rest of paper 2 Flashcards
Alterations to tumour suppressor genes can lead to the development of tumours:
- increased methylation of tumour suppressor genes
- tumour suppressor genes are not transcribed
- results in uncontrollable division
What is meant by epigenetics:
- heritable changes in gene function
- without changes to the base sequence of DNA
Oestrogen binds with…
Methyl groups bind with…
Acetyl groups bind with…
How increased methylation can lead to cancer:
- methyl groups added to a tumour suppressor gene
- transcription of tumour suppressor genes is inhibited
- leading to uncontrolled cell division
one way benign tumours differ from malignant:
- cells of benign tumours cannot spread to other parts of the body
How methylation of tumour suppressor genes can lead to cancer:
- methylation prevents transcription
- protein not produced that prevents cell division
- no control of mitosis
How could you stimulate gene expression:
- transcription factor
- binds to DNA
- stimulates RNA polymerase
How recombinant DNA is inserted into plasmids:
- restriction endonuclease cuts plasmids
- ligase joins sticky ends
Two features of data that helps to ensure validity of conclusions:
- large sample size
- control present for comparison
Describe the role of two names types of enzymes used to insert DNA fragments into plasmids:
- restriction endonuclease: cuts plasmids
- ligase: joins DNA to plasmid
Suggest two features of the structure of different proteins that enable them to be separated by electrophoresis:
- mass of amino acids
- charge
Explain the role of reverse transcriptase in RT-PCR:
- produces cDNA using mRNA
Role of DNA ploymerase in RT-PCR:
- joins nucleotides to produce DNA
Why use gene machine:
- faster to use gene machine than all the enzyme-catalysed reactions
How to insert copies of gene into plasmids:
- cut the plasmid with restriction endonuclease
- so both have sticky ends
- add ligase to join sticky ends
Process of genetic testing using DNA sample:
- use of PCR to amplify
- cut using restriction endonuclease
- separate using electrophoresis
- addition of DNA probes and binding
- mutations identified by fluorescence
Suggest how transcription factors can reprogramme cells to form iPS cells:
- attach to promoter region
- stimulate RNA polymerase
Equation to find the frequency of an allele, if the frequency of the other is already known:
- p +q = 1
p = dominant
q = recessive
Hard-Weinberg equation:
p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1
p^2 = the frequency of the homozygous dominant
2pq = the frequency of the heterozygous genotype
q^2 = the frequency of the homozygous recessive genotypes
How digesting insects can be beneficial in low nutrient soil:
- digestion of proteins
- provides amino acids
- Breakdown of DNA
- provides nucleotides
how would you estimate the size of a population in a small marsh:
- use a grid
- random number generator to obtain co ordinates
- count number in section
- large sample and calculate average
reasons why sterilised soil is needed for practicals:
- kills pathogens
- kills competitors
- kills pests
why soil contained recommended conc, of fertiliser for practicals:
- fertiliser is a controlled variable
- affects crop growth
- may affect water potential of soil
How is a colour seen at different wavelengths:
- colour vision involves cones
- each photoreceptor absorbs different wavelengths