
a pidgin will become a creole
- linguistically complex
- full language
Recommendations for screen time and children
- none before 2
What isnt screen time ideal for language development
- lack of serve and return
- screens take away from quality interactions with real people
What are some positive aspects of screens
- educational shows
- exercise
What are the 5 elements of language
- phonolgoy (sound system)
- morphology ( combining smallest units of language into words, grammar)
- Syntax (word order)
- Semantics/ lexicon (vocabulary)
- Pragmatics (social )
What are phonemes
- speech sounds that signal a meaningful difference (use brackets /b/)
what is phonetics
- the study of speech sounds
what is the international phonetic alphabet
- internationally recognized set of phonetic symbols
- cant rely on letters alone
- helps pronounce names
- helps learn new languages
When do kids learn their first word
- 1 year
When do kids start combining words
- 2 years
when do kids use utterances
3 years
when do word spurts happen
- 1 1/2
- around 50 word mark