Rev 2 Flashcards
Receives various data from aircraft systems and parameters from some sensors.
Acquisition unit
Databus to the flight recorder for logging flight data
Use for accident investigation
This difference between true and magnetic north is called
It compares the actual attitude of the aircraft and the commanded attitude and then controls it
Inner loop
What is the Autothrottle Computer?
TCC (Thrust Control Computer)
How will the pilot ensured that the transmission is successful
What is the heart of SATCOM?
Satellite Data Unit
Provide Signal for WX Radar for Antenna Stabilization
IRU (Inertial Reference Unit)
Difference between the heading and track
Amber - 1300 hertz - 1km from runway
How many minutes can we align IRU (Inertial Reference Unit)?
10 mins
Antenna that receives Morse code
Sense Antenna
An Example of a common ethernet bus interconnection for aircraft data network
is a card file containing cards that generate visible and audible flight deck warnings.
MAWEA (Modularized Avionics Warning Electronic Assembly)
Related to flight crew function
DEU B – middle line
Related to passenger system function
DEU A – top line
3 Cameras (entrance area), 1 CDSS Controller and Display
A Vertical speed indicator uses what pressure
Static Pressure
The assigned instruments for Aircraft Monitoring
actual ambient air temp
SAT (Static Air Temperature)
sum of ambient air temp generated by air compression
TAT (Total Air Temperature)
RAM air effect increasing the temperature of the air
RAM Rise
When can you erase the complete recording of CVR?
aircraft is on the ground and the parking brake is set
Located at center post between front windshields?
Standby Compass
One-way transmission. Have a dedicated transmitter and receiver. Data travels in one direction only
When the aircraft path deviates below the glideslope beam during a front course ILS approach?
MODE 5: Below Glide Slope
GPS uses what kind of frequency?
1575.42 MHz approx. 13 meters
Alert callouts when a/c descends predefined altitude, decision height minimums or bank angle
MODE 6: Call Outs
Improves dynamic stability of aircraft. Controls rudder to dampen dutch roll oscillations during the entire flight?
Yaw Damper
Allow high data transmission rates which is necessary for normal satcom operation
High gain antennas
400m runway visibility at a height of 100 ft
Category 2
is a radio navigation system that receives radio signals in the frequency band of 190 to 1750khz from ground stations.
ADF (Automatic Direction Finder)
Where bearing and heading info is presented
RMI (Radio Magnetic Indicator)
Operates in a frequency range of 962 to 1213
MHz and measures the slant distance from the aircraft to ground station.
DME (Distance Measuring Equipment)
Transmit test results or maintenance reports to the airline maintenance centre.
CMCS (Central Maintenance Computer System)
It delivers information to the maintenance personnel.
CMS (Central Maintenance System)
is the component where you make frequency selections for the VHF and HF radio communication systems.
RMP (Radio Management Panel)
allows communication over distances up to 200 nm (nautical miles). It is also used by navigation systems like the VOR and ILS.
Band is between 30MHz – 300 MHz
VHF (Very High Frequency)
The distance between two areas of high or low electron concentration. Used to identify certain frequency band
Used to disengage autopilot, located on each control wheel
Red quick disengage pushbutton
It is a subsystem of auto flight system that shows the pilot how to fly the aircraft manually
Flight Director
Used to show the system and status pages
SD (System Display)
presents the situation of the aircraft seen from above
ND (Navigation Display)
It means that computers and displays are used instead of instruments?
Glass Cockpit
It replaces three conventional standby instruments (altimeter, horizon indicator, airspeed indicator)
ISIS (Integrated Standby Instrument System)
What is the standard Air pressure at Mean Sea Level?
1013 mbar/Hpa
It is the actual temperature of the ambient air?
SAT (Static Air Temperature)
This computer collects and filters the vibration data for indication and engine trend monitoring?
EVMU (Engine Vibration Monitoring Unit)
The Autopilot engage interlock monitors many inputs with what kind of logic gate?
“AND” Gate
What are the warnings when the AP disengages?
Red Flashing Warning Light / Corresponding message on the PFD / Most AC, you also get an aural warning
single command bar giving both pitch and roll info at the same time. A method to display flight director
It is used to automatically control the thrust of the engines to the required value?
