Retirement Savings and Income Planning Flashcards
What benefits are provided by Social Security?
- Retirement income
- Survivor benefits to spouse and dependent children
- Disability benefits
How is Social Security funded?
with payroll taxes (FICA)
If you earn $1300 in any quarter you get credit for the whole quarter
Quarter of coverage
To be fully insured under Social Security, you must have earned how many quarters?
What does it mean to be currently insured under Social Security?
you have earned 6 credits in the previous 13 quarters
Those claiming Social Security from 62 to the FRA year will see their benefits reduced ___ for every ___ of earnings above $18,240.
$1; $2
Those claiming Social Security in the FRA year will see their benefits reduced ___ for every ___ of earnings above $48,600.
$1; $3
How is provisional income calculated for Social Security?
Gross Income + non-taxable interest income + one-half of OASDI benefits
At what levels will 0% of Social Security benefits be taxable?
Less than $25,000 (single)
Less than $32,000 (MFJ)
At what levels will 50% of Social Security benefits be taxable?
$25,000 to $34,000 (single)
$32,000 to $44,000 (MFJ)
At what levels will 85% of Social Security income be taxable?
Greater than $34,000 (single)
Greater than $44,000 (MFJ)
When does a spouse become eligible for spousal benefits?
Age 62 or any age if caring for a child under 16 or disabled
How much of the covered spouse’s primary insurance amount can be claimed as a spousal benefit?
How long must one be married to claim spousal benefits?
at least 1 year
How long must one have been married to claim surviving spouse benefits?
At least 9 months
At what age can a surviving spouse claim surviving spouse benefits?
age 60
How much of a deceased spouse’s PIA can be claimed as surviving spouse benefits?
Up to 100%, including delayed retirement credits; $250 paid upon death of a worker
How long must you have been married to claim divorce benefits for Social Security?
at least 10 years
Can a remarried spouse claim divorced spouse benefits?
How old must you be to claim divorced spouse benefits?
At least 62
What benefits are available to an ex-spouse eligible for divorce benefits?
spousal and survivor benefits
If you are receiving Social Security, will you be automatically enrolled in Medicare when eligible?
Yes, parts A and B
How long does the benefit period for Medicare Part A run?
begins when you start receiving treatment and ends 60 days after you are no longer receiving treatment
Which employees are not covered under Social Security (5)?
- Federal government workers hired before 1984
- Railroad employees covered under the Railroad Retirement System
- Business owners who receive only distributive (dividend) income for services performed
- Children under 18 who are employed by a parent in an unincorporated business
- State & local government employees who are members of a state or local government employer’s retirement system where the state or local government has elected to exclude Social Security coverage for such group
What are the two types of defined benefit pension plans?
- defined benefit
2. cash balance
What are the two types of defined contribution pension plans?
- money purchase
2. target benefit
Under this qualified plan, a defined amount goes into the plan and receives a guaranteed rate of return?
cash balance
Under this type of qualified plan, a defined amount for each employee (% of compensation or $ amount) goes into the plan?
Money purchase
Under this type of qualified plan, a benefit is targeted for employees. Contributions can skew and put in more for older workers and less for younger workers.
Target benefit
How much of a pension plan may be employer stock?
This plan allows an employee to put in after tax dollars. The employer can also contribute.
private thrift plan
This type of plan has the employer pay stock to the employees?
stock bonus
This type of plan only contains company stock?
This type of plan allows age-weighted contributions to older employees, but employer contributions are not mandatory?
This type of profit sharing plan favors certain classes of employees?
New Comparability
This provision may be added to a profit sharing plan or SIMPLE plan to allow for the addition of employee pretax contributions?
What makes a plan qualified? (5)
- ERISA regulation
- Non-discrimination
- Minimum vesting requirements
- Minimum funding requirements (pension plans)
- Protection of assets
Employers may contribute up to ___ of payroll for defined contribution plans?
How old must one be to be eligible for a qualified plan?
21 years old
What is the consequence if an employer requires 2 years of service before becoming eligible for the qualified plan?
