Record-Keeping Procedures Flashcards
Patient Records
Who mandates the legality of patient record-keeping? How long are patient records to be maintained at pharmacies?
- OBRA and State mandated
- All Rx drug orders within past 2 years (preceding most recent entry)
Patient Records
What is to be contained at a minimum for patient record compliancy?
- Full name of patient
- address/phone number of patient
- Age/DOB of patient
- Gender
- All Rx drug orders within past 2 years at that pharmacy
- Comments relevant to patient/drug therapies
Patient Records
What is obtained as “necessary patient information”?
- Allergies
- Drug Reactions
- Idiosyncrasies
- Chronic conditions / disease states
- Other medications, including OTCs
Confidential Information
When and to whom may confidential information be released?
- Patient
- Practitioners and pharmacists where, in the pharmacist’s professional judgement, release is necesary to protect the patient’s health and well-being
- Other persons or governmental agencies authorized by law to receive such information
What does HIPAA stand for? What is HIPAA’s intent?
- Health Information Portability & Accountability Act
- Assure security & privacy of patients’ medical records, while allowing the flow of PHI to provide high quality health care
Confidential Information
Confidential information is priviledged information maintained in a patient’s record or which is communicated to a patient as part of patient counseling
True or False
Under HIPAA, every health care provider who transmits health information is a covered entity
True or False
What entities and records fall under HIPAA?
- Rxs, patient record systems (Rx profiles), recorded RPh comments relevant to patient therapy
- Pharmacies and all Medical Facilities - all have HIPAA Privacy Officer
NPI requirement implemented for private info being de-identified
To whom do patients report perceived HIPAA violations?
DHHS Office for Civil Rights
How should patients be notified of their rights and how their health information may be used?
- Consents to release information
- How to access information
- How medical information may be disclosed to each other
How should HIPAA privacy notices be documented?
- Document by signed statement or log book
- Person named in insurance policy can represent family
- No requirement for future signatures
- Maintain records of these notices for 6 years from date of signature or last date of Rx dispensed
How long must privacy notice documents be maintained?
Maintain records of these notices for 6 years from date of signature or last date of Rx dispensed
Confidential Patient Records: Pharmacy Perspective
Patient records may only be released to whom?
- Patient
- Pharmacist/personnel authorized to handle Rx
- Prescriber/authorized personnel
- Legal personnel (BOP inspectors, DEA inspectors)
Use professional judgement necessary to protect health & wellbeing
Confidential Patient Records: Pharmacy Perspective
Can a spouse of a patient see their medication profile or receive a copy of an Rx?
- Theoretically, not without a written statement from the patient granting authority
- Picking up Rxs is under pharmacist judgement - unnecessary for patient to give written permission
Confidential Communication
What are confidentiality recommendations for patient refill reminders & consultations?
- Refill reminders - keep drug name/use private
- Minimize likelihood of accidential disclosure to surrounding people
- Minimal information given on phone calls & answering machines
Records for Dispensing
How long are Non-CS prescriptions and patient records to be maintained? In how much time should they be readily retrieved? What record components need to be present when retrieved?
- Maintained for 2 years from original date or date of last activity
- Ready/retrievable within 24 hours
- Quantity dispensed for original/refills
- Serial number (equivalent for institution)
- Dispensing pharmacist identification
- Name/manufacturer of dispensed drug
Readily Retrievable Defined by Controlled Substances Regulation
Registrant is able to produce controlled records within ____, and records are segregated, sorted, or filed within ____ so that the CS information may be derived by inspector
- Within 1 hour
- Within a few hours