Revelation 13: the chosen people who receive the mark of the beast and betray Flashcards
What are the sea, the beast, the 7 heads, the 10 horns, the crowns, the blasphemous names ?
sea: the world (Dn 7:3,17)
beast: false pastor (Pr 30:2-3, Pr 12:1)
7 heads: 7 pastors (Is 9:15, Rv 17:9-10)
10 horns: 10 people of authority
crowns: positions that the elders receive from the pastors of the SEC
names: the armor that they made themselves
What does it mean that the beast received the throne and authority from the dragon ? What is a contrasting chapter and entity ?
The beast 7+10 speaks and works on behalf of the dragon.
Contrast: the HWO sits on Jesus’ throne, and speaks and works on behalf of God and Jesus (Rv 3:21).
What is the meaning of the deadly wound that one of the 7 heads had (give ref) ? What is the fulfillment of this ?
The wound of the heart while fighting amongst colleagues for position/title. (Zech 13:6)
Reality: Mr Tak and Mr Kim faught for the position of head directors of the SEC, but the conflict was resolved well.
What is the “whole earth” ? What does it mean that they worship the beast ?
The congregation of the TT including the branch churches. They offer worship with the doctrines and customs that the false pastor brought in. Meaning, they follow the beast to worship evil spirits.
What does it mean that the beast was “given a mouth that speaks” … ? What does it mean that it blasphemed God, his Tabernacle, and the saints ?
The false pastor received authority to preach in the TT.
With the doctrine of the dragon, he went against the TT’s temple 7 messengers and their congregation,
How did the beast fight against the saints ? Why were they defeated by the beast ?
Fought with ecclesiastical authority and power.
The TT lost because they didn’t perceive the words of Revelation.
What is “after the creation of the world” ?
Who are those that are not recorded in the book of life ? Who are those that are recorded (provide reference) ?
After the creation of the TT.
Those X recorded: congregation of the TT
Those O recorded: congregation of the church led by the HWO and the 12 Tribes (Rv 3:4-5, Rv 11:1, Rv 12:11)
In v10, who is the one that kills and takes captive ? When/how is this entity killed and taken captive for judgment ?
Who: the beast with 7+10
When/how judged ?
1) Blood of martyrs avenged in Rv 18:20
2) Taken captive by Jesus’ army and thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulfur
3) Group of the beast killed by the sword of truth (Rv 19:19-21)
Who is the beast from the earth ? What verse in the OT describes his background ? What other parables are used to describe him in Revelation (6 in total) ?
It is the pastor who was originally part of the TT, Mr Oh
Ref: Ez 16:4 “on the day your were born your cord was not cut”
Other parables: Nicholas, Balaam (Rv 2), Wormwood (Rv 8), 666 (Rv 13), 8th king (Rv 17), false prophet (Rv 19)
What does it mean that the beast from the earth made the people worship the beast from the sea ?
He made people follow and trust the pastors of destruction as if they were true pastors.
What does it mean that the beast made fire come down from Heaven ? Where else is this fire seen ?
It spoke the beast’s doctrine from the pulpit to kill the spirit (Rv 9:17-19 fire coming from the mouth of the horses).
What are the idols made by the beast (give ref) ? What is their reality ? Where else are they prophecied about in Rv and in the 4 gospels ?
Idol: false prophet/pastor (Hab 2:18)
Reality: the 17 evangelists in the TT who were appointed at pastors of the presbyterian doctrine.
Other appearances: Rv 12 (dragon’s tail), Mt 24:24 (many false prophets)
What is the breath given to the idols ?
False doctrines (Dt 32:31-32)
What does it mean that those who do not worship the beast are killed ?
Those who didn’t follow the false pastors were thrown out (kicked out) of the TT.
How are the 2 beasts described in the book of Daniel.
Beast from the sea: Dn 2, King Nebucadnezer (also: prostitute and her organization)
Beast from the earth: Dn 3, the idol created by King Nebucadnezer.
What is the mark of the beast ? Who are those who receive it ? When did this marking take place in fulfillment ? Where else is this event described in Rev ?
Mark: devil’s lies
Who receives: all congregants of the TT
Reality: Pastor ordination service in 1981.9.20 2pm. The 17 evangelists were appointed as pastors under the Presbyterian law (Rv 9:15 4 angels on river Euphrates unbound for the hour, day, month, year to kill 1/3 mankind)
What does it mean to not be able to sell or buy ?
What is the realiy of the beast 666 ? Why is it “man’s number” (provide ref) ?
X buy or sell: X preach or listen
666: the beast from the earth (Mr Oh), who is like Solomon.
Ref. 1 Kg 10:11