Respiratory System Flashcards
Primary function of the respiratory system
the intake of oxygen and the removal of
carbon dioxide from the blood.
are the smallest functional unit of the
respiratory system where the actual gas
exchange occurs
Cystic fibrosis
is characterized by the
secretion of excessively viscous mucus by all
the exocrine glands
Hyaline membrane disease
It is caused by a lack of surfactant in
immature lungs
is primarily a viral infection of young
children that produces inflammatory
obstructive swelling localized to the subglottic
portion of the trachea.
most commonly caused by
Haemophilus influenzae in children.
It causes thickening of epiglottic tissue and
the surrounding pharyngeal structures
is an inflammation of the lung that
can be caused by a variety of organisms,
most commonly bacteria and viruses
caused by Bacillus anthracis
Lung abscess
is a necrotic area of pulmonary
parenchyma containing purulent (puslike)
It is a rod-shaped bacterium with a protective
waxy coat - permits it to live outside the body for a
long time.
Pulmonary mycosis
is a fungal infection of the lung. The most common systemic fungal infections in North America are: Histoplasmosis Coccidioidomycosis
is a severe pulmonary
disease caused by inhalation of irritating
Bronchogenic Carcinoma
is primary
carcinoma of the lung.
Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula (AV)
is an
abnormal vascular communication between a
pulmonary artery and a vein.
is defined as a condition in which
there is diminished air within the lung
associated with reduced lung volume
Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Lung structure breaks down, with massive
leakage of cells and fluid into the interstitial
and alveolar spaces.
Mediastinal emphysema
is defined as air
within the mediastinum.
Subcutaneous emphysema
is defined as free
air in the tissues of the chest wall.
is the presence of air in the
pleural cavity, resulting in a partial or
complete collapse of the lung
Pleural effusion
is defined as the accumulation of
fluid in the pleural space.
is defined as a rare accumulation
of infected liquid or frank pus in the pleural
- extends from the sternum back to the
trachea and the anterior border of the heart
- contains the heart , great vessels, central
tracheobronchial tree, lymph nodes, and the
phrenic nerves
- is the space behind the pericardium
Eventration of the diaphragm
is a rare
congenital abnormality in which one
hemidiaphragm (very rarely both) is poorly
developed and weak.