Revelation 12: The war between God and the Dragon Flashcards
What is the Heaven that the signs are seen in ?
The Tabernacle Temple (where the spiritual sun, moon, stars are, Gn 37:9-11)
Who is the woman clothed with the sun, moon, stars ?
The pastor who leads the TT.
Reality: Mr Yu (Samson)
Spiritual woman: Lk 8:11, Gal 4:19, 1 Cor3:2, 2 Tim 1:1-2
What are the 3 main characteristics that allow us to recognize the male child ?
1) He is a congregation member spiritually born from the pastor of the TT.
2) He is a spiritual son born of the seed of the Word
3) He is the one who rules all nations with the iron scepter, after fighting and overcoming the dragon.
What are the 7 heads, 10 horns and tail of the dragon ? Give references.
heads: 7 pastors of SEC (Is 9:15, Is 29:10)
horns: 10 elders (Rv 17:9-12)
tail: false prophet (Rv 9:16-19)
What does it mean that the tail sweets 1/3 of the stars from the sky to the earth ?
Give references.
The false pastor makes 1/3 of the congregation of the TT return to the dust (flesh).
Ref. Gn 3:19, Phil 3:20, Jer 17:3, Gal 3:3)
What similarity can we see concerning the location where the male child was born, at the FC and SC ?
FC: born in a physical manger
SC: born in a spiritual manger, heaven, where the spirits (horses) of heaven and the evil spirits are gathered.
The event of the woman giving birth to the male child is the fulfillment of which prophecy in the OT ?
Jer 31:22 the “New Thing”
When is the male child born ?
During the 42 months of destructions.
What is the throne that the male child is taken up to (3 answers + ref) ?
1) the throne of God in the spiritual realm (Rv 14)
2) the throne promised to the HWO by Jesus (Rv 3:21)
3) the throne of God that will be together with the HWO (Rv 3:12)
What is the desert that the woman flees to ?
Where else in the 4 gospels do we see the act of someone “fleeing” ?
Desert: the spiritual desert that doesn’t have doesn’t have the Word of truth
Who flees: the hired hand that betrayed and doesn’t care about the congregation (Dt 28, Jn 10)
Why does the dragon persecute the woman ?
What does it mean that she is given the 2 wings of the eagle ? (provide reference from the OT)
Because she gave birth to the male child that faught and overcame the dragon.
She is guided by the 4 living creatures (Ex 19:4)
What does it mean that the dragon spews water behind the woman ?
What is the earth that swallows up the water ?
What is a similar event found in the book of Genesis ?
Water: words of slander of the mouth of the destroyer, doctrine of the serpent.
Earth that swallows: the congregation of the TT sides with the woman and cover for her.
Similar to the fig leaves that cover Adam&Eves nakedness.
Who are the offspring of the woman that the dragon fights against ?
What does it mean that he stands on the shore of the sea ?
offspring: the HWO and the brothers
stand on shore: Satan reigns over and uses the believers of the world to fight against the male child and his brothers (Cf. Rv 16:14)
In the war between God and the Devil, what are the weapons used by each army ?
God’s side: the open Word, the Word of Testimony, the Bible
Satan’s side: their authority and commentaries
When is the dragon cast out ?
What does it mean that he is cast down from Heaven to Earth ?
After the 42 months.
He is thrown out of the TT he invaded, into the world that is full of people who are just flesh.
What are the blood of the Lamb and the Word of their testimony ?
Blood: the words of Jesus’ promise, and his love that atones
Word: the words of Revelation that testify the identity of the dragon.
Which verse in the OT and Rev shows that the TT was a trap set by God to capture the dragon ?
Jer 50:24, Rv 17:17
What does the male child inherit after fighting and overcoming the group of the dragon (2 responses).
1) He becomes a New Israel to create the 12 Tribes
2) He receives Heaven and Eternal Life promised in Rv 2-3 as inheritance as the son.
What are those who reside in Heaven (that rejoice), and on the Earth and Sea (that receive vows) ?
Heaven: the male child and the brothers (Rv 17:14)
Earth: chosen people of the TT
Sea: believers of the world who belong to the beast (Rv 17:15).