Review Flashcards
What is the definition of human behavior?
Product of factors that cause people to act in predictable ways.
Levels of human needs according to Maslow.
Physiological Security Belonging Esteem Cognitive and esthetic Self-actuation
What is motivation?
The reason that one acts or behaves in a certain way.
What are the defense mechanisms?
(DR DR FCPR) Denial Repression Displacement Rationalization Fantasy Compensation Projection Reaction formation
What are the barriers to effective communication?
(COIL) Confusion Overuse of abstractions Interference Lack of common experience
What are the four main theories of learning?
(BICC) Behaviorism Information processing Cognitive theory Constructivism
What is the definition of learning?
The change in behavior as a result of an experience.
All learning comes from _____
Learning happens best when a person uses one or more of their _______
What are the factors that affect perceptions?
(G-STEP) Goals and values Self-concept Time and opportunity Element of threat Physical organism
The grouping of perceptions into meaningful wholes?
What are the principles or laws of learning?
(REEPIR) Readiness Exercise Effect Primacy Intensity Recency
What are the five levels of affective domain?
(ARVOI) Awareness Response Value Organizing Interrogation
What are the four practical instructional levels of the psychomotor domain?
(HIPO) Habit Imitation Practice Observation
List the training delivery methods.
(LGECCDD) Lecture method Guided discussion E-learning Computer assisted learning Cooperative Demonstration-performance Drill and practice
What are the 5 types of lectures?
(IBFIT) Illustrated Briefing Formal Informal Teaching lectures
What are the general characteristics of an effective assessment?
(FASTCOCO) Flexible Acceptable Specific Thoughtful Comprehensive Objective Constructive Organized
What are the 5 main responsibilities of all aviation instructors with regards to the learning process?
(HEMPSS) Helping students learn Emphasizing the positive Minimizing student frustration Provide adequate instruction Standards Safety
What additional responsibilities do aviation instructors have?
Pilot supervision Evaluation of student ability Endorsement for instruction given Practical test Pilot proficiency Additional training See and avoid Students pre-solo flight thought process
What are the steps in the demonstration-performance method of flight instruction?
- Explanation by instructor
- Demonstration by instructor
- Student preforms
- Instructor supervises
- Evaluation by instructor
What are the four basic principles of risk management that are useful when trying to determine what constitutes an “acceptable” level of risk?
- Accept no unnecessary risk
- Make risk decisions at the appropriate level
- Accept when benefits outweigh the costs
- Integrate risk management into planning at all levels
What regulation deals with the initial and subsequent cross country of a student pilot?
What regulation deals with the limitations of the student pilot certificate?
What regulation would you refer to if a client wanted to know exactly what he/she needed to know (knowledge) to become a private pilot?
Which regulation deals with the prerequisites of any FAA knowledge test?
Commercial requirments
Total Flight Time – 250
Hours in a powered aircraft – 100 in airplanes – 50
PIC Time – 100
In airplanes – 50
Cross country – 50 in airplanes – 10
20 hours of training on the areas listed in 61.127(b)(2)
10 instrument training 5 in MEA
10 hours of MEA complex training
-One 2 hour cross country in a MEA in daytime conditions that consists of a total straight line distance of more than 100 nm from the original point of departure.
-One 2 hour cross country in a MEA in night time conditions that consists of a total straight line distance of more than 100 nm from the original point of departure.
-3 hours in a MEA with an authorized CFI in preparation for the practical test within the preceding two calendar months.
-10 hours solo in a MEA
-One cross country flight of not less than 300 nm total distance with landings at 3 points one of which is straight line distance of at least 250 nm form the original point of departure.
-5 hours night VFR
-10 takeoff and landings at an airport with an operating control tower.
Student comes to you after already receiving an endorsement to solo from his previous instructor. Assuming it’s the same airport and same aircraft, what would you need to do to continue the solo privileges for your new client?
Yes, within the first 90 days otherwise you need 61.87(b)
Your student is planning a flight which will take him/her into class bravo airspace. What endorsement would you need to give your student so that they would be legal to fly through this airspace? Use the AC 61-65 to write the endorsement below.
A student from another instructor has come to you and asks you to sign off their cross country solo flight (61.93(c)). Can you do this if you were not that students instructor?
Yes if it is 61.93(c)(3) and the student has received 61.93(a)(b) from their primary instructor.
What is critical density altitude?
The density altitude at which stall and Vmc are equal.