Responsible animal ownership Flashcards
Animal Welfare act 2006?
- duty of care of owner even for a short time
- anyone who is cruel to an animal - banned, £20,000, prison
What does the Pet Animals Act do?
- pet shop - licensed by local authorities
- food and water
- clean conditions
- protected from disease and fire
- cant sell pets in street
- problem with online selling
- inconsistencies across authorities
What is the Welfare of Farmed Animals Reg (2007)?
- cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, deer, poutlry (over 50) - must have CPH number and register with APHA
- pets are not excluded - still diseases
WHat is included in the Breeding and Sale of Dogs Act 1999?
- license from local authorities if have a breeding facility and selling puppies (if having more than 5 litters a year)
- need suitable accomodation, water, food
- exercised, visited at suitable intervals
- protection from disease
- bitches only bred from 1 year, only 1 litter a year, and 6 litters in her lifetime
What is included in the Dangerous Wild Animal Act 1976?
- no person allowed to keep a dangerous animal unless they have a license
- authorites only give license if:
- no against public interest
- suitable person
- animal is kept in suitable conditions and only kept under authority of the license
- suitable food, water, accomadation, lighting, ventilation, temp etc
- visited suitable intervals
What is the code for privately owned non-human primates?
- breach of the codes - not an offence in itself
- Animals (Scientific Practises) Act and Zoo licensing Act
- not be kept as pets - part of the family
- wild animals - never be fulling tamed
- complex environment
- Herpesvirus - fatal to marmosets and tamarins, lemurs, new world monkeys - dont own
What is included in the Dangerous Dog Act 1991?
- police/ council dog expert - make a decision about whether the dog is a danger to the public - either released/ kept in kennels while the council apply to court
- not allowed to visit dog
- cant be walked off lead/ without a muzzle in public place
- cant be sold/ given as a gift/ abandoned
- cannot be bred from
- Pit Bull types, Doggo Argentino, Japanese Tossa, Fila Brasileiro
What ammendments were made to the DDA in 2014?
- instead of public place - dogs must be kept in control in all place in England and Wales
- injures any assistance dog as well as person
- sentences increased:
- 3 years - assistance dog injured/ killed
- 5 years - person injured
- 14 years - person dies
How many dogs were seized by police in England in 5 years?
- 7,000
- £5m spent
- £650 per dog
- 985 days - longest dog was kennelled
What is the IED?
- Index of Exempted dogs
- if the court decides its not a risk
- must be neutered, microchipped, insurance taken out, have a Certificate to show within 5 days, muzzles and on lead in public, kept in a secure place, owner must be over 16
- notify IED if move/ dog dies
What is the Public Space Protection Act?
- keep dogs on lead
- clear up after them
- stop them going to certain areas e.g. farmland
- only have a certain number of dogs with you
What legislation applies to cats?
- cats are property - treated like any other theft
- right to roam - but no nuisence
- the Environmental Protection Act - decide what actions owners should reasonably have to take
- also have powers - foaling, smell, noise - too many cats at one property
What is PETS?
- pet travel scheme
- dogs, cats, ferrets - allowed to enter country without quaratine
- must meet the requirments of scheme and location of where animal comes from - determinant factors
- Rabbits and rodents - from non EU countries - quarantines for rabies
What are the requirements for pets travelling to Uk from EU?
- microchipped
- vaccination against rabies (21 days earlier)
- passport - new from 29.12.14
- tapeworm treatment 1-5 days before entering and signed passport (24-120 hours)
- no treatment needed from Malta, Finland, Ireland
- approved route
What are the requirement for pets coming from non-approved countries?
- microchip
- vaccination to Rabies
- Pass a rabies blood test 30 days after vaccination
- wait 3 months after blood sample
- approved route used
- Pet passport
- tapeworm treatment - 1-5 days before
What is included in pet preventative health?
- vet care
- vaccination
- microchipping - all dogs over 8 weeks - can get certificate of exemption from vet (approved by SoS - health reasons)
- exercise
- insurance
What is included in the Riding Establishments Act?
- riding establishments are licensed under this act - council can put conditions on the license, consider:
- manager
- horse type suitability
- pasture, exercise, stabling
- precautions against fire and disease
- health, welfare
What does the Control of Horses Act include?
- fly grazing control
- before - could only be sold at auction/ market after 14 days
- now - have to be reported to police within 24 hours - and owners have 4 days to claim animals
- can now be gifted, rehomed and privately sold
What animals are included in zoonotic legislation?
- individual animals
- animals in zoos
- farm animals
- pets
- animal health act
- zoonoses order
What happens if you suspect a notifiable disease?
- notify APHA
- APHA - send out an APHA vet - take samples, give restriction
- APHA vet inspector will come out - take samples
- restrictions - no movement of animals/ materials
- temporary control zone
- restrictions stay in place until investigation is complete
What happens if a notifiable disease is confirmed?
- APHA - restrictions - movement, culling, cleaning/ disinfecting
- gov investigates where the disease came from
- restrictions put on places where the disease is likely to have come from/ spread to
- may be a larger area - e.g. FMD - whole country
- shows, shooting, hunting, exports banned
What does the Animal Welfare (Activities Involving Animals) Regulations 2018 include?
- puppies must be shown with their mother before sale
- new owner must be present during sale
- online sales - license number, country of origin, country of residence must be shown
- no puppies sold under 8 weeks
- new star rating system - welfare
What are the 5 areas of licensed activity with animals by buisnesses?
- breeding animals
- training animals for exhibition
- hiring out horses
- selling animals as pets
- boarding animals for profit
What is Lucys law?
- cant have a 3rd party selling puppies