Restrictive Lung Disease Flashcards
Volume of air or gas is REDUCED
FLOW of air is impeded
Restrictive Lung DYSFUNCTION (RLD)
Abnormal reduction in pulmonary ventilation causing diminished lung expansion and reduced movement of air in & out
What kind of effect does a RLD have on the work of breathing
Increased! Tidal volume will decrease and respiratory rate will increase, forcing the patient to work HARDER for more oxygen
What can happen when RLD progresses?
Patients may present with respiratory muscle fatigue, overuse and respiratory failure
What effect does RLD have on lung COMPLIANCE, VOLUME, and CAPACITIES
Compliance: Lungs become stiff and difficult to expand, increasing the workload of breathing
Volumes: IRV, TV, ERV, RV
Capacities: TLC, VC, FRC
Signs & Symptoms of RLD
Hypoxemia (mismatched V/Q)
Decreased breath sounds & lung volumes/capacities
Cor pulmonale
Pulmonary HTN
Symptoms: Dyspnea, Cough, Weight Loss
Potential Causes of RLD (7)
Maturational/Developmental (fetal lung development)
Connective Tissue
Other: Pregnancy, Traumatic, Radiation
Absence of bronchus and lung parenchyma
Rudimentary bronchus, lacks normal lung parenchyma
Incomplete development of lungs - functional, but not normal
Hyaline membrane disease due to prematurity or lack of complete lung maturation. Linked to gestational age & surfactant abnormalities
Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Treatment for Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Surfactant replacement therapy via AEROSOL administration (2 hours post-birth), ECMO, or corticosteroids prenatally to mother
Effects of Aging
Compliance decreases at ~20 years old & felt around 6th-7th decade
Decreased max voluntary ventilation and vital capacity
Less sensitive chemoreceptors (can’t sense hypoxia or hypercapnia)
Decalcification of ribs/arthritic changes
Thoracic kyphosis/A-P diameter
Enlarged air spaces with diminished elastic recoil
Thinner alveolar walls
Mismatched V/Q
Decreased max HR/CO and DLCO (increased dead space)
Pulmonary causes of RLD (10)
Pulmonary Fibrosis, Coal Worker’s Pneumoconiosis, Asbestosis, Bronchiolitis Obliterans, Atelectasis, Pneumonia, ARDs, Bronchogenic Carcinoma, Plueral Effusion & Sarcoidosis
Chronic, progressive, irreversible & usually lethal inflammation of the alveolar walls (irregular shape/size) that lead to distortion of lungs
*Patchy focal lesions leading to scarring & fibrosis
Everything is decreased except pulmonary arterial pressure = Increased work of breathing
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Treatment for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Corticosteroids, cytotoxic drugs, smoking cessation, adequate O2, good nutrition, treatment of infections, & transplant
Interstitial lung disease caused by repeated inhalation of coal dust for 10-12+ years leaving coal macules within bronchioles (“black lung disease”)
Can lead to emphysema, bronchitis, TB, cor pulmonale, or PE
S/S: Severe dyspnea, copious BLACK sputum, barrel chest, weight loss, decreased breath sounds
Coal Worker’s Pneumoconiosis