FOI: The Teaching Process (Task C) Flashcards
What is Teaching?
The process of instructing or training someone
Essential Teaching Skill
- People Skills
- Assessment Skills
- Management Skills
- Subject Matter Expertise
Course of Training
A complete series of studies leading to attainment of a specific goal
Set of course in an area of specialization offered by an educational institution
Summary or outline of a course of study that generally contains a description of each lesson, including objectives and completion standards
Training Course Outline (TCO)
Content of particular course Typically contain: -Statement of objectives -Description of teaching aids -Description assessment criteria -Indications of desired outcomes
Preparation of a Lesson
Determination of objectives and standards is necessary before any important instruction can be presented
Contents of a Lesson Plan
- Objective
- Content
- Schedule
- Equipment
- Instructor’s Actions
- Student’s Actions
- Completion Standards
Lesson Objectives
Performance Based
Decision Based
Performance Based Objectives
- Description of the skill or behavior
- Conditions (rules of performance)
- Criteria (standard of success)
Decision Based Objectives
Designed specifically to develop ADM
Often used within a scanario
Preparation of a Lesson
-Relates to the course of training
-Contains 4 instructional steps (PPAR):
Preparation, Presentation Application, and Review
Organization of Material: Introduction
- Attention: story, joke
- Motivation: Why its important
- Overview: clear objective
Organization of Material: Development
- Past to present
- Simple to complex
- Known to unknown
- Most frequently used to less used
Organization of Material: Conclusion
Retraces important elements of the lesson and relates them to the objectives
Training Delivery Methods
- Lecture
- Guided discussion
- E-Learning
- Computer assisted Learning
- Cooperative or Group Learning
- Demonstration/Performance method
- Drill and Practice
Lecture Method
New Concepts
Summarizing new ides
Relationship between theory and practice
Reemphasizing main points
Types of Lecture
- Illustrated talk
- Briefing
- Formal
- Informal
- Teaching Lecture
Advantages of Lectures
- Convenient for large groups
- Supplement other teaching methods
- Instructor can present many ideas at one time
- Most economical
Disadvantages of Lectures
- Not effective for learning large amount in short amount of time
- Does not allow instructor to estimate student understanding
- Cannot check student progress
Training Delivery Methods: Preparing the Teaching Lecture
- Establish the objectives and desired outcomes
- Research the subject
- Organize your material
- Plan productive classroom activities
Training Delivery Methods: Suitable Language
Use simple words
No vulgarism
Define any technical terms
Training Delivery Methods: Types of Delivery
- Manuscripts
- Memory
- Extemporaneously from an outline
- Impromptu without preparation
Training Delivery Methods: Use of Notes
- An instructor who is prepared can speak without notes
- Use notes to ensure accuracy
- Helps focus lectures
- Don’t hide the notes
Training Delivery Methods: Guided Discussion Method
- Finds what student know through skillful use of questions
- Introduction
- Discussion
- Conclusion
Training Delivery Methods: Characteristics of an Effective Question
- Has a specific purpose
- Is clear in meaning
- Contains a single idea
- Stimulates thought
- Requires definite answers
- Relates to previously covered information
Training Delivery Methods: Electronic (E-Learning)
Any type of education that involves an electronic component such as the internet, a network, a stand-alone computer, video conferencing, websites, flight simulators, or email in its delivery
Advantages to E-Learning
- Time Flexible
- Cost Competitive
- Learner centered
- Easily updated
- Accessible everywhere
Disadvantages to E-Learning
-The lack of peer interaction and personal feedback
-Difficult for the instructor to control
-Difficulty in finding good programs for certain subject ares
-Expense of the equipment
Instructor and students may lack experience with personal computers to take full advantage of the software
Training Delivery Methods: Computer-Assisted Learning Method
PC-based; students can progress at a rate comfortable to them
-Includes simulators, FTD, ATD
Training Delivery Methods: Cooperative or Group Leaning Method
Organizes students into small group who can work together to maximize their own and each other’s learning
Benefits of group learning
- Higher test scores
- Higher Self-esteem
- Improved social skills
- Greater comprehension of the subject they are studying
Training Delivery Methods: Demonstration-Performance Method
- Explanation
- Demonstration
- Student performs
- Supervision
- Evaluation
Importan Points about demostration- Performance method
- Student performance is application of instructor presentation
- Student may be asked to explain newly learn material
- Student may be asked to perform a newly learned maneuver
- Student performance can be interrupted by the instructor to correct errors.
- Early correction are vital
- Bad habits are hard to break
Training Delivery Methods: Drill and Practice Method
Promotes learning through repetition
Problem-based learning
Real life problems which force the student to reach real world solution
-Key to the ACS
Types of Problem based Learning
- Scenario Based
- Collaborative Problem Solving
- Case Study
Problem-Based Learning: Characteristics of a good scenario
- Is not a test
- Will not have one. right answer
- Does not offer an obvious answer
- Should not promote errors
- Should promote situational awareness and opportunities for decision making
Instructional Aids and Training Technologies
- Instructional aids supports, supplement, and reinforce what is being taught
- Good instructional aids can help solve language barrier issues
Instructional Aids and Training Technologies: Guidelines for effective instructional aids
- Clearly established the lesson objective
- Gather necessary data by researching the support material
- Organize the material into an outline or a lesson plan
- Select the ideas to be supported with instructional aids
When are aids needed
- Long segments of technical description
- Complex points difficult to put in towards
- When instructors are forming visual images
- When students are puzzled by a verbal description
Instructional Aids and Training Technologies: Types of Instructional Aids
- White board
- Supplemental print material
- Videos
Higher Order of Thinking Skills (HOTS)
-Set up problem
-Determine outcomes
solves problem
-Reflect on problem solving process
-consider additional solutions
-Reevalutae solution with additional options
-Reflect on this solution
-Consider the best solution