Respiratory System At Rest (1.1b) Flashcards
Two main functions of respiratory system
1) Pulmonary Ventilation : The inspiration and expiration of air 2) Gaseous Exchange -External respiration -Internal respiration
Processes involved in supplying the body with O2 and disposing of CO2
Mechanics of breathing
Movement of air into and out of the lungs
External respiration
Gaseous exchange of O2 and CO2 at the lungs between the alveoli and the blood
Internal respiration
Gaseous exchange between O2 and CO2 that occurs at muscles between the blood and the muscles
What system does the respiratory system rely on between External respiration and Internal respiration
-Cardio vascular system
To transport O2 from the lungs to the muscles, and CO2 from muscles to the lungs
Passage of air into the lungs
1) nose
2) pharynx
3) larynx
4) trachea
5) bronchi
6) alveoli
How is Oxygen transported in the blood ( 2 ways)
1) combined with Haemoglobin as oxyhaemoglobin in red blood cells (97%)
2) Dissolved in blood plasma (3%)
How is carbon dioxide transported in blood (3 ways)
1) combined with haemoglobin as carbaminohaemoglobin (23%)
2) Dissolved in blood plasma (7%)
3) Dissolved in water as Carbonic acid (70%)
Mechanics of breathing at rest
- Active process
- Diaphragm and external intercostals contract
- rib cage moves up and out
- volume of thoracic cavity increased
- pressure of air in lungs decreases
- air rushes into lungs
Mechanics of breathing at rest
- passive process
- diaphragm and external intercostals relax
- rib cage moves down and in
- volume of thoracic cavity decreases
- pressure of air inside lungs increases
- air rushes out of lungs
Partial pressure
The pressure a gas exerts in a mixture of gases
External respiration
- where?
- between?
- movement of O2
- movement of CO2
- how does O2 move
- how does CO2 move
- at the lungs
- between alveoli and the blood
- from alveoli to blood
- from blood to alveoli
- higher ppO2 in alveoli than blood. So, O2 moves down conc. gradient into blood
- opposite to above
Internal respiration
- where?
- between?
- movement of O2
- movement of CO2
- how does O2 move
- how does CO2 move
- muscles
- blood and muscles
- blood to muscles
- muscles to blood
- higher ppO2 in blood than muscles. So, O2 moves down conc. gradient into muscles
- opposite to above
Minute ventilation formula
VE= Tidal volume (TV) x (f) breathing frequency
Tidal Volume
Volume of air inspired or expired per breath (ml)
Breathing frequency
The number of breaths per minute
Average breathing frequency
- normal person
- endurance athlete
- 12
- 10
Average tidal volume
- normal person
- endurance athlete
Both 0.5 litres
Average minute ventilation
- normal person
- endurance athlete
- 6 litres/ min
- 5 litres/ min
What piece of equipment is used to measure tidal volume
Spirometer, spirograph used after to display results