Responsibilities of Pharmacists & Pharmacy Personnel Flashcards
Study Tips
What is the difference between “shall” and “may” when used in a sentence?
Question Clarifications
- Shall: absolute requirement (must)
- May: indicating permission to do something
Assume each test question is straightforward & don’t over-analyze
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Pharmacist in Charge (PIC)
Basic Definition
- Currently licensed in this State
- “Accepts full and actual charge” of the pharmacy and its personnel
Responsible for the operation of a pharmacy and its drug distribution
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Can a pharmacist be a PIC at more than one location? How much time must they physically spend at said location(s)?
- PIC at only one location
- Must be physically present for a “sufficient” amount of time
Board interprets “sufficient” as “majority” of time - no definition!
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
What specific changes should the PIC notify the Board about?
PIC Duties
- Employment of PIC Responsibility
- Pharmacy Ownership
- Pharmacy Address
- Pharmacy Closing
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Who has the duty of “filing required reports”?
State or Federal Law & Regulations
Reports required by state or federal law & regulations
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Who has the duty of responding to BOP violations?
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Who has the duty of signing & renewing the pharmacy’s permit?
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
The PIC ensures proper license, registration, & certification.
True or False
PIC ensures pharmacists, techs, & interns are properly compliant with BOP
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Who ensures techs & interns wear proper identification?
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
The PIC does not need to maintain a current list of pharmacy technicians.
True or False
The form to use for the list is provided by the BOP
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
What 3 general policies/procedures need to be established and implemented by the PIC?
- Tech Duties
- Drug Recall Management (& how patients are contacted)
- Automated Systems
Minimum tech specification: techs must be under pharmacist supervision
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
What 4 institutional policies/procedures need to be established and implemented by the PIC?
- Provision of drugs in pharmacist absence
- Night cabinet and pharmacy access for specific authorized personnel
- Night cabinet drug inventory list (w/ appropriate committee)
- Stop-order policy
a licensed pharmacist must be on call at all times
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Night cabinets may be located inside the pharmacy.
True or False
must be located outside of the pharmacy & sufficiently secure (key or combination with authorized personnel)
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Permit Consultant Pharmacist
Basic Definition
Consultant for a permit holder that is NOT a pharmacy or institution (non-dispensing drug outlet)
Non-Dispensing Drug Outlet Permit Holders
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Almost every permit holder requires a consultant pharmacist ~ what permit holders are the exceptions?
- Pharmacies
- Wholesalers
- Facilities only supplying O2
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Consultant pharmacists need a written agreement to assume their responsibilities, and the BOP needs to be notified of said changes in ___ days.
10 days
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Consultant pharmacists need to sign a new or renewed permit application with the permit holder.
True or False
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
What are the 4 general policies/procedures that a consultant pharmacist must establish & implement?
- Drug Recordkeeping System
- Drug Recalls
- Removal of Outdated/Adulterated Drugs
- Specify & Supervise Employee Duties
Recordkeep purchases, sales, inventory, storage, safekeeping, & returns
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
What employee duties do consultant pharmacists specify & supervise?
- Procurement
- Compounding
- Sale
- Storage
- Distribution
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
How are consultant pharmacists expected to assist in being a Drug Information resource for their facilitie(s)?
- Bring current DI to staff’s attention
- be available by phone for questions
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
P&P compliance inspection reports are ___ ‘s responsibility to complete & must be performed every ___.
Policy & Procedure
- Consultant Pharmacist
- Month
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
If P&P compliance inspection reports are not performed, the permit holder will be fined $1,000.
True or False
Consultant Pharmacist fined $1,000
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Patient record reviews are ___’s responsibility, and must be performed every ___. PRRs are documented on the ___.
- Consultant Pharmacist
- Month
- Patient Record
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
What should the consultant pharmacist review during patient record reviews? Who should the consultant pharmacist advise with findings?
- Potential ADRs, allergies, interactions, & lab test modifications
- Physician advised with recommended changes
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
What are the 3 general duties of registered technicians listed in the Pharmacy Practice Act?
- Prepare Prescriptions
- Handle Legend Drugs
- Compound & Mix Medications
Duties explicitly listed in the BOP policies & procedures
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
What are the BOP defined duties for “preparing prescriptions”?
Registered Technicians
- Receive written Rxs or med orders & verbal refill requests
- Initial interpretation of orders
- Enter Rx info into patient profile
- Select appropriate drug/device
- Fill/maintain unit dose carts
- Change unit dose medication cassettes
Pharmacists override DUR alerts only
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
What are the BOP defined duties for “handling legend drugs”?
