Reticulocytes, Hct, ESR, Hgb Flashcards
What is the calculation for the reticulocyte count?
- (# of reticulocytes x 100) / 1000 RBC
What are some examples of sources of error in retic counts?
- Anemic or polycythemic
- Mixing appropriately
- Moisture – artifacts are refractile
- Heinz bodies, Howell Jolly and pappenheimer
What is the reference range for reticulocytes in:
- Adults
- Newborns
- Adults: 0.5 – 1.5 – or up to 2.0% in many places
- Newborns: 2.0 – 6.0%
What can cause the following changes in the range of a retic count?
- Decreases
- Increases
- Decreases: suppressed bone marrow production
- Increases: hemolytic anemias, response to therapy
What is an absolute reticulocyte count?
- actual number of reticulocytes in 1 liter or 1 microliter of blood
- What is the calculation for an absolute retic count?
- What is the reference range?
- (Reticulocytes (%) X RBC count (X10^12/L)) / 100
- Reference ranges 25,000 to 75, 000/uL
- When would a corrected retic count be used?
- What is the count correcting?
- Principle this calculation is used for individuals who have a low hematocrit. Retic count will be falsely elevated as there are fewer RBC
- Negates or minimizes the dilutional effect
What is the calculation for a corrected retic count?
- retic % x (patient Hct% / 45)
- What is the Reticulocyte Production Index?
- What is the calculation for it?
- Correction for the Shift reticulocytes in the circulation
- Correction needed because of the presence of shift reticulocytes
- RPI = (reticulocyte (%) X HCT (%)/45) / maturation time
What is the range of BM response for the Reticulocyte Production Index?
- Adequate BM response >3
- Inadequate BM response < 2
What are some of the errors of a manual retic count (4)?
- stain variability
- slide distribution
- statistical sampling error
- interobserver error
- Equipment and material
- 2 plain capillary tubes
- Nonabsorbent clay
- Microhematocrit tubes
- Microhematocrit reader
- Procedure
- Take two plastic plain tubes since the specimen is EDTA blood
- Seal tube nonabsorbent clay. Hold tube horizontally. Plug should be 4mm long.
- Balance tubes in a hematocrit centrifuge with sealed end facing the outside touching the rubber gasket.
- Tighten the lid of the microhematocrit centrifuge.
- Centrifuge at 10,000 g to 15,000g for 5 minutes. Do not use brake to stop the centrifuge.
- Determine the hematocrit of both tubes. Read the hematocrit using the reader. Do not include the buffy coat.
- Duplicate reading must match up to 1%.
What are the reference ranges for HCT for adult males and females?
- Adult male: 40 – 54%
- Adult female: 35 – 49%
Rule of Three
- Principles
- Calculations
- Principles – visual check for normocytic, normochromic red blood cells
- value of hematocrit should be three times the value of hemoglobin +/- 3
- HGB X 3 = HCT +/- 3 (0.03 L/L)