Respondant v Operant Flashcards
The respondent conditioning process calls for
A. A neutral stimulus paired with the unconditioned stimulus
B. Absence of the neutral stimulus when the unconditioned stimulus also is absent
C. An unconditioned stimulus that reliably elicits an unconditioned response
D. All of the above
Respondent conditioning calls for identification of an unconditioned stimulus that reliably elicits an unconditioned response and a pairing of a neutral stimulus with the unconditioned stimulus. Also, during the conditioning process, the neutral stimulus must be absent when the unconditioned stimulus is absent.
Respondent behavior
A. Is amenable to shaping
B. Can sometimes be brought under the control of a consequence
C. Is under the control of an antecedent
D. All of the above
Respondent behavior can be elicited, but it cannot be shaped. It is elicited by an antecedent stimulus. Respondent behavior can sometimes be brought under operant control. For example, a typical unconditioned response is to gag when something touches the back of the throat. However, through operant conditioning, one can learn to gag to avoid being fed disliked foods
Which are examples of respondent behavior? A. Eating B. Saying, “I’m hot“ C. Blushing D. All of the above
The respondent conditioning process calls for presenting…
A. A neutral stimulus immediately following an unconditioned response
B. A neutral stimulus with or immediately preceding an unconditioned stimulus
An unconditioned stimulus elicits
A. An unconditioned response
B. A conditioned response
Which of the following describes a respondent relationship?
A. S-R-S
B. S-R
Generally, to have a neutral stimulus become a condition stimulus…
A. The NS is paired with an US/UR or a CS/CR
B. The NS occurs simultaneously with or immediately after the US
Operant behaviors are defined…
A. Topographically and by their effects on behavior
B. Functionally by their effects on behavior
A priority with a new client with an impaired social repertoire is to play with the client while providing positive stimuli such as bits of preferred food. Also smiling and making positive comments when giving each bit of food
A. Relies on respondent conditioning to make ones self, ones smile, and one’s voice stronger conditioned reinforcer‘s
B. Relies on operant conditioning to make one’s self, one’s smile, and one’s voice stronger conditioned reinforcer‘s
Pairing food with a person, her smile, and/or positive comments are all stimulus-stimulus pairing procedures and hence categorized as respondent conditioning. Since no response-stimulus pairing is mentioned, this is not operant conditioning
Teasing increases after the teacher begins reprimanding a student for each occurrence of this behavior. This exemplifies
A. Positive punishment
B. Negative reinforcement
C. Positive reinforcement
Undoing an unconditioned stimulus/conditioned stimulus pairing... A. describes respondent extinction B. will reduce responding to the US C. changes the operant function D. All of the above
A dependent relationship between two or more stimuli is…
A. a respondent contingency
B. necessary to achieve respondent extinction
A teacher takes away a point each time a student speaks out in class, this is a/an…
A. operant contingency
B. respondent contingency
An M&M is followed by a light each time the word “ball” is present. This is a…
A. respondent contingency
B. operant contingency
A respondent contingency includes…
A. the probability of a particular stimulus given another stimulus
B. the probability of a particular stimulus given a behavior
An M&M follows the response “ball,” in the presence of the word “ball.” this is a..
A. respondent contingency
B. operant contingency