Revelation 6 Flashcards
What is the name of this chapter ?
The Judgment of the Sun, Moon, and Stars of the Former Heaven that Betrayed
Who is the one that saw all the events ? Give another ref verse from Revelation.
New John, Jesus’ messenger (Rv 22:16) who saw and heard all as Jesus opened the seals and fulfilled.
What are the 7 seals that the lamb opens ?
The words of Revelation that God hid in parables.
What does it mean to “open the seals” ?
The Word becames opened and appears as a reality.
What do each rider and horse represent ? Give reference verse from the OT.
Rider: Spirit
Horse: Flesh
Ref: Is 31:3, Zech 6:1-4
Who is the rider on the white horse ? And the white horse ?
Jesus, and the spirits that belong to Jesus New John (Rv 19:11)
What is the meaning of the bow ? Give 2 reference verses.
Why is the bow strung against them ?
The Word that judges
Lam 2:4, Hab 3:9
Because they betrayed and became people of Satan
Why is the rider called “a conqueror bent on conquest” ? Give 2 reference verses.
Like at the time of the FC, at the time of the SC, Jesus will fight against the Devil and overcome (Jn 16:33, Rv 17:14).
Concerning the rider on the red horse, what does it mean that he is given the power to take away peace and make men slay each other ? Give 3 reference verses.
He makes the congregation members of the TT hate one another and hand each other over to the Nicolaitans, and harm each other’s spirits.
Ref.: Mt 10:21, Mt 24:10, Ez 9:6
What is the large sword that is given to him ?
Give 3 reference verses.
The Word of judgment.
Ref.: Mt 10:34, Heb 4:12, Eph 6:17
What is the scale that the rider on the black horse holds ? Give some references.
God’s Word that weights faith and deeds.
2 Sm 2:3, Job 31:6, Ps 62:9, Dn 5:27
What do the 1/4 barley and 3/4 of wheat represent ?
Give at least 2 references.
Those who remained through the seed of faith.
Main ref: Is 17:4-6, Is 1:8-9
Additional: Jer 23:28, Is 28:24-29
What do they become in Rv 7 ?
The seed of the creation of NSI.
What do the oil and the wine represent ? Give references.
Oil: the Word of Testimony from the 2 witnesses (Lev 24:14, Zech 4:11-14, Rv 11:3-4)
Wine: Jesus’ words (Jn 15:1, Is 55:1)
About the 4th seal, why is the rider called “death” ? What does it mean that Hades follows after him ?
- The rider received the duty/responsibility/command to kill the chosen people
- Those he kills are taken to Hell
What does “1/4 of the earth” refer to ? What does it mean that people are killed by the sword, famine, plague and wild beasts of the earth?
- 1/4 earth: 1/4 of the TT
- sword: word of judgment
- famine: not having the Word
- death: death of the spirit
- beast: the beast that came out from THE EARTH (Rv 13), Nicholas (Rv 3), beast with 10 horns (Rv 17) , Mr Oh
Who are “those who live on the Earth” that the martyrs desire to see judged ? In which chapters of Rev is their blood avenged ?
- The destroyers that are together with Satan
- They are judged in Rv 16-19
What does it mean that white robes are given to the martyrs ?
Who are their “fellow brothers and sisters” that need to be put to death before ?
- Their acts are acknowledged as righteous (Rv 19:8,14)
- The pastors and congregation of the TT (betrayers) that must be judged before.
At the opening of the 6th seal, what is the large earthquake that happens ? What are the sun, moon, stars ? (provide references)
What does it mean that the sun turns dark, the moon turns blood red, and the stars fall to the earth ?
- large earthquake: shaking of people’s hearts (Gn 3:19)
- S,M,S: pastors, evangelists, congregation of the TT (Gn 37:9-11), that is, the FHFE that becomes judged.
- sun turns dark: God’s Word no longer comes out from the pastors of the TT
- moon turns red: the evangelists become tainted with the doctrine of beasts and cannot shine light
- stars fall to the earth: the chosen people that betrayed change from belonging to God to belonging to Satan (Jer 17:13, Gal 3:3, Gn 3:19).
Why are the events at the opening of the 6th seal so important ? What 4 chapters in Revelation and the 4 gospels summarize the events of the S,M,S falling in Rv 6 ?
These events show the end of the former heaven.
Main chapters: Rv 2-3, Rv 13, Mt 24
What is the sky that recedes ? What are the mountains and islands that are removed ?
- Sky recedes: the TT moved from belonging to God to belonging to Satan; the spirits of the Spiritual world leaved the TT.
- Mountains and islands removed: the branch churches of the TT moved from belonging to God to belonging to Satan (Jer 6:12-13).
Who are the kings, the princes, etc…
What are the caves, mountains, rocks ?
(provide reference verses)
- Kings of the earth…: the people of the TT
- The caves: abyss, hell, location of the gentiles (Is 2:19)
- Mountains: the 7 heads of the dragon (ie) the churches/organizations of the gentiles (Rv 17:9)
- Rocks: gentile pastors (Dt 32:31)
What does it mean that the inhabitants of the earth hide in caves, mountains, rocks..? Why are they fearing the wrath of the lamb ?
- to hide = to make lie their refuge and falsehood their hiding place by becoming part of the gentile organization and receive their doctrine.
Ref.: Is 28:15, Jer 5:19, Jer 22:8-9 - Why receiving wrath ? Because they broke the covenant.