Review Flashcards
Poison ivy, oak, sumac: presentation
linear pattern, erythematous, scaly, itching, burning, and stinging
Arms - Rule of 9s
9% each
Impetigo: cause
KOH spaghetti and meatballs
Tinea versicolor
Sore throat takes amox - gets a rash- drug eruption
Morbilliform rash
-bright red macule and papule that coalesce for form plaques
Wart: common
Molluscum contagiosum - MCC
Pressure Ulcer: Stage 1
non-blanchable redness in localized are over bony prominence (skin is intact)
Natal cleft
Pilonidal cyst
Paronychia: treatment
when there is an abscess
- I and D or use 18 gauge needle and lift the cuticle
Hiradenitis suppurative: MC site
axillary, primary occurs on intertriginous skin
Flexor creases-AC popliteal
eczema (atopic dermatitis)
Invasive: SCC
deeper layers
Exlamation point hairs
alopecia areata
What is the dose of topical cream/ointment for the body BID x 4 week?
454 gm
Harold Patch + Christmas tree
pityriasis rosea
-spares the face, usually trunk and proximal regions
Pressure Ulcer: Stage 2
partial thickness dermal loss, shiny, shallow open ulcer with red-pink wound bed without sloughing or bruising
SJS/TEN - a positive sign
Nikolsky sign
Christmas tree
cleavage line
In-situ/Bowen: SCC
confined to outer layer of skin
Lady with dark velvety rash around neck
acanthosis nigrcans
Vitiligo: cause
Tinea corporis
erythematous plaques, clear center, defined borders, scaling, cracking, vesicles scales are present
- ring worm
Tinea versicolor: tx
AK: treatment
Tinea versicolor: dx
fungus - wood lamp
- open sore that does not heal
- AK: precursor
Coin shaped lesion
nummular eczema
- 2 or more lesions in the same location
- pruritis
Native American female, exposed to sunlight, on birth control
Lichen Plans: 6 P’s
purple papules, polygonal, planar, pruritic, plaques
-high incident of hep C
Androgenetic alopecia
MC non scarring in men
Psoriasis - treatment
topical, UV light therapy or systemic agents
What is the dose of topical cream/ointment for face and neck, one arm, and hands and feet TID x 2 week?
45 gm
Asthma, allergies, atopic dermatitis
atopic dermatitis
- eczema
Wart: treatment
cryo and salicylic acid
Seborrheic keratosis
- waxy, scaly, slighting elevated appearance greasy/stuck on appearance
- small papule warty lesion
- brown, black, light tan, lesion on chest, face, shoulders or back
Hidradenitis suppurative
MC in women
- apocrine glands
- recurrent, painful, inflamed nodules
Benign skin lesion
Seborrheic keratosis
Legs - Rule of 9s
18% each
Seborrheic keratosis: treatment
Pemphigus Vulgaris
- autoimmune dz
- MC pemphigoid lesions
- blisters, rupture easily
- Nikolsky sign
- MC young pts
What is the dose of topical cream/ointment for one leg TID x 2 week?
90 gm
- nits/eggs
- scalp infected: acute
- nits: had for a while
- Intense itching, papular, urticaria near the lice bites
Poison ivy, oak, sumac: treatment
burrows solution (aka aluminum acetate solution) -1st line treatment oral = prednisone
Cradle cap: Dandruff
seborrheic dermatitis
-erythematous plaques with fine white scales
Acne: mild treatment
topical retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, topical antibiotics, OCPs
Posterior Trunk - Rule of 9s
Alopecia areata
- autoimmune, thyroid
- tapering near the proximal hair shaft
What is SJS/TEN?
- sheet-like skin and mucosal loss
- treat like a burn
“Tapioca” lesions is seen in what eczema
Dyshidrotic/Dyshidrosis Eczema
Anterior Trunk - Rule of 9s
SJS/TEN - complications
hypothermia dehydration infection
Pressure Ulcer: Stage 3
full thickness dermal loss
Tinea pedis: tx
Dyshidrotic/Dyshidrosis Eczema location and cause
- tense vesicles soles of feet, palm, fingers
- stress, weather, metal, sweating
- feet: w > m, hands: w = m
KOH - what do you see
hyphae, stems, spores
Electrical burns
don’t underestimate degree of injury
- Cardiac: V fib
- Renal: Rhabdomyolysis
- Muscle contracts = cause fractures
Water park, malar rash, sparing nasal folds, across cheek, ANA positive with titer
systemic lupus erythematosus
most common
- sunlight/UV rays
- shiny, pearly, or translucent nodules
- tumor thickness is the most important prognostic factor
- sentinel lymph node excision is diagnostic and therapeutic
Tinea capitus
annular, scaling, lesion, broken hair shafts, inflamed plaques with pustules, with scaring and alopecia
Hiradenitis suppurative: Tx
lifelong attention, behavioral intervention, topical/systemic antibiotics, surgery
Tx for fungal
azole topicals
Nikolsky sign
SJS/TEN = positive
Painful erythema nodules on shins
erythema nodosum
- bruise-like lesions
- fever
- OBC is cause
What is the dose of topical cream/ointment for one leg BID x 1 week?
