Rev 1 Flashcards
According to Newton’s Second Law of Motion, the acceleration can be calculated as?
𝑎 = 𝐹/M
When do we used the service interphone?
When the aircraft is on the ground
Note: (Wag malilito sa choices, kasama sa
choices yung when the aircraft is on the ground
and only when the aircraft is on jacks)
It is the lowest layer, surrounding the surface
of the Earth?
Interface of CIDS
Flight Attendant Panel (FAP)
ACMS stands for
Aircraft Condition and Monitoring System
How many hours does a flight data recorder
can store?
25 hours
Used to prevent dutch roll or it is used for
dutch roll dampening
Yaw Damper
Direction in which the aircraft is moving over
the earth
Use for both IFR and VFR
ICAO chart
Formula of Dynamic Pressure
q = Ptot – Ps
Convert the pitot and static pressure instead of ACDS that convert air pressure to the digital world.
Air Data Module (ADM)
air pressure at mean sea level
1013 mbar
Combination of headphone and speaker
Use to automatically control the thrust of
the engine to the required value
Auto throttle
Warnings of Auto Pilot disengage
Red flashing warning, Message on the PFD, Aural warning
Note: (Wag malilito sa choices kasi yung isa sa
choices is same lang tapos dinagdag yung stick
shaker, pag may stick shaker na kasama pang
stall warning yon)
One way transmission
how to delete the CVR data
When the aircraft is on the ground and
the parking brake is set
CDSS components
3 camera, 1 CDSS controller
CDSS stands for
Cockpit Door Surveillance System
Related to flight crew function
DEU B (Middle Line)
Related to passenger function
DEU A (Top Line)
Supply up to 20 receivers
Extend the HF antenna signal
Antenna Coupler
Information on view from above
Navigation Display
90 degrees Gyro
In reference to the geometric north
True North
When do auto thrust automatically
After touchdown
Computer of CIDS (Cabin Intercommunication Data System)
Director 1 and Director 2
Connected on the Pitot and static ports
Airspeed Indicator
IMA stands for
Integrated Modular Avionics
FADEC stands for
Full Authority Digital Engine Control
What system is used when the signal of 2 AP
channels for the same axis are permanently
compared to each other and when a certain
signal difference is exceeded, both AP disengage
Fail Passive
ATIMS stands for
Air Traffic Information and Management
Batteries of Under Water Locator Beacon
90 days
Indication of Flight Directors
Indication of TCAS
Data is displayed in a way that the pilot can
see it when he looks through the windshield
Head Up Display (HUD)
Shows Artificial Horizon
Shows compass and radio navigation system
Main computer of the interphone system
Audio Management Unit
VOR antenna is located at
Tip of the Vertical Stabilizer
When the ATC message illuminates,
where can you find the message?
Data Link Control and Display Unit (DCDU)
Direction from the aircraft position to an
object for example ground stations
Emergency code for hijacking
Emergency code for aircraft failure
Emergency code for aircraft emergency
Single Command Bar giving both pitch and
roll information at the sametime
V bar
The loop antenna receives what part of
electromagnetic wave
Magnetic part
Provide pitch stability
Auto Trim System
Frequency selection for the vhf and hf radio
Radio Management Panel (RMP)
Used to correct or aligned the antenna
Beam Steering Unit
HF components
Control Panel, Transceiver, Antenna
Coupler, HF antenna
Magnetic field changes the direction of the
magnetic north to the so-called compass north
Detect the location of the aircraft using
Inertial Reference System
Doesn’t need or not connected to the beam
steering unit and only transmits text
Low gain Antenna
Need a beam steering unit and use for high
data transmission, can transmit audio and text
High gain antenna
ACARS transmits from
OLAN (On Board Local Area Network) is used
Fiber Optic Communication
Display for VOR
Transmitter components:
Oscillator – generates the RF carrier frequency
Modulator – Audio information is coupled to the RF signal
Power amplifier – generates necessary power
Receiver 3 components:
Tuning Circuit – selects only one frequency from the total antenna output
Demodulator – Recovers the audio signal form the RF
Audio Amplifier
Detects the electric part of an
electromagnetic wave
Sense Antenna
Location of the Baro set knob
Comparison of actual altitude and Commanded altitude
Inner Loop
CVR starts recording when
One engine is running
Shows how to fly the aircraft manually
Flight director
Fly the aircraft automatically
auto pilot system
Converts non AFDX to AFDX and store application
During the 5 minutes of the alignment, the
IRS performs an activity called?
ATC modes:
Mode A (Aircraft Identification)
Mode B (Barometric Altitude)
Mode S (Selective)
3 marker Beacons:
Outer marker – 7 km/Blue/400Hz tone
Middle Marker – 1000m/1km/Amber/1300 Hz
Inner Marker – 300m/White/3000 Hz
Pitch and roll indication
VHF range
200 NM
It is the actual temperature of the ambient
SAT (Static Air Temperature)
The Autopilot engage interlock monitors
many inputs with what kind of logic gate?
“AND” Gate
Communications with the other flight crew
members is via?
Flight Interphone System
GPS minimum number of satellite to
calculate the A/C latitude, longitude and
Radio Waves travel differently depending on
the frequency?
Wave Propagation
Different Landing Categories:
Category 1 - 800m, 200ft
Category 2 - 400m, 100ft
Category 3 - less than 200m, below 100f
Is a data link communication system which
can transfer messages and data between the
aircraft and the ground?
ACARS (Aircraft Communication
Addressing and Reporting System)
Speed Trim system?
Speed Stability
Used for accident investigation
ELT (emergency locator transmitter) and
CVR (cockpit voice recorder)