Measurement Flashcards
A child engages in a low occurrence of aggression in the classroom. If we reported istances of aggression based on a weekly timeframe, which measure would be most appropriate? A. frequency B. percent of occurrence C. rate D. duration
The martial arts instructor wanted to decrease the number of trials it took his student to perform a technique correctly. What measure would be the most useful? A. trials to criterion B. frequency C. celeration D. duration
The practitioner recorded that it took the client 10 trials to reach the 100% performance standard for the laundry task. What type of measure did the practitioner collect? A. frequency B. percent of occurrence C. trials to criterion D. celeration
Trials to criterion is the…
A. ratio of number of responses divided by number of opportunities to achieve a performance standard
B. ratio of two response rates diveded by measure of time between the rates
C. number of response opportunities to achieve a performance standard
D. number of responses diveded by unit of time
The practictioner recorded that the client said the word "no" 100 times and recorded the 10 minute session. What type of measure did the practitioner record? A. frequency B. duration C. rate D. latency
The martial arts instructor wanted to find a teaching procedure that produced the most improvement in the student's rate of blocking punches per amount of teaching time. Which measure would be the most useful? A. celeration B. rate C. duration D. trials to criterion
The practictioner recorded a X2 (times 2) ratio of improvement in the client's rate of completing the steps in the laundry task per 10 minutes of instructional time between the two response rates. What type of measure did the practitioner collect? A. celeration B. trials to criterion C. duration D. rate
During a 10 minute observation the first instance of SIB occurred two seconds after the staff request. There were no additional instances after a second, third and fourth staff request. Each instance of SIB lasted five seconds. What was the rate of SIB? A. .5 per minute B. 12.5% C. .1 per minute D. 25%
During a one minute observation, the first instance of SIB occurred 2 seconds after the staff request. The second instance occurred 3 seconds after a request, the third instance occurred 1 second after the request, and the fourth instance occurred 2 seconds after the staff request. Each instance of SIB lasted five seconds. What was the rate of SIB? A. 20 seconds B. 4 per minute C. 8 per minute D. 4 minutes
Rate should be used for measures of… A. Accuracy B. Frequency C. Maintenance D. Proficiency
Sometimes rate and frequency are differentiated. Rate always refers to…
A. Percent of intervals
B. Number of occurrences divided by time
C. Cost in effort
D. Number of occurrences, where time remains constant
Use frequency only when…
A. The duration of the response is an important dimension
B. Observation links and opportunities to respond are variable
C. Observation length and opportunities to respond remain constant
D. The rate of the response remains constant
“The student read 30 words during reading yesterday and 35 words during reading today” is a measure of… A. Duration B. Rate C. Frequency D. Speed
During a 10 minute observation, the first instance of SIB occurred 2 seconds after the staff request and the second instance occurred 3 seconds after a second staff request. There were no additional instances after a third and fourth staff request. Each instance of SIB lasted five seconds. What was the rate of SIB? A. .2 per minute B. 5 seconds C. 10 seconds D. .5 per minute
Daily playtime ranges from 30 to 60 minutes. A suitable measure for appropriate interactions might be… A. Speed B. Frequency C. Duration D. Rate
When opportunities to respond are presented and blocks of trials, trials to criterion data are reported as…
A. The amount of time it takes for the learner to achieve criterion performance on all trials within a block of trials
B. The number of trials within a block of trials on which the learner emits the correct response
C. The total number of trials across all trial blocks on which the learner emits the correct response
D. The number of blocks of trials required for the learner to emit the correct response on a predetermined percentage of trials
During a 1 minute observation, the first instance of momentary SIB occurred 2 seconds after the staff request. 5 seconds later there was a second instance, and 3 seconds after that a third instance. What was the average interresponse time for the SIB? A. 2 per minute B. 4 seconds C. 15 seconds D. 3 seconds
Use percent of occurrences only If there is a minimum of \_\_\_\_ opportunities. A. 50 B. 10 C. 100 D. 30
A teacher wants to know if her students do better on a spelling test when spelling words are reviewed daily versus when spelling words are reviewed weekly. She provides her students with two sets of vocabulary words and tests them each Friday. She conducts a daily review of her students on one set of words, and reviews the other set with her students only on Mondays. Trials to criterion data can be used to determine which method is more efficient by comparing
A. The number of practice trials required for her students to spell every word correctly in one set of words versus the other set
B. The amount of time it takes for students to finish the weekly test
C. The number of words her students spell correctly in each set during the daily and weekly reviews
A child with autism is learning to identify colors. Instructional trials are presented as follows: The student is given a purple card and a “not purple“ card. The child is told, “match the color.“ When the child correctly matches the color on every trail in three consecutive trail blocks, the procedure is repeated using another color. Trials to criterion data can be used to assess…
A. The child’s acquisition of a generalized color matching repertoire
B. The efficiency of the instructional format the teacher is using
C. The child’s ability to match the particular colors that were trained
D. The number of trial blocks required for the student to achieve mastery
When measuring trials to criterion…
A. Record each opportunity to respond
B. Record a representative sample of opportunities to respond
C. Record occurrence or no occurrence for each interval
D. It is essential to also obtain a rate measure
Trials to criterion is a measure of…
A. The total number of response opportunities presented in all trial blocks
B. The number of response opportunities required to achieve a predetermined level of performance
C. The number of response opportunities presented in a block of trials
D. The number of responses that meet a predetermined level of performance within a given number of opportunities to respond
A student is learning to discriminate between the long and short vowel sounds of the letter O. Words with either the long or short vowel sound are presented in random order in blocks of 10 trials. Trials to criterion data would be reported as…
A. The number of trial blocks on which the learner correctly discriminates between words with long and short vowel sounds on novel words.
B. The number of times the student correctly discriminates between words with the long and short vowel sounds within a block of trials
C. The number of trial blocks presented until the student correctly discriminates between words with long and short vowel sounds on all 10 trials
D. The total number of trials across all trial blocks on which the learner correctly discriminates between words with long and short vowel sounds
Trials to criterion is a measure of response opportunities needed to achieve a predetermined level of performance. Target criteria are determined by the nature of the target behavior and the desired performance level
In which situation would increasing interresponse time be a reasonable goal?
A. A student engages in self stimulatory behavior during academic tasks because the therapist is delivering non-contingent reinforcement too infrequently
B. A student routinely fails to complete tests because he sits and stares after answering each question
C. A student is failing to respond to academic tasks because the therapist is delivering non-contingent reinforcement too frequently
D. All of the above
Trials to criterion is calculated by adding the…
A. Number of learning trials to achieve criterion divided by the number of times criterion was achieved
B. Number of learning trials to achieve criterion
C. Number of times criterion performance was achieved
D. Total time required to achieve criterion
Antoinnette is training for a 5K race. She is building her endurance by gradually increasing the distance she can run without stopping. Her first goal is to run .5 mile on three consecutive running occasions. What was Antoinnette‘s trials to criterion? Day 1. .25 mile Day 2. .5 mile Day 3. Didn’t run Day 4. .3 mile Day 5. .5 mile Day 6. Didn’t run Day 7. .5 mile Day 8 and 9. Didn’t run Day 10. .5 mile Day 11. Didn’t run Day 12. .5 mile