Resus of babies at birth Flashcards
How long should the cord remain unclamped for in uncompromised babies?
At least 1 minute from complete delivery
Ventilatory support of term infants?
Start with air/low conc oxygen (30%)
Preterm infant - spontaneously breathing but with distress - tx?
CPAP initially rather than intubation
Newborn life support algorithm - talk through.
- Dry baby, normal temperature maintained.
- Assess: tone, RR, HR(use ECG)
- If gasping/not breathing: open airway and 5 inflation breaths.
- If no increase in HR, look for chest movement.
- Chest not moving?
Recheck head position. ?2-person airway control. Repeat inflation breaths. - Chest moving but heart rate not detectable/<60: start compressions with PPV (3:1)
- Reassess HR every 30 seconds. ?Consider drugs
Acceptable pre-ductal SpO2 ?
2 minutes - 60% 3 minutes - 70% 4 minutes - 80% 5 minutes - 85% 10 minutes - 90%
Why is there the delay in cord-clamping?
If clamped too early - bradycardia.
Reduced need for transfusion (higher Hb).
Higher mean BP.
Some studies - reduced inter ventricular haemorrhage/periventricular leukomalacia.
(Transient decrease in heart size if clamped too early - due to increase in pulmonary blood flow to the lungs)
Newborn cold stress - impact?
Lower arterial tension and increase metabolic acidosis.
If preterm- increases risk of intraventricular haemorrhage, hypoglycaemia and late onset sepsis.
For each degree drop in admission temperature below 36.5-37.5, how much does mortality increase?
Delivery room temperature: term and before 28 weeks.
Term - 23-25 degrees.
Preterm - above 25 degrees
In terms of temperature control - what about a baby born before 32 weeks?
Immediate wrapping with polyethylene and placed under radiant heater. May also require: warm, humidified gases, cap, thermal mattress etc.
What differentiates a baby that just needs drying, wrapping and mask inflation/rarely ventilations, from a baby that needs immediate airway control, lung inflation and ventilation/possibly chest compressions and drugs
If they are: floppy or have a low/undetectable HR.
Not if apnoea/inadequate breathing/ normal or reduced then or HR less than 100 - ALONE
Routine intubation and suctioning for babies born through meconium?
Not evidence based - unless very thick, viscous meconium (indicates distressed baby)
What would indicate successful lung inflations?
Prompt increase in Hr/chest wall rising
Reasons for failure of airway control/ventialtion?
inappropriate positioning, airway obstruction, mask leak
Level of PEEP in preterm newborns?
5cm H20
Requirement for LMA in newborn?
Weighing over 2000g or delivered over 34 weeks.
Alternative to facemask for positive pressure ventilation. And to intubation.
When might intubation be considered?
- Lower airway suctioning.
- If BVM ventilation is ineffective/prolonged.
- Chest compressions.
Special circumstances - to give surfactant/congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
Most effective neonatal chest compression technique?
Two thumbs over lower third of sternum, fingers encircling torso and supporting back.
Drugs in neonates?
Adrenaline - as ALS guidelines, at a dose of around 10mcg/kg initially.
Can consider sodium bicarbonate (1-2mmol/kg) to reverse intracardiac acidosis
Fluid replacement options?
NB: Rare
1. Blood - irradiated and leucocyte-depleted group O Rh-negative blood
2. Isotonic crystalloid
Treatment of moderate-severe hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy?
Therapeutic hypothermia (commence within 6 h of birth, continue for 72 h of birth and re-warm over at least 4 h)