Revature HDFS Commands Flashcards
hdfs fsck [location]
To check the health of our filesystem at a location
hdfs dfs [-command]
Used to interact with hdfs
hdfs dfs -ls [hdfs location]
List files/dir in hdfs location
hdfs dfs -cat [hdfs file]
Print file contents to terminal
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal [local file] [hdfs location]
Copy file from local fs and save to hdfs location
hdfs dfs -copyToLocal [hdfs file] [local location]
Copy file from hdfs and save to local location
hdfs dfs -mkdir [hdfs location]
Creates directory at hdfs location
hdfs dfs -rm [hdfs file]
Removes file in hdfs
hdfs dfs -rmdir [hdfs location]
Removes directory in hdfs
hdfs dfs -help
Lists common commands/options for use with interacting with hdfs
hdfs dfs -put
Functionally same as copyFromLocal
hdfs dfs -get
Functionally same as copyToLocal