Response: Geibheann Flashcards
Maud shows these images to us by using simple words.
Leirionn maude na hiomhanna seo duinn tri fhriotal simpli a usaid.
It is the voice of the people. The poet has nothing to hide
Is friotal na ndaoine at ann, nil aon rud a cheilt an bhfile orann le seo.
Simple language adds to the images resulting in the theme of the poem.
Is friotal simpli seo go mor leis na hiomhanna agus leiritear teama an dain da bharr.
This shows the status and power of the animal
Leirionn se seo sadas agus cumhacht an ainmhi.
Its freedom, status and pride of the animal is what that’quote about tree’
Ta saoirse, stadus agus brod an ainmhi le feacail nuair a deirtear ‘chroithfinn crainnte na coille’
There is a contrast between that and the animals new life.
Ta codarsnacht ghearr idir sin agus an saolnua ata ag an ainmithe