All employer contributions must be 100% vested immediately
A defined benefit plan may grant credits for up to ___ years of service prior to the establishment of the plan.
Which vesting schedules are available for a non top-heavy defined benefit plan?
5-year cliff and 3-to-7 year graded
What vesting schedules are available to a top-heavy defined benefit plan and defined contributions plans?
3-year cliff and 2-to-6-year graded
What is the only vesting schedule available for a cash balance plan?
3-year cliff
What is the maximum contribution an employer can make for an employee into a defined benefit plan?
The actuarilly determined amount needed to fund a pension of the lesser of 100% of salary or $230,000
Under this defined benefit plan formula, service is not considered and the benefit is a flat amount or percent of earnings.
Flat benefit
Under this defined benefit plan formula, the benefit is a dollar amount per year of service or a percentage of earnings per year of service. The participant accrues additional benefit each year. Service limitation may be used.
Unit benefit
The average earnings over plan participation period.
Career-average pay
The average earnings over the final 3 or 5 years, or average of highest 3 or 5 of the last 10 years.
Final-average pay
This law requires that a qualified optional survivor annuity be offered at retirement with a required benefit of 75% to the survivor.
Pension Protection Act of 2006
When may the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation involuntarily terminate an underfunded plan (4)?
- The plan is not in compliance with minimum funding standards
- The plan is unable to pay benefits when due
- The plan has unfunded liabilities following the distribution of $10,000 or more to the owner
- The potential loss to the PBGC is expected to increase unreasonably if the plan is not terminated
The minimum amount that must be contributed to the plan to provide the benefit promised.
minimum funding standard
What is the penalty for plans that do not meet the minimum funding standard?
This type of plan transfers the risk from the employer to the employee?
Defined contribution
Annual additions to a defined contribution plan are made up of what?
- employer contributions
- employee contributions
- forfeitures
IRC Section 415(c) limits annual additions to the lesser of
- 100% of compensation or
2. $57,000
What is the employer deduction limit for defined contribution plans?
25% of payroll (not including employee deferral amounts)
This type of plan allows for employer contributions that are discretionary.
profit sharing plan
Distributions from this type of plan are not subject to the 20% income tax withholding requirement.
At what age may employees make catch-up contributions?
How are employer contributions treated in a Roth 401(k)?
They are pre-tax contributions
Does a Roth 401(k) have an RMD requirement?
How much of a profit sharing plan may be invested in employer stock?
What is the advantage of Net Unrealized Appreciation treatment?
It is taxed as a long-term capital gain, not as ordinary income
When is NUA treatment available?
for employer stock being distributed from a qualified plan
The dollar amount that the employee defers into a 401(k) plan.
Elective deferral
What businesses may set up a solo 401(k) (Keogh) plan?
an unincorporated business (sole proprietorship/partnership)
What is the maximum employer contribution on behalf of a self-employed individual into a solo 401(k) (Keogh) plan?
20% of self-employed earnings
How do you calculate the maximum employer contribution rate for a self-employed individual?
% contribution for common-law employees/(1+% contribution for common-law employees)
Can common-law employees borrow from a Keogh plan?
Can a self-employed person borrow from a Keogh plan?
How is net earnings calculated for purposes of self-employed Keogh contributions?
Net earnings from self-employment - 1/2 of the self-employment tax = adjusted net self employment income
When can a self-employed person take a lump sum distribution from a Keogh plan? (4)
if the distribution is
- due to death, age 59 1/2, or disability
- the full balance of the account
- distribution in one tax year, and
- from a qualified plan
This is a discretionary profit sharing contribution made by an employer. It is a discretionary matching contribution and must be 100% vested when made.
Qualified matching contributions (QMACs)
This is a discretionary profit sharing contribution made by an employer. It is a nonelective contribution and must be 100% vested at all times.
Qualified nonelective contributions (QNECs)
Is Social Security integration allowed for an ESOP?
In a stock bonus plan, at what point must an employee be allowed to diversify entirely out of company stock?
after 3 years of service
In an ESOP, when must an employee be allowed to begin diversifying out of company stock?