30 gm
Acne: moderate
topical retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, topical antibiotics, OCPs, oral antibiotics
KOH - what does it do
destroys normal epithelial cells and leaves the fungal cells untouched
Brown recluse
surgical emergency
- hemotoxin, necrosis
Target lesions, caused by HSV or medication
erythema multiform
-mucosal involvement = erythema multiform major
Hand and Neck - Rule of 9s
Warts: cause
Cushing’s disease or hypercortisolism
- moon facies
- dorsocervical fat pads
- striae
- tunica obesity
Tinea veriscolor: cause
Psoriasis - moderate to severe: phototherapy and systemic agents
- acitretin
- calcitriol
- entanercept
Farmer comes in with rough spots on ear
AK leads to SCC
Vitiligo: cause
autoimmune destruction of melanocytes
Swimming, rash (small pustular lesions) where swimsuit was what is the dx, bug, and tx?
- psudomonas aeruginosa
- TX: cipro
Tzanck smear
What is the dose of topical cream/ointment for trunk BID x 4 week ?
Acne: severe
- pregnancy test every month
- 2 forms of BC
Bullous Pemphigoid
- Subepidermal blistering
- Urticarial plaques, tense bullae do not rupture easily
- negative Nikolsky sign
Psoriasis - mild to moderate: Topical agents
- topical corticosteroids
- emollients
- salicylic acid
- calcipotriene (Synthetic Vitamin D derivative)
- Tazarotene
- Coal tar
What is the dose of topical cream/ointment for trunk BID x 1 week?
TBSA includes
partial thickness, full thickness, and 4th degree
-superficial not included
Before SJS/TEN rash appears what sxs does the pt state they had?
URI/Flu-like before rash presents
What is Keratosis Pilaris and where is it located?
Keratotic follicular papules with perifollicular erythema base
-arms, thighs, and cheeks
Paronychia: cause
Staph Areus
Tine Barbae
papules, pustules, and hair follicles around beard location
Wart: flat
Genital and peritoneum - Rule of 9s
What is the dose of topical cream/ointment for one leg BID x 4 week?
120 gm
other parts of the body
Tinea pedis
athlete foot, pruritic scaly eruption between toes
Genital warts: treatment
-done in office by clinician
Wood lamps
pediculosis (lice) - nit fluoresce
Ring worm
What is the dose of topical cream/ointment for trunk TID x 2 week?
Harold Patch
salmon color annular
Diaper rash: tx
Black widow
medical emergency
- neurotoxin
Honey crusted around mouth
Non-bullous impetigo
Infection of nail margin
- occurs after skin trauma (bitting nails)
- if left untreated can progress to felon
Melanoma: MC type
superficial spreading melanoma
Impetigo: treatment
What is the dose of topical cream/ointment for the body BID x 1 week?
Exposed to poison ivy, oak, sumac etc.
oleoresin-oil: allergic contact dermatitis
Pressure Ulcer: Stage 4
full thickness skin loss with exposed bone, tendon or muscle
What is the dose of topical cream/ointment for the body TID x 2 week?
454 gm
SJS/TEN - associated with
- Antibiotics - sulfa
What is the dose of topical cream/ointment for face and neck, one arm, and hands and feet BID x 1 week?
15 gm
Thermal burns are classified by?
- classified according to depth of tissue injury
Dome shape umbilication
molluscum contagiosum
Tine Cruris
Jock itch
-diffusely red rash on the groin or on scrotum
Erythema multiform: treatment
supportive, antihistamine check urine for AKI (type 4 response)
What is the dose of topical cream/ointment for face and neck, one arm, and hands and feet BID x 4 week?
60 gm
- Serpinginous: non-defined wavy tract of margin (snake crawling in forward direction)
- linear burrows
- web space of fingers and toes
- consider STI in adults
Silver plaques on extensor and pitting of nails
Wart: plantar
nail fungal infection, thickened, discolored, cracked nails