Registered Technicians
- Check for drug outdates
- Accept/stock drug shipments
- Process/discard medications for returned credit
- Stock automated dispensers
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
What are the BOP defined duties for “compounding and mixing medications”?
Registered Technicians
- Mix drugs in dry form with water
- Prepare IV solutions
- Repackage bulk medications
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
State Certified Pharmacy Technicians
- SC license registration
- High school dipolma / GED
- National certification (PTCB)
- ACPE board certified tech program (ASHP)
- 1000 hours
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
What are additional tech duties that state-certified techs may perform?
In Addition to Registered Tech Duties
- Receive/initiate verbal orders for non-controlled substances
- Conduct Rx transfers
Additional Institutional Duties: - Check tech’s med refill & bulk to unit repackaging
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Pharmacy Extern
- Enrolled in pharmacy school who is on required rotations for obtaining PharmD
- Practical experience coordinated through school
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Pharmacy Intern
- Registered by state certificate to engage in pharmacy practice under pharmacist supervision & progressing towards PharmD licensure
- Paid job
- Ratio: 1 pharmacist: 1 intern
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Intern/Extern Duties
Performed under Licensed Pharmacist Supervision
- Interpret & evaluate med orders
- Participate in drug/device selection
- Provide patient counseling
- Perform drug regimen reviews
- Provide pharmacy care
- Receive verbal orders
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
General Employment Ratio
Pharmacist to Technicians
- 1 Pharmacist : 4 Technicians
- 2+ techs must be state-certified
- May not supervise > 2 non-state certified technicians
Exclusions: clerical support, interns/externs, tech students on rotation
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Institutional Employment Ratio
Pharmacists to Technicians
- 1 Pharmacist: 3 Technicians
- Daily operational ratio determined by PIC
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
All pharmacy technicians in SC must be at minimum:
1. Certified
2. Registered
3. Licensed
1 only; 2 only; 3 only; 2 & 3 only; or 1, 2, & 3
2 only! Registered
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Which statements are true regarding access to drugs at an institutional pharmacy when there is not a licensed pharmacist physically present (i.e., when the pharmacy is closed?
- The PIC is responsible for establishing the P&Ps for the provision of drugs to medical staff when a pharmacist is not physically present
- The provision of drugs to medical staff can be implemented using night cabinets, which are located outside of the pharmacy.
- The provision of drugs to medical staff can be implemented by access to the pharmacy.
1 only; 1 & 2 only; 1 & 3 only; 2 & 3 only; 1, 2, & 3
All of the above (1, 2, & 3)
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
A consultant pharmacist is required for which of the following locations? Select ALL that apply:
- Hospital pharmacy
- Non-dispensing clinic
- Retail pharmacy
- Wholesaler
- Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) without a retail pharmacy
2 & 5 ~ Non-dispensing clinic & FQHC without a retail pharmacy
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
How many total hours of practical experience (intern/extern) are required for pharmacist licensure?
1500 hours
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
For a technician to become state-certified, the tech must work at least how many hours as a registered tech under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist?
1000 hours
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Which of the following duties are within a state-certified pharmacy technician’s scope of practice? Select ALL that apply:
- Fill unit dose carts
- Accept call-in, non-controlled prescriptions from a physician’s office
- Perform a DUR for a patient
- Counsel a patient on a medication
- Input prescriptions into a pharmacy computer
- Fill unit dose carts
- Accept call-in, non-controlled prescriptions from a physician’s office
- Input prescriptions into a pharmacy computer
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
A registered pharmacy technician may perform which task?
1. Perform final verification of an Rx order
2. Accept a call-in prescription for a controlled substance
3. Call a physician for refill authorization for a controlled substance
4. Teach a patient how to use an inhaler
5. Compound medications
Compound medications
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Who can transer a prescription for clonazepam to another pharmacy?
Select ALL that apply:
- Pharmacist
- Pharmacy Intern
- Pharmacy Extern
- State-Certified Tech
- Registered Tech
- Pharmacist only!
Legal Responsibilities of Pharmacist & Pharmacy Personnel
Who can transfer a non-controlled Rx to another pharmacy?
Select ALL that apply:
- Pharmacist
- Pharmacy Intern
- Pharmacy Extern
- State-Certified Tech
- Registered Tech
1, 2, 3, & 4 - everyone BUT registered techs!