Upon attaining age 55 and having at least 10 years of service. The employee can diversify out up to 25% the first five years and up to 50% in year 6.
Which employers are able to offer a 403(b) tax-sheltered annuity? (6)
- public education systems
- 501(c)(3) organizations
- Ministers performing religious services for for-profit companies
- State
- Agency of a state
- University (public or private)
Who is not required to be covered by a 403(b) plan?
- Students who work less than 20 hours/week
2. Nonresident aliens
What are the minimum requirement to participate in a 403(b)?
21 years old with 1 year of service
This is an agreement to take an amount of out of pay to go into a 403(b).
Salary Reduction Agreement
The employer may require a _____ minimum annual deferral into the 403(b) to meet nondiscrimination safe harbor.
If an employer makes a 403(b) available to one employee, it must be available to what % of other employees?
100% of eligible employees
What is the long service catch-up for a 403(b)?
Who is eligible to make a long service catch-up contribution to a 403(b)?
Must have
- 15+ years of service for the same employer
- Work for a health, education, or religious (HER) organization
- Did not contribute the max in previous years
What amount of annual long service catch-up is allowed for a 403(b)?
The lesser of
- $3,000
- $15,000 reduced by the sum of prior years’ 15-year catch-up deferrals, or
- $5,000 times the number of years of service, minus the total elective deferrals made by employee for earlier years (including 15-year catch-up contributions)
Can you contribute the age-50 catch-up contribution and the long-service contribution in the same year?
yes, if eligible
What are permitted distributions from a 403(b)? (6)
- attainment of age 59 1/2
- Separation from service
- Death
- Disability
- Hardship (employee deferrals only) (must be an immediate and heavy need with no other resources)
- Loans
How much can be borrowed from a 403(b)?
Lesser of
1. 50% of nonforfeitable account balance
2. $50,000
If the 50% vested amount is less than $10,000, the plan can loan up to $10,000 provided the loan is adequately secured
Which employers are eligible for a 457(b) plans?
- state and local government
2. tax-exempt (501(c)(3)) organizations
Is the amount contributed to a 457 plan limited by contributions to a 403(b), 401(k), SARSEP, or SIMPLE plan?
no, you may contribute the full amount to one of these plans and the full amount to a 457
Is there a 10% penalty on early withdrawals for a 457 plan?
When can distributions be made from a 457 plan while the employee is working?
Generally not until the employee is 70 unless it meets the unforeseeable emergency exception
What is the final three-year catch-up provision for a 457 plan?
You can make a catch-up contribution of up to double the annual contribution limit if you have unused past available contributions.
Is a 403(b) subject to RMDs?
What sources can fund a 403(b)? (4)
- Rollovers and transfers from a qualified plan
- Elective salary deferrals
- Employer contributions
- After-tax employee contributions
Do ADP and ACP tests apply to a 403(b)?
ADP tests to not apply
ACP test applies if a 403(b) plan maintained by a 501(c)(3) employer provides matching contributions or employees are allowed to make after-tax contributions
Does top-heavy testing apply to 403(b) plans?
Generally no
What investment options are available for 403(b) plans? (3)
- Annuities
- Mutual fund shares kept in a custodial account
- Life insurance
This is an IRA funded with post-tax dollars. Distributions are tax free.
Roth IRA
What % of earned income may (potentially) be contributed to an IRA up to the max limit?
When is the IRA contributions deadline?
April 15 of the following year
What is the minimum IRA contribution that will be deductible?
$200 - if the amount eligible for deduction is greater than $0 but less than $200, you will still be able to deduct $200
Can life insurance and collectibles be owned inside an IRA?
Can loans be taken from an IRA?
Are Roth IRAs subject to RMD requirements?
At what age must RMDs be taken from an IRA?
What is the penalty on excess contributions to an IRA?
What are the requirements to be eligible for an IRA?
- Compensation
What makes an employee an active participant in a defined contribution plan?
If the employee received any annual additions to their account (employer contribution, employee contribution, forfeiture)
What makes an employee an active participant in a defined benefit plan?
The employee is eligible to participate in the plan