Review Chapter 2 Flashcards
The “Reference Theory of Meaning” was expounded by Aristotle. What does it mean?
It means that the meaning of a word consists in what it refers to.
i.e: The word Dog refers to all Dogs in the word, So it seems plausible to hold that the meaning of dog is all the dogs in the world.
The “Idea Theory of Meaning,” was Developed by John Locke in the seventh Century. What does it mean?
This means that the meaning of a word consists in the idea or mental image that is associate with that specific word.
i.e when you think of dog it seems you would have a metal image associated with that word and it is plausible to hold the meaning of dog with the mental image in your head.
Ludwig, and Austin approached meaning with “Meaning as use” What does this mean?
This means that words only have meaning when they are used in sentences; without any context they have no meaning.
Name all Nine Functions of Language
1) Descriptive Function
2) Evaluative Function
3) Emotive Function
4) Evocative Function
5) Persuasive Function
6) Interrogative Function
7) Directive Function
8) Performative Function
9) Recreational Function
What function of Language is this below?
This Coffee is cold
I dont have any change for the coffee machine
A cup of coffee would calm my nerves
What function of Language is this below?
Julie is the best student in class That was the worst movie I've seen in years.
What function of Language is this below?
I love you
Thank Heavens thats over
What function of Language is this below?
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.
At speedy you’re somebody
You shouldnt take astrology seriously. There is no scientific basis for it.
What function of Language is this below?
What is the due date for the essay?
Tell me your age
What function of Language is this below?
GO to the principals office immediately
Take these pills twice a day
What function of Language is this below?
I find the accused guilt of murder (Said by judge)
I now pronounce you husband and wife (said by paster)
What function of Language is this below?
Why did the chick cross the road
Old mother goose
The hunger games
What function of Language is this below?
You can increase your sales by 30 percent through advertising in local media (said by advertising sales person from a local TV station who is talking to the manager of a clothing store)
What function of Language is this below?
I love you more than anyone else I’ve ever known (Said by young woman to young man)
What function of Language is this below?
I declare this building offically open (said by major of city)
What does it mean to have a Sense of a word?
This is what we understand when we under stand its meaning
What does the reference of a word mean?
this is the class of things to which the word refers.
What is a reportive Definition?
On that reports the standard usage of a word.
I.e Standard ditctionarys give reportive defintions
What is a Stipulative Definition?
This means you address new (more precise) meanings to a word
What is an essentialist Definition?
These are compressed theories; they attempt to express in succinct form a theory about the nature of what is being defined
What is a Genus-Species Method?
This is catagorizing things
What is an Ostensive Definitions
Defining things by showing them to someone.
I.e: A car is something with an engine, metal from, and wheels points to cars on street those are cars
What are operational definitions?
This is used to define a term very precisely by specific rule of operation
I.e A genius is anyone who scores over 140 on a standard IQ test.
What is a circular definition?
One that includes the term being defined (or its cognate) In the definition
I.e: A golf ball is a small spherical object used in the game of golf.
What is the error committed by the following definition?
A Supreme Court is the highest court in the united states
too narrow, because the defining phrase (the highest court in the United States) applies only to the Supreme Court of the United States, and excludes the Supreme Courts of other countries.
What is the error committed by the following definition?
Poetry is an art form that uses words to communicate ideas and images
too broad, because the defining phrase (art form that uses words to communicate ideas and images) includes other art forms that use words to communicate ideas and images, such as novels and plays.
What is the error committed by the following definition?
A snowplow is an implemented designed to remove snow
too broad, because the defining phrase (implement designed to remove snow) includes other implements designed to remove snow, such as snow shovels and snow blowers. it is also circular, which would make the definition useless for anyone who does not know what snow is.
What is the error committed by the following definition?
Restoration is the process or activity of restoring something to its former condition
What is the error committed by the following definition?
A tritone is the musical interval of an augmented fourth or a diminished fifth
Obscure. This definition would only be informative to someone who already has extensive knowledge of music theory.
What is the error committed by the following definition?
A stapler is a device for fastening pages together
too broad, since the defining phrase includes several other devices that are used to fasten pages together, such as paper clips and binders. it is also too narrow, since the defining phrase excludes staplers that are designed for use in construction and for other industrial uses.
What is the error committed by the following definition?
A nurse is a woman who is trained to look after the sick
too narrow, because the defining phrase excludes male nurses. it is also too broad, because it includes other health care professionals, such as doctors and chiropractors.
What is the error committed by the following definition?
A bungalow is a one story building
too broad, since the defining phrase includes other kinds of one-storey buildings such as garages and shops.
What is the error committed by the following definition?
The united nations is an organization aimed at fostering co-operation and peace between nations.
too broad, since the defining phrase also refers to other international organizations, such as the European Community, the Olympics, natO, and the international Civil aviation Organization.
What is the error committed by the following definition?
A sport is an activity involving competition between individuals, or group of individuals.
too broad, since the defining phrase also includes such competitive activities as operating a business, playing chess, and competing in music festivals, none of which are sports. it is also too narrow, since the defining phrase excludes such individual sports as sport fishing, surfboarding, and sky diving, which are not normally competitive.