Retina Flashcards
Ophthalmic complications of diabetes-rare
- papillopathy
- pupillary light-near dissociation
- Wolfram syndrome (progressive optic atrophy and multiple neurological and systemic abnormalities)
- acute-onset cataract
- rhino-orbital mucormycosis
DRP risk factors
- duration of DM (#1🏆): 10 years %50, 30 years %90
- poor control of DM: raised HbA1c~increased risk of PDR
- nephropathy
- pregnancy
- HT (also CVD, previous stroke)
- hyperlipidemia, smoking, cataract surgery, obesity, anemia
Classification of DRP
- background DRP(BDR): microaneurysms (the earliest sign🏆), dot-blot haemorrhages, exudates
- diabetic maculopathy: oedema and ischemia
- preproliferative DRP(PPDR): cotton wool spots, venous changes, IRMA, deep retinal haemorrhages
- advances diabetic eye disease: tractional RD, significant persistant vitreus haemorrhage, neovascular glaucoma
Ophthalmic complications of diabetes-common
- retinopathy
- iridopathy (minor transillumination defects)
- unstable refraction
Ophthalmic complications of diabetes-uncommon
- recurrent styes
- xanthelasmata
- accelerated senil cataract
- neovascular glaucoma
- ocular motor nerve palsies
- reduced corneal sensitivity
ETDRS Classification of DRP
NO DR - 1⃣2⃣ months
Very mild NPDR: microaneurysms only - 1⃣2⃣ months
MILD NPDR: microaneurysms, retinal haemorrhages, exudates, cotton wool spots - 6⃣-1⃣2⃣ months
MODERATE NPDR: 1-3/4 retinal haemorrhages or mild IRMA, 1/4 venous beading, cotton wool spots commonly present - 6⃣ months
SEVERE NPDR: 4⃣/4 severe haemorrhages, >=2⃣/4 venous beading, >=1⃣/4 moderate IRMA - 4⃣ months
VERY SEVERE NPDR: 2 or more of the criteria for severe - 2⃣-3⃣ months
ETDRS Classification of DRP
HIGH RISK PDR: NVD>1⃣/3⃣ disc area, NVD+vitreus haemorrhage, NVE>1⃣/2⃣ disc area+vitreous haemorrhage - treatment immediately
Layers of retina
- Inner limiting membrane
- Nerve fiber layer➡️haemmorrhage, cotton wool
- Ganglion cell layer
- Inner plexiform layer
- Inner nuclear layer➡️m.a
➡️CMO - Outer plexiform layer➡️exudates
- Outer nuclear layer
- External limiting membrane
- Layer of rods and cones
Signs of DRP-Layers
Microaneurysms-inner nuclear layer (inner capillary plexus)
Flame haemorrhages-retinal nerve fibre layer (precapillary arterioles)
Dot-blot intraretinal haemorrhages-middle retinal layers (venous end of the capillaries)
Deep dark haemorrhages-middle retinal layers (represent haemorrhagic retinal infarcts)
Exudates-outer plexiform layer
DMO-btw the outer plexiform and inner nuclear layers
Cotton wool spots-retinal nerve fiber layer (result from ischaemic disruption of nerve axons)
ETDRS Clinically significant DMO
- retinal thickening within 500 〽️m of the centre of the macula
- exudates within 500 〽️m of the centre of the macula
- retinal thickening 1 disc area(1500〽️m) or larger, any part of which is within 1 disc diameter to the centre of the maculay
Indications for PPV in advanced diabetic eye disease
- severe persistant vitreous haemorrhage (#1🏆)
- progressive tractional RD
- combined tractional+rhegmatogenous RD
- premacular retrohyaloid haemorrhage
RVO risk factors
- age (#1🏆)
- HT
- hyperlipidemia
- DM
- glaucoma
- oral contraceptive pill
- smoking
- uncommon: dehydration, myeloproliferative disorders, trombophilia, inflammatory disease associated with occlusive periphlebitis(Behçet, sarcoidosis, Wegener), orbital disaese, chronic renal failure
Systemic assessment after RVO
- BP
- random blood glucose
- random total cholesterol and HDL
- plasma protein electrophoresis
- urea, electrolytes, creatinine
- thyroid function testing (high prevelance of thyroid disease in RVO patients)
➡️in patients under 50, in bilateral RVO, in patients with previous thromboses/family history: chest x-ray, CRP, plasma homocysteine, trombophilia screen, autoantibodies, serum ACE, treponemal serology, carotid duplex imaging
The mostly affected quadrant in BRVO🏆
Fundus in BRVO
Dilatation and tortuosity of the ‘affected venous segment’, flame-shaped and dot/blot haemorrhages, cotton wool spots, retinal oedema
Resolve within 6⃣-1⃣2⃣ months
Venous sheathing and sclerosis, variable persistent/recurrant haemorrhage, collateral vessels, chronic macular oedema, retinal neovascularization
Treatment in BRVO
- observation if VA is 6/9 or better
- IV injection without waiting if macular oedema is present
- anti-VEGF: raise VA more than PC
- dexamethasone: repeated after 4⃣-6⃣ months
- urgent sector PRP if NVI is present
Review in BRVO
-3⃣ months➡FA(to exclude substantial macular ischemia prior to grid laser) and PC
❗️ablation of collaterals(good prognosis😊) should be avoided
-3⃣-6⃣ monthly intervals for up to 2⃣ years -to detect nv
-typically appear within 6-12 months
Impending(partial) CRVO
- younger patients
- minor/transient blurring-worse on waking⭐️
- fundus: mild retinal venous dilatation and tortuosity, few dot/blot haemorrhages
- treatment: correcting any predisposing systemic conditions, avoiding dehydration, lowering IOP to improve perfusion
Non-ischaemic CRVO (‘Venous stasis retinopathy’)
- more common than ischaemic
- ~1⃣/3⃣ will progress to ischaemic (within months)
- VA is impaired to a variable degree
- RAPD is absent/mild
- patchy(perivenular) ischaemic retinal whitening
- disc collaterals (‘optociliary shunts)😊➡️decreased risk of nv