Navigation Systems Flashcards
ATC Emergency code for Hijacking?
ATC Emergency code for Radio
ATC Emergency code for Aircraft is in
an emergency?
Which mode wherein the transponder
transmits an aircraft identification code
which is a four-digit number?
It is an advance system which will help
ATC to control increasing traffic in the
future and which is needed for the
traffic alert and collision avoidance
system, or TCAS in short?
Is a Primary Radar System, that measures the height between the extended MLG and the ground – height
Above Ground Level (AGL)?
LRRA or RA (Low Ranger Radio
What is the maximum operational
altitude of RA (Radio Altimeter)?
2,500 ft.
Operates in a frequency range of 962 to 1213 MHz and measures the slant distance from the aircraft to ground station?
DME (Distance Measuring
An antenna which consists of several
tiny antennas with a common feeding?
Flat Plate Antenna
What is the meaning of RADAR?
Radio Detection and Ranging
What MB (Marker Beacon) has a Cyan
Beacon indication?
OM (Outer Marker) Beacon
For ILS approaches, the must be in
what position to get the exact passing position of the OM or MM?
LOW Position
What is the meaning of “A” in ADS-A?
Addressed (ADS-Addressed)
When a TA (Traffic Advisory) occurs, what is the aural alert?
When a RA (Resolution Advisory) occurs what is the preventive action and corrective action aural alerts are?
Corrective Action – CLIMB, CLIMB or REDUCE CLIMB
What are the indications if the TCAST TEST fails?
there’s a message: TCAST TEST FAIL and no traffic symbols are shown
What are the indications for Windshear
on ND?
A windshear symbol, “ICON”, is added to the NAV Display. This display has red and black bars in the critical area with additional yellow bars which go from the edges of the symbol to the compass rose
What is the GPS for Military users received and can use?
PPS (Precise Position Service)
What is the GPS for Civil users received?
SPS (Standard Position Service)
According to Newton’s Second Law of
Motion, the acceleration can be calculated as?
𝑎 = 𝐹/𝑚
The simplest type of inertial stabilized system is the?
AHRS (Attitude Heading
Reference System)
It is the standard navigation system in
long range aircraft before the use of FMS (Flight Management Systems)?
INS (Inertial Navigation System)
During the 5 minutes of the alignment, the IRS performs an activity called?
Which page is used to send the actual aircraft position to the IRS for the alignment?
POS INIT Page (Position Initialization Page)
What is the Standard Scan Angle of WXR (Weather Radar) System?
180 deg. Area forward of the aircraft
What do you call to the protected area of RA?
What is the frequency wherein the ATC
transponder received/interrogates?
1030 MHz
MODE A – Transponder transmits an aircraft identification code which is a four-digit number
MODE C – Transponder transmits the barometric altitude of the aircraft, which it receives from the ADC (Air Data Computer)
MODE S – Transponder sends individual messages in reply to selective interrogations from the ATC ground station and from other aircraft
- Is an advance system which will help ATC to control increasing traffic in the future and which is needed for the TCAS
It provides lateral and vertical position data necessary to put the aircraft on the runway for approach?
ILS (Instrument Landing System)
In VOR, what do you call to the Transmitting courses of the ground stations?
Is the direction from the aircraft position to an object, for example a ground station?
BRG (Bearing)
A system that uses the radio signal from ground stations to help the pilot to navigate the aircraft?
Radio Navigation Systems