Auto Throttle System
Allows communication over a long distance because radio signals are reflected by the Ionosphere of the Earth?
- Band is 3MHz - 30MHz
- HF (High Frequency)
It can help to find the location of the airplane after an accident?
- 121.5 / 243 / 406 MHz
- ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter)
Distance of LF Band?
Between 30 kHz and 300 kHz
Radio Waves travel differently depending on the frequency?
Wave Propagation
A combination of Microphone and Loudspeaker?
Boom Set
A combination of Transmitter and Receiver?
It is installed at all sharp trailing edges of the airframe where friction with air during flight generates static electricity.
Static Discharger
Control all functions necessary for crew communications?
AMS (Audio Management System)
Communications with the other flight crew members is via?
Flight Interphone System
It allows the pilot to make announcements to the passenger?
Passenger Address System
ATC Emergency code for Hijacking?
TC Emergency code for Radio Failure?
ATC Emergency code for Aircraft is in an emergency?
The transponder transmits an aircraft identification code which is a four digit number
Transponder sends individual messages in reply to selective interrogations from the ATC ground station and from other aircraft. Help ATC to control increasing traffic in the future
Lowest layer surrounding the Earth’s surface?
- Air Density - 1225 km/m³
Air pressure - 1013 mbar- Air temperature - 15°C
It shows all important flight information needed to takeoff and landing?
- In a way that the pilot can see it when he looks through the wind shields.
- Heads-up Display (HUD)
Dynamic Pressure (q) ram pressure can be calculated by measuring differential pressure:
q = Ptot − Ps
If the pilot adjust the altimeters to the actual pressure related to sea level(MSL) what is this altimeter calibration called?
a. QNH
During the transition altitude the pilot adjust the altimeters to 1013hPa(mbar) what is the altimeter calibration called?
a. QNE
Where can you find baro correction for the air data system? The assigned instruments for Flight Monitoring
A combination of ADC and IRU. This calculate the incoming air digital data word to the DMC
In this system, convert the pitot and static pressure instead of ADCs, converts air pressure to digital data word
a. ADM
Activated by an altitude difference (delta h) of 900ft
Approach Mode
A voice recorder is used to record the communication of the pilots and the sounds in the cockpit. It is used for accident investigation after a crash
Cockpit Voice Recorder
used to record data from various aircraft systems and sensors. It is used for accident investigation after a crash.
Automatically starts when engine is started or at least aircraft is in the air. 5 minutes delay after shutdown
Flight Data Recording System
The transmission starts automatically when the battery of the beacon comes in contact with water and continues for a minimum of 90 days approx. 3000 meters
ULB-Underwater Locator Beacon
The rotational axis must always be parallel to the earth’s horizon, in other words horizontal.
Directional gyro.
make sure that the gyro runs with full speed or is stopped completely
Gimbal caging
A direction indicator can show the direction of the aircraft without using the magnetic field of the earth. It is also called ”heading indicator”
Directional Gyros/Direction Indicator
True heading is in reference to the geographic North Pole, also called true north, or TN in short and magnetic heading is in reference to the Magnetic North pole, also called magnetic north, or MN in short
It shows the heading and some information from radio navigation systems.
HSI (Horizontal Situation Indicator)
What is the aural callout when the airplane descends through the decision height attitude set on the EFIS control panels?
Minimums, minimums, minimums, “Decision height”
What is the override device when the AP doesn’t disengage?
Adjustable Slip Clutch
What is the aural message warning of MODE 3 function?
What signal of 2 AP channels for the same axis are permanently compared to each other and when a certain difference is exceeded, both AP disengage completely?
Fail Passive
The direction in which an aircraft is moving over the Earth
En route charts used for flying VFR and IFR?
ICAO Chart
Warn the flight crew when the aircraft mistakenly comes too close to the ground
GPWS (Ground Proximity Warning System)
GPS can calculate the aircraft latitude, longitude, and altitude when the distance is at least how many satellites?
4 satellites
Data link communication which can transfer messages and data between the aircraft and ground. Uses VHF communication system no.3 or satellite system. Downlink - from aircraft to ground Uplink - from ground to aircraft
ACARS (